small actions
Link Ups, Retirement

It’s our Small Actions that Often Speak the Loudest

In an attempt to make a regular commitment to repost a positive news story each month, I asked readers what heartwarming tales they had heard recently. If the truth be told, I was finding it hard to find positive, inspiring stories in the media around me. And you delivered!

Susan posted about Sir Nicholas Scott, who helped evacuate 660 children from Germany in 1939 because it was “the right thing to do.”

Jill spoke of an elementary school teacher who anonymously donated one of her kidneys to a student in her class.

Liesbet mentioned firefighters and rescue workers who repeatedly risk their lives for others.

• On this same theme, Christie linked to a story about eight-year-old Caleb, who ‘called the shots’ as firefighter for a day…not allowing his acute lymphoblastic leukemia to hamper him or his spirits.

Fran included a piece about a Las Vegas police officer who returned a purse to a Canadian woman who had been at the site of the October 1 Music Festival shooting. The police officer had gone to the trouble of cashing in her slot machine ticket and tucked that money into her purse.

Ann Kelly highlighted how the generosity of others made a much-needed difference for the victims of this shooting.

Anabel wrote about the positive, can-do spirit of a snowboarder who regularly competes with able-bodied athletes, despite losing a leg in a car crash.

Terri told about new construction that sends a positive message that her home state is ‘rising from the ashes of recession.’

Kathy reminded us that “when we see and read about others doing good it encourages us to do better ourselves.”

Jude shared a link about the success of German scientists who have discovered ways to replace fossil fuels with alternative energy sources.  Like Kathy, Jude emphasizes that good news stories help keep us motivated to keep trying, rather than disengaging and giving up.

• And finally, Hugh left us with this link, about how small actions make a big difference…and are highly contagious!

Immediately upon rewatching Hugh’s link, I read a news article about a young trick-or-treater who left some of his candy at a home that had run out.

Perhaps we can’t all do large heroic deeds. But what if each of us left more than we took?

Go ahead. Inspire us. What small action have you observed, that will never be reported in the news, but have made a positive difference for yourself or another?

We Are the World Blogfest’ takes place the last Friday of each month. Its purpose is to “promote positive news stories that show compassion and the resilience of the human spirit.” You are invited to join in as a reader, a writer or both! I hope to see you December 29th! #WATWBF

49 thoughts on “It’s our Small Actions that Often Speak the Loudest”

    1. Hi, Pat – I agree that positive news is contagious (as sadly is negative news). Thanks for reading and commenting. I very much appreciate it!


    1. Thanks, Susan – I too admire that story of the young boy who went back and left some of his candy in the ’empty Hallowe’en bowl’. The owners of the ’empty bowl’ found this incident recorded on their nanny cam. The camera had been set up expecting to find the opposite action.

      I greatly appreciate that #WATWBF attempts to surround us with positive news stories as a break from the negative ones all around us. I agree that positive actions are contagious. We just need to keep sharing these stories…and not give in to the fear-based ones!


  1. I love heartwarming stories regardless of how small the kindness or overwhelming the challenge. It reminds us that there is a lot of goodness in the world – in spite of the fear monger we hear everyday on the news.


    1. I couldn’t agree more, Joanne. What if we all turned off the ‘fear mongering news’ and instead spread positive examples of the good that surrounds us each and every day? Fantasy? Perhaps. But we all have the power to decide what we watch…and what we share.


  2. I think most of us yearn for more of these stories as we are overwhelmed with news of violence and hate. Unfortunately, bad news sells and good news gets buried. Thanks for helping to get the word out about people being kind to each other and giving us reasons to be grateful.


    1. Hi, Janis. Bad news does sell…but we need to remind ourselves that we don’t need to buy it. There is so much good out is up to each of us to be cognizant of what types of news we are helping to spread.


  3. Hi, Jill – Being a caregiver can be a very demanding and challenging role. Being able to step aside from frustration and show true love and patience is indeed exemplary. Thank you so much for sharing this. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!


  4. I hear ‘ya. I intentionally look for positive stories each month and that’s how I get what I write about for #WATWB. It’s difficult, like you said, but so far I’ve been able to find something to write about. I’ll admit that when this commitment is over, I’ll be pleased that I did it, but ready to not do it! It’s been more of a challenge than I thought it would be.

    [Also, when you leave a comment on my blog your comment icon doesn’t link to your blog. I don’t know if that’s how you want it to be, but if you’re trying to connect via comments it isn’t happening on my blog.]


    1. Thanks, Ally. I’m enjoying #WATWBF. Many like minds! Thanks for letting me know about my linkless avatar. I’m on it right now!


  5. On my social media, I recently posted a portion of a quote by G.K. Chesterton that spoke of the news, by its very nature, being largely composed of exceptions. When we read the aberrations over and over each day, we tend to believe the bad stuff is all that’s happening in the world. I get so refreshed by reading the #WATWB posts and remembering that the exceptions really are exceptions, and that there are good people doing good things in the world, all the time.


    1. Hi, Lynda – You make a great (and refreshing) point that the news is mostly made up of exceptions. I am also inspired by #WATWB posts and have been delighted to join in. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I greatly appreciate it.


  6. Thanks for sharing these heartwarming stories. A coworker of mine (who is quite competitive) was bemoaning the fact that his son never placed as well as he could in dirt bike races, because he was always stopping to help someone with a flat tire or who just needed some encouragement. I congratulated him. The world needs those helpers and nurturers, even if they don’t give out trophies for that.


    1. Hi, Christie – Thank you for sharing this. I would be very proud of the son who stopped to help others during a race…or gave away some of his Hallowe’en candy to someone who had run out. Our world definitely needs more of these people!


  7. I enjoyed the Kindness Boomerang video!
    It confirms my belief that, if we all do one random act of kindness daily, we might just set the world in the right direction!
    In a world that seems to thrive on negativity, thank you for helping to spread kindness!


    1. Hi, Michelle – I totally agree with you. If we all intentionally practiced just one small piece of kindness daily it would become habit-forming. We would then surely tilt our world toward peace! Thanks so much for stopping by. I am off to check out your post now.


    1. This is so true, Eric. There are heroes all around us…even though they are often not recognized as such. Thanks so much for stopping by!


  8. What a pleasure to read this two days after Thanksgiving, to keep me in the spirit, Donna. I was touched to read about the child who gave his candy to the home that ran out. Catching up now that I’m back to Internet connection (we spent Thanksgiving in the Sierra foothills with my dad. Did you celebrate an American Thanksgiving? And thanks for the shout out!


    1. Happy Thanksgiving, Terri. I am glad to hear that you were able to celebrate the day with your Dad. We celebrated ours (October) in Palm Desert. You are most welcome for the shout out — and thank YOU for participating. I greatly appreciate it.


    1. Thanks for contributing Anabel. I greatly appreciate it. I loved all of the stories that were sent in. There is goodness all around!


  9. What a wonderful compilation of last month’s answers, Donna. Very inspiring. Hugh’s suggested movie couldn’t relay a better message! Thanks for the link as well, and I hope you had a wonderful weekend!


    1. Hi, Liesbet – Thanks so much for your kind words. I also loved the video clip that Hugh sent and thought it was perfect for this post.
      My weekend started with celebrating my Granddaughter’s 1st birthday and ended up with celebrating a good friend’s 70th birthday….so it could not have been more perfect. I hope that your weekend was wonderful as well!


      1. We had a lovely weekend, combining activities (San Diego Zoo and a bike ride into town), a social gathering with Janis and Paul, camper projects (installing the new top hatch) and relaxation.


      2. Not to make you too jealous or anything, but they actually invited us over for Thanksgiving dinner – it was a scrumptious and delightful evening. 🙂


  10. It was heartwarming to read/watch the stories that you shared. Although compared with most eras throughout history more people around the world are living in good times, you wouldn’t know it from the news! One negative outcome of the Internet era is the overload of stories of disaster and violence. Not that we should put our heads in the sand, but the constant bombardment is not helpful either.



    1. Thanks, Jude – I appreciate you and others sharing stories for this post. Not only was I truly having a difficult time finding these stories…it was also fascinating to see which story each person chose. I look forward to continuing to participate in #WATWBF and see where it takes me!


  11. It’s always wonderful to read these stories, Donna. I only wish our news shows would take up the majority of their time with showcasing ‘goodwill’ stories.
    It’s great to see these types of actions still taking place. However, as a boy, I seem to recall ‘goodwill’ being far more present in everyday life than it is now. Then again, maybe it’s just a case that we just have to look harder now because of all the channels open to us to find those stories?
    Thanks so much for including the link I introduced you to.


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