Family, Friendship, Hiking, What's Been On Your Calendar?

May Wrap Up, June Preview & Another Blogging Break

I didn’t realize May was so full-on busy until I began preparing this post. Now, I’m exhausted!

Family and Friends—Richard and I just had a five-day visit in Kelowna with my mom and family. Health issues continue to be a concern, especially for my stepfather. My mom repeatedly reminds me that aging has its joys and sorrows.

Before we left home, we had a lovely afternoon with our granddaughters and then a quick catch-up with our grandson. Friends continued to be a balm for the soul—whether we were hiking, baking, book clubbing, bowling, sharing a meal, or just hanging out.

This month was filled to the brim with concerts and special events. For the former, we saw Canadian musician – Murray McLauchlan, Blues artist – Super Chikan, and Rolling Stones cover band, Sticky Fingers. That’s more concerts than I have seen in quite some time! For special events, there was the Royal Canadian Air Force Snowbirds (with granddaughters), bowling, bookclubs, ladies’ lunches, a Costa Rica slide show with friends and a wonderful Mother’s Day surprise (basket of goodies in the second photo). On top of all this, I witnessed the Northern Lights for the very first time. It’s been high on my bucket list for years. I honestly thought I would need to pester blogger Bernie for a spare room at her place so I could finally experience them.  The display over our house did not disappoint!

This leads me to hiking and the final piece in this post’s title. Richard and I will shortly be on our next Camino – this time on the Portuguese Coast from Porto to Santiago de Compostela. I will be on a blogging break from now until the next ‘What’s On Your Calendar’ post at the end of June. I have set up a separate Retirement Reflections – Camino/Hiking Page where I will post updates from our Camino adventure. I will also post trail pics on Instagram. Richard and I would love for you to follow along. We hope to see you there!

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This begins my blogging break. See you again soon.

72 thoughts on “May Wrap Up, June Preview & Another Blogging Break”

  1. Hi Donna, What a wonderful and busy full-on month for you and Richard. Murphy’s law how we missed the spectacular display of the Northern Lights on the Island while we were up North. I have seen them in the past and always unique and goosebumps. Amazing photos from everyone. I am loving how you have displayed your photos in this post. I look forward to following along on your hiking adventure. Have fun and stay safe! 💕 Erica


  2. You have been busy and will be having exciting experiences abroad! I would love to visit Portugal. Over 41,000 steps hiking, wow! I’m impressed. The most I’ve ever gotten has been in the 20,000s. Bon Voyage!


  3. Hi Donna – a lovely month for you full of lots of action. Sorry to hear about your stepfather – but your mum is right in her assessment of old age. Enjoy the Camino – I’ll be following your adventures from Down Under in the rain. x


  4. I just went over and found the Camino site, so I will follow along. As to pestering me for a place — the door is always open! And I mean that most sincerely. We are “out of the way,” but there is lots to see and do here. In the meantime, your month seems busy but fulfilling with lots of family and friends….now fingers crossed this version of the Camino goes smoothly! Bernie


  5. Donna, you make retirement look exhausting 😉 You really got a lot done, including the life event of moving your parents, and, of course, experiencing the Northern Lights! Enjoy your Camino walk next month and your bogging break!


  6. Indeed aging has its joys and sorrows – I feel you, Donna, as my own parents continue to journey onwards with delight while keenly aware of their declining state of wellness. I only hope I continue to age with that much grace.

    Cheering you on as you embark on this another fabulous adventure! See you on the IG platform. On on!


  7. What a full-on month you’ve had Donna and all fun activities. I hope you mother and step-father are managing OK at their new place and you can relax and just walk for the next little while. Enjoy your Camino, I have my cousin and her daughter doing the St John’s camino currently so have enjoyed following along on their travels. Take care and I’ll be with you in spirit!


  8. You’ve had a very busy day Donna. It was great to see your photos, that show the joy in your life. I’ll be watching your FB page to see your Camino adventures. Have a fabulous time. I’ll be interested to hopefully hear how it was in comparison to the Camino Frances.


    1. Thanks, Jennifer – We finished Day 2 today. It’s been wonderful walking along the coast. So far, this walk seems very different than The French Way. But, we are also doing it differently (longer days, private accommodations booked ahead, not always carrying our packs) so it is hard to compare.


  9. Hi Donna – wonderful post … great to see and feel a part of your neighbourhood family and friends … your trip to the Camino will be such fun and I hope recuperative – while I do hope the weather is kind … and I’ll keep an eye open for you – vicarious travel is my way forward now-a-days … cheers Hilary


  10. Cover bands are a great way to enjoy the music we all grew up hearing. For one thing, the ticket costs aren’t a death warrant to one’s savings. But I also like the fact that because these artists are generally unknown, that most people who go to see them tend to refrain from taking out their silly phones to start filming. Audiences — GASP! — simply sit back and enjoy the music. Hope you enjoyed the Stones’ cover band. Sounds like fun. – Marty


  11. What a MAY you have had and are continuing into June via yours and Richard’s walk…I am following on IG. And wish you both the very best!! Denyse


  12. I know you have had a rough go lately in caring for your mom and stepfather and getting them settled into their new living situation. You mention your stepfather’s health in this post but I am thinking your mom has had some troubles most recently. Hoping both are soon on the mend and feeling much better. I remember those difficult days with my mom, sleeping with my cell turned on beside the bed. Praying that things are beginning to look up for you and your loved ones.


    1. Hi, Leslie – Thank you so much for your incredible insightfulness, concern and kind thoughts. All are greatly, greatlhy appreciated. It’s been a difficult time trying to help my parents on numerous levels. There never seems to be a finite right answer. I am trying hard not to lose myself in the process. I can feel your generous thoughts and prayers across the miles. They make a very positive difference.


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