Guest Posts, Retirement

Sunday Guest Post Series: An Encore Voyage

As my mother-in-law used to say, “I could just bust my buttons!”  I am both humbled and delighted to have been asked by Donna to slip on over here and put up a post in her Sunday Guest-Post Series.  I had been absent from the blogging scene for the better part of a year, but returned to my blog because I missed the relationships I had developed with my “blogging buds.”  And, just like friends in real life, the minute I was back on-line, Donna was there – picking up as if no time had passed.  If we were closer, I’d be buying that girl a pumpkin spiced chai tea latte!

Allow me to introduce myself.  I’m Lynn from ‘An Encore Voyage.’

And here’s how it all started…

A few years back, I decided to give up my 30-year teaching career.  A difficult decision, yes, but as hubs said, “Honey, you don’t have to have a job that makes you cry.”  Isn’t he an awesome guy?  Yes, I agree! Everything was just dandy until hubs came home to tell me that his position at an engineering firm was being terminated!

What the Heck Just Happened…

We went from a six-digit household income, to zip, nada, zilch – overnight.  I hyperventilated.  We panicked a bit.  We drank wine. We freaked out. We drank a little more wine…

We became “retired” overnight…

I guess that’s what you might call it.  We were not old enough to officially “retire,” and we hadn’t been taking specific steps to do so.  While we had spent a lifetime saving for retirement, and we knew we would be okay financially, we were unprepared for about a zillion changes that happen when you suddenly become retired. We had no time to consider how we would function living together 24/7.  Or how our identities would be impacted.  Or what steps we would take next.

We took some deep breaths and decided we needed an Encore

Neither of us was ready to completely hang it up, and neither of us wanted to start over or repeat what we had already been doing.  And we both wanted to start living with a bit more intention and mindfulness. In other words, we also wanted to have more FUN!  So, we decided to treat this as “an opportunity to reinvent ourselves.”  And reinvent we have – A little bit of career, a little bit of travel, and a whole lot of self-discovery of our values and of how to make our daily lives align with those values.

An Encore Voyage is about our journey

I try to include posts about what we learned by being thrown into retired / work / travel togetherness. (Yep, I am, and always will be a teacher.)  Once a week, I try to create some awesome quote that I’ve stumbled across so that I can keep fresh in my mind those aspects of our Voyage which are important to us. Sometimes I might just ramble on about some random nonsense that happens to occur to me.  And because “soul-enhancing relationships” is one of our core values, I love connecting with fellow bloggers.  If I could meet you, I’d buy you a latte, too!

So, click on over and check us out. We’re sort of flying by the seats of our pants, making it up as we go along, part retirees, part adventurers, part minimalists, always loving the journey and committed to our Encore Voyage. We invite you to voyage with us!





Lynn An Encore Voyage

From Retirement Reflections: Thank you, Lynn, for joining us here and sharing more about yourself. I am thrilled that you have returned to this corner of the blogosphere.
For those who haven’t yet had the chance  to check out Lynn’s blog, I highly encourage you to do so.
Up next week is a return visit from ‘Natalie the Explorer.’ Natalie will be addressing a topic that was frequently commented upon in her last Guest Post.
If you are a blogger and would like to Guest Host on this site, for a first or second time, please do not hesitate to let me know. I’d love to feature (more of) your writing here.

50 thoughts on “Sunday Guest Post Series: An Encore Voyage”

  1. I love that you called it creating an “Encore” – what a great way to describe that transition from full-time work to retirement when you’re not ready to sit back and rest on your laurels just yet. Lovely to meet you – it’s been fun reading these posts on Donna’s blog 🙂


    1. Hi, Leanne – Thank you for dropping by and reading Lynn’s post here. I love the perspective that she shares on ‘retirement’ and the positive way that she and her husband decided to handle this. If you are up for a second Guest Post, please let me know. I would love to feature you again.


    2. Thanks, Leanne – I really can’t take all the credit. When my first principal moved on from being a principal, he said, “I’m not retiring, this is just my encore career.” – And that started the whole idea! It’s nice to “meet you,” too! ~ Lynn


    1. Hi, Kate! It sure was a huge shock at the time! And scary as all get out! But now that we’re a little more settled and accustomed to the idea, we look back and think, “Oh, if only we’d known then what we know now!” ~ Lynn


  2. I was also glad to see Lynn back in our bloggerhood after her absence. Retirement takes all sorts of forms and offers different challenges for everyone. Becoming suddenly paycheck-less is shocking but it is apparent that you and your husband managed to create the life you want.


    1. And we’re still making it up as we go along! In the balance of “Frank Lloyd, Warren and Jimmy”, sometimes Frank Lloyd is so busy that Jimmy is getting cheated! LOL! But we’re having so much more fun! ~ Lynn


  3. Nice to meet you here, Lynn. I’m glad you’ve returned to blogging to share your experiences. I’ll visit your blog shortly. Thanks, Donna, for introducing another fabulous blogger. I’m excited to have a list of blogs to “binge read” this holiday season 🙂


  4. So happy to see you here, Lynn! I have followed your blog for a while and was sad to see it take a break, but glad you are back with your positive energy! I love those inspirational quotes and the fact that you created an encore for yourself. (A little like I did, in reverse). Always a pleasure, Donna!


      1. Awwwwwww, you guys are all so sweet! See what I mean about missing my blogging pals? You all just motivate me so much to keep going! The other day my girlfriend asked me again why I write a blog. This! This is why! ~ Lynn


  5. What a story, Lynn! That is probably what will need to happen to my husband and me for us to quit working entirely, though I’m feeling much closer to being ready to take on the title of ‘fully retired.’ I will be checking out your blog to see how you adjusted and what you did for an encore.


      1. Hi Molly, nice to meet you! I will also be anticipating your retirement story. One of the things that we learned is that neither one of us really wants to completely “quit.” We’ll probably have our fingers in one pie or another for a very long time. And that’s OK! You get to decide for yourselves what your “retirement” will look like! There are no rules! ~ Lynn


      1. Hi Anabel! It’s so good to be back! And I feel a little bit of guilt for letting the Voyage lay fallow on the internet for so long. But hopefully I’ll be back for a while. Sorry I put you through the “missing persons” routine! ~ Lynn


    1. Hi Jill! It’s not the destination, it’s the journey that counts. And we have learned that life is what we make it, and that we get to choose how we react in all of our daily situations! Nice to meet you, too!


  6. Nice to read your post here, Lynn. I knew some of your story from your blog, but I think I missed the part about your husband being terminated from his job. I can appreciate that stress, but it also sounds like you recovered nicely. And as you so wisely point out, having retirement savings built up doesn’t mean you can necessarily tap into it early (that was my dilemma/challenge in deciding to take early retirement).

    It’s good to have you back blogging. – Marty


    1. Hi, Marty -Lynn definitely experienced a double-whammy when entering her ‘retirement’. I love how she and her husband took control, decided to be intentional in going forward, kept ‘fun’ in their focus….and drank a bunch of wine! That sounds like a very admirable strategy to me!


      1. Hi Marty! We, too, were not able to tap into the bulk of our retirement investments. (In fact, we just realized that last month, when hubs turned 60, that he was, in fact 59 1/2!!! Woohoo!!!) But we probably won’t touch those investments until a little later down the road! In the meantime, my teaching pension, a couple of business gigs, and wine…lots of wine…are making the whole thing quite doable! Thanks for sticking with me! ~ Lynn


  7. Thanks Donna for introducing me to another great blogger. I’ve been over to Lynn’s blog, had a good read and am now a follower!
    I look forward to your posts Lynn and can relate to so much of what you’re saying. Deb from Deb’s World


      1. Wow! No kidding, Donna! Deb is quite a special blogger – A little bit travel, a little bit “hummingbird on speed,” and like me, always a teacher. Oh, and did I mention YOUNG? We young retirees have to stick together, huh? Glad to catch up to you, Deb! ~ Lynn


      2. Yes it’s us young ones that are on the rise in the retirement world, Lynn. I love the fact that we have connected and yes Donna, we do seem to have a lot in common 😊 I like the fact you think I’m ‘special’ too Lynn, that’s just made my day.


  8. Very much enjoyed your story and I admire the way you rebounded from the double whammy! Also wanted you to know that I find your regular blogs very thought-provoking.


    1. Oh, thanks so much, Fran! Sometimes I worry that I will run out of things to say. But then, you know us teachers – I’ll be in the shower and the thought will just hit, and blammo! Another post! I’m glad you enjoy them so far! ~ Lynn


  9. Hi Lynn,
    I’ve just spent an enjoyable half hour reading many of your blog posts, and ended it with subscribing to your site. We have much in common; I found your perspective quite interesting and inspiring. Thank you.


    1. Oh my gosh, it’s happened again. I just visited your site, Karen, and felt like I was coming home to another fellow Voyager! When I read that your job “almost killed you,” I thought “Me Too!!!” I will be spending some time in the near future checking out Profound Journey! Glad I found you! ~ Lynn


    2. Hi, Karen and Lynn –
      It is my pleasure to introduce you both. Two years before retiring, I began searching the internet for credible voices who could speak effectively about the emotional side of retirement and retirement transition. At that time, it was very hard for me to find what I was looking for. Now that I’ve finally found these bloggers, I am delighted to introduce them to others.


  10. Hi Lynn and Donna and thank you for another great blogger introduction. When people retire without a plan it can be quite overwhelming. I love how you have both turned around your situation and decided to make some positive changes with this new direction in life. I’m off to check out your blog. Have a great week ladies.


    1. Hi, Sue – I too admire how Lynn and her husband took control of a very difficult situation and truly made it work for them. They stand as great reminders that we have more control over our destinies than we often give ourselves credit for.


  11. Sometimes life has its own plans for us, doesn’t it? It sounds like you took the hand you were dealt and turned it into something fabulous. Best of luck to you in this your encore voyage. I will be following along through your blog. Maybe our paths will cross in real life one day, and we can enjoy those lattes!


    1. Hi, Christie – Life does often does deal us a hand that we weren’t quite expecting. I agree that it is what we do with the hand that we were dealt that makes all the difference. Lynn and her husband definitely serve as an inspiration of taking charge, staying positive and creatively respondiing to life’s challenges. Thanks so much for stopping by.


  12. Talking about a “forced transition”! But, as you proved, circumstances like the ones you both went through can be for the best. Being a minimalist and having your values and priorities right, helps with the new way of life. When we, humans, are flexible and under-consumers, a lot of wonderfulness, like travel, freedom and happy relationships, is possible.


  13. Lynn, your story sounds like a fun one. Anyone who contemplates the rest of her life whilst drinking a bit of wine, & then some more, is someone who’s got it together in my book. I gave up on blogging for a year once upon a time, but came to the same conclusion as you– I missed my bloggy friends. Lovely to meet you via Donna.


    1. Hi, Ally – I hadn’t realized that you had once quit blogging for a full year. I’ve recently had that fantasy several times. The tech difficulties on my site have become more and more frustrating….and the Happiness Engineers have not been able to bring much joy! But like you and Lynn, there are too many familiar voices that I would dearly miss.


      1. Yes, in a nutshell I had my entire blog stolen [template design, url, posts, photos] by someone in Korea who started publishing my work as their own. I talked with a lawyer who specialized in media law, and at that time there were no international laws to stop this person. So instead of being a victim, I walked away from blogging. I eventually came back to blogging with my current [different] blog. It was a sucky experience.


  14. I have seriously contemplated walking away from blogging several times, but like you, I know I would miss the community I’ve come to know.
    The reality is, I learn a lot – both from reading other blogs and from the process of writing my own posts – and as long as I’m learning, I’ll always be in my sweet spot.

    I’ve been a follower of yours for only a short while (thank you, Donna, for ‘introducing’ us) and I look forward to reading more about your Encore Journey 🙂


  15. Lynn, transitioning to retirement is hard enough without having to do it unexpectedly. It sounds like you have both made it an opportunity to grow and live your best life rather than seeing it as a roadblock.

    On the topic of wavering motivation to blog, it is interesting to see that many of my favourite bloggers have had second thoughts about whether to carry on with blogging, either through a bad experience like Ally, technical frustrations like Donna, or for other reasons. It is one of the reasons that I do not keep to regular publishing schedule — as soon as it starts to seem like an obligation, I won’t feel like doing it. Whereas now, I blog primarily because I like to have a venue for sharing my writing about topics that I find interesting (and incidently have discovered this wonderful blogging community that I enjoy being part of). But keeping up with reading and commenting sometimes does feel a bit overwhelming, especially when my offline life is so busy!



    1. Hi, Jude – I too admire how Lynn turned roadblocks into opportunities.
      Thank you also for reading the comments and including topics found there.
      This past week was a HORRIBLE technology week for me. It pushed everything else in my life out of balance, which was not a fun place to be. I do now have most of my technically back up and running. More significantly, I also needed to face the stark realization that I gave technology the power to push my life out of balance. It has no ability to do this without my consent!


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