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A Quick Question

Shortly, I’ll be meeting up with Janis (RetirementallyChallenged) and Kathy (SmartLiving365). After food, drinks, and catch-up, our conversation will turn to blogging. ‘How to use our blogging time wisely’ is one planned discussion topic. ‘Apps, plugins, and blogging resources’ is another, as is ‘what’s working and what’s not?’.

Reflecting, writing, recording, connecting and learning have all been irrefutable benefits of blogging for me. If you’re a regular follower, you already know that technology mishaps have been a recurring frustration. Like the arcade game, ‘Whack-a-Mole,’ every time I think I have my technology issues sorted, another one pops up or reemerges. Try as I may, there are a handful or readers who cannot comment directly on my site–or who get immediately banished to the Spam Folder!

Determined to more fully understand this issue, I have a favour to ask. If you have recently experienced any difficulties commenting on this site, would you please let me know? If you could include any helpful details (what the error message said, what browser you were using, were you commenting from a laptop/iPad or smartphone….) that would be greatly appreciated. I am hopeful that this information, combined with support from the WordPress Forum, can finally help alleviate these frustrations. In the joyous scenario that you experience no difficulties commenting on this site, if you would let me know that as well, I will be truly grateful!

In addition, if you have any suggestions of other blogging topics that you would recommend for Janis, Kathy and I to discuss, please share. I promise to report back a summary of our discussion!

114 thoughts on “A Quick Question”

  1. Have fun, Donna! I don’t think I’ve had any issues with your blog. There are a few blogs where I’ll receive an error message “Couldn’t retrieve comments for requested post.” I think I’ve gotten that error on Liebet’s blog. I use both Chrome and IE.


    1. Hi, Jill – Thanks so much for letting me know. When I saw Liesbet recently, she mentioned that she sometimes experiences difficulties receiving or making blog comments. Her husband, Mark, who has a strong IT background felt that the errors were WordPress related and nothing that could be fixed from their end. I am glad that Chrome and IE are working for you.


  2. No problems with your blog, Donna. I have had my own issues with my blog and people commenting last year which I could never resolve. They sorta resolved themselves eventually but I have heard from Joanne that she is having trouble commenting lately so perhaps they are back. Bluehost couldn’t figure it out as they had no problems making test comments (of course!) using various browsers, and as for WordPress help: non-existent.
    Enjoy your get-together!



    1. Hi, Deb – I read Joanne’s recent note on your site that she has been experiencing some commenting frustrations. It was helpful to hear that WP Happiness Engineers told her there were some known commenting difficulties with Safari. Contacting Bluehost is a good idea as well. I like that your commenting issues sorted themselves out over time. Fingers crossed for mine!


  3. Hi, Donna;
    I haven’t had any problems with your site.
    I don’t play around with my site too much, don’t want to screw anything up :0


  4. Alls fine from my end Donna. No drama leaving comments or interacting with your blog. I mainly use my phone or iPad and just have to log into my WordPress site first so it knows who I am. Have fun with Janis and Kathy, you’ll be flat out talking I’m sure. 💕


    1. Hi, Debbie – You’re right about the talking! Last year, at our Bloggers’ Meet Up, somehow we NEVER ran out of things to say. I am glad to hear that you have not experienced commenting difficulties on this site. It is frustrating that you need to log into WordPress first.


  5. Enjoy your upcoming discussions Donna, am looking forward to it! No problems really – on occasion my response hasn’t shown, whether awaiting moderation or what I do not know. I use Chrome, occasionally Safari.


    1. HI, Susan – It’s interesting to note that you have had some occasional problems with your comments showing. I don’t remember your comments being in my Spam or Moderation folders before, but I will now double-check. I wonder if this has happened when you have used Safari.
      I will definitely keep you posted on our Bloggers’ Meet-Up insights! 🙂


  6. Hi Donna, I’m sure going to miss our blog fest this year 😟 but the timing is wrong for me. I can’t remember if I had a commenting problem on your blog, I know I’ve had some with Liesbet’s and Kathy’s. Did you move to WordPress’ hosted site? Both Janis and I are still hosted so WP handles everything in the background. I’m looking forward to what aha moments you all explore. Have fun, I miss you already!!


    1. Hi, Terri – I miss you already too! I am sad that you are not able to join us this year — but I completely understand about timing. I haven’t made the switch to yet, but I now have the tools, and the support to do so, which is very reassuring. My self-hosting plan comes due January 1, so I thought that I would give it until then. Three of my regular readers whose comments frequently go into Spam are also self-hosted. But I have also noted that some users have their own commenting frustrations on their site, which WP has not yet been able to solve. Very frustrating!
      We will keep you posted on our aha moments — and will send virtual hugs your way!


      1. I think a platform like WordPress with millions of users will get fouled up occasionally! What are your thoughts on this new Gutenberg editor? Anyone you know tried the Beta yet? That kind of change may take out a few bloggers. Good luck with your site, Donna!


      2. Hi, Terri – These are all excellent questions and hunches. There have been a couple of presentations on Gutenberg at my WP Meet Up group. Some of the folks there have tried it out. As for me, my head is firmly planted in the sand until absolutely forced to use it! 🙂


  7. Hi Donna – All’s fine from my end when I leave comments on your blog. I use Firefox and my blog is on Blogger. I look forward to reading about your upcoming blog discussions. The first topic “How to use our blogging time wisely” has been on my mind as I’m approaching my 2nd blog anniversary next week. I shall try to plan my travels better next year to meet up with you and other bloggers, or if you happen to visit Toronto, please let me know. Have fun!


    1. Hi, Natalie – We would have loved for you to join us! Unfortunately, this is my last year in Palm Desert (this is our third year of a three-part home exchange). I do have great friends in the Toronto area, so will definitely be out that way again. I will let you know when I am in the area. You are also very welcome to visit me on Vancouver Island. There are two other bloggers nearby, so we could do a Meet Up there…and we could invite Janis, Kathy, and others to join us there! I’m glad that you have not experienced commenting difficulties on my site. I am a Firefox user as well.


      1. Hi Donna – I actually prefer Vancouver Island to Palm Desert 🙂 If you have time during your blog discussions, perhaps bounce the meet-up idea on Vancouver Island with Janis and Kathy. #MLSTL


      2. I’ll definitely do this, Natalie. Jude (Dr. Sock Writes Here), and Ann (The UnRetired) live near me on the Island. There are also several bloggers in Victoria and Vancouver. We could totally make this happen!!


  8. Hi! This is my first time posting on your blog, so, unfortunately, I cannot answer your question. The bloggers meet up sounds wonderful. I am recently retired and I started blogging a few months ago. The bloggers I have interacted with online have all been so generous and friendly, but it would be great to meet some bloggers to talk in person! So glad I found your little corner of the internet!


    1. Welcome Laurie! It is a pleasure to meet you here. Congratulations on your retirement, and starting your blog. So far, I have meet seven bloggers IRL. Each time, it has been a fabulous experience. I wholeheartedly agree that fellow bloggers, in this corner of the internet, are extremely generous and friendly. I am off to check out your site now.


  9. Yes, I am still having difficulties. I’m hoping this comment actually goes through. There are a handful of blogs I’m not receiving any responses on so I can only guess that my comment is not getting sent.

    I am on a MAC using Safari. On your blog, like several others, I cannot connect via WP at all. It just hangs. I’ve tried commenting by manually entering my data, but like I said, I’m not usually getting responses back.

    I haven’t had the time yet, but I will be harassing the Happiness Engineers again.

    Have a great meet-up with Janis and Kathy!


    1. Thanks, Joanne – Your feedback is invaluable to me. You’re using Safari, on a mac, have a site, and you cannot comment directly on my website. I assume you are commenting via WP Reader…and that that does not always work for you. Please correct me if this assumption is incorrect. I saw your message last week on Deb’s (Widow Badass) site that WP Happiness Engineers had told you there are some known problems with Safari and comments. I, unfortunately, do not have access to the WP Happiness Engineers (just the WP Help Forum) because I am self-hosted… I shared the info that you had written on Deb’s site with the organizer of my local WordPress Meet Up group. He was very interested in what the Happiness Engineers had to say to you about your commenting difficulties and asked if I could contact you for more details. If you do have more info on what they said and are willing to share this, that will be very helpful. I plan to take the information that I receive here, try to narrow down the scope of my commenting problems, and bring this to the WP Support Forum. Mike, the head of my WP MeetUp, has offered to take all of this info, including what responses come on the Forum, and see what he can do to help. I am very happy to share with you what I find out through this process. If you are willing to do the same, that would be very, very appreciated. Hopefully, there is smooth-commenting ahead for each of us! 🙂


    1. Yikes, I am so sorry to hear this, Karen. Comments not coming through at all are my biggest concern. Comments that go into Moderation or Spam can at least be easily retrieved. Your last comment did come through on my site, but I did notice that you mentioned it was your second attempt to comment. That’s particularly frustrating because for that post I had gone back to the WP default theme and had eliminated all but the must-use plugins. Fingers crossed it will be smoother sailing from here.


      1. Well, I got through this time, so that’s good. I also had trouble reading your last post, but the second time I logged in (and my second try at commenting) it was straightened out.


  10. Hi Donna! Welcome to the Coachella Valley. I’m looking forward to seeing both you and Janis soon AND hopefully we can get together at other times with you and Richard for some fun! I haven’t had ANY troubles leaving comments on your blog but I KNOW your frustration. My WP blog does the same thing with certain people. Maybe together we can get to the bottom of the problem! Talk to you soon! ~Kathy


    1. HI, Kathy – I am excited about our Coachella Valley holiday! Richard and I are available to meet up with you and Thom at any time.
      I am glad that you have not experienced any difficulties commenting on my site. Three regular readers whose comments consistently go into Spam are also self-hosted. Hopefully, together we can help narrow down when these commenting errors happen. Fingers crossed that Thom would also be willing to help! 🙂
      Let me know when you are free to get together.


  11. Blogger meet ups are always so much fun. I’d love to know what you gals think about being self-hosted versus WP hosted. I’m strictly a user but have toyed with going self-hosted. That said, I have concerns of jumping in over my head if I go Pros and cons to everything I guess. Have a great time.


    1. Hi, Ingrid – Thanks for commenting. We did discuss this topic at our MeetUp last year. I am happy to revisit it. Kathy and I are self-hosted with Janis uses, where she pays a small fee to remove WP ads from her site. Last year, Liesbet (Roaming About) and Terri (Second Wind Leisure Perspectives) also joined us. Liesbet is self-hosted with WordPress. Terri switched from to (self-hosted) back to I believe that Terri made the final switch back to .com because the self-hosted version wreaked havoc on her photos (that has not happened to me). My current understanding is that Janis and Kathy are each happy with what they have, so using .com or .org is a very personal preference. I have long struggled with moving to .com because I have been frustrated with the technical errors that creep in on my self-hosted site. I have been afraid to make the switch completely because I do not want to give up the freedom that being self-hosted can bring. My current antidote is that I now have a local WordPress MeetUp group that is awesome in helping me to answer my technology related question. My self-hosted contract comes up for renewal on January 1. I have given myself that amount of time to make my decision. I can post about this again then to share the reasons for that decision. Hope this helps! Feel free to email me privately if there is anything else that you would like to discuss about this


      1. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this info. I did not realize Liesbet is self-hosted. Just as you have concerns moving to .com I have similar concerns moving to .org. I would love to find a WordPress meet up group in Phoenix. Time to do a little Googling 😊 Thanks again!


      2. Hi, Ingrid – It’s my pleasure to help. There is a WordPress Meet Up group in Phoenix ( I believe that they are meeting tomorrow about WooCommerce. Fingers crossed that they also meet about topics pertinent to your needs.
        BTW – I often wish that I had simply started with I agree that the actual switching (especially with over 300 posts already written) is the scariest part of all!


  12. I am having real difficulty today! Even though I am logged into WordPress your blog is not recognising me and whirs away trying to connect to Also tried connecting with my twitter credentials with the same result. I’m on Safari via iPad. I often have days when my comments on all blogs just vanish, ie they don’t appear or bring up the moderation message, but this problem is just on yours today, although i’m having to log in on every blog which is unusual. Mostly successfully, but not here. If this works, all I have entered is my email address.


    1. Hi, Anabel – Both of your recent comments just appeared in my Spam Folder. I am sorry to hear about these frustrations. Thank you for persevering. The commenting errors that you have just experienced are very timely. You are also a Safari user (which has been identified as a potential cause). Do you ever comment using a different browser? If so, do you get different results? Vanishing comments are my biggest concern — and are the most frustrating as comments always take time to write — and I never want to discourage them (quite the opposite)! Thank you for letting me know that you were able to log in just using your email address, that is also very helpful. I am assuming that you are a user? My initial commenting difficulties seemed to occur with some self-hosted readers but now appears to be more widespread. Thank you for sharing this information – it definitely helps me to narrow things down.


    1. Hi, Sam – This is great to hear. From the messages that I have been receiving today, it looks like my commenting errors are limited to certain readers. This should be very helpful in narrowing down the difficulties.


  13. I just have to remember to click on the title of the post, to get past the opening page, in order to allow for comments. Anyway, I imagine when the three of you get your heads together you’re going to come up with some great ideas … hope you share some of them!


  14. Thanks, Tom – I’m a regular WP user and I also need to remember to click on the opening title! Hopefully, with Janis, Kathy and I combined, our discussion will be brilliant! 🙂
    Either way, I promise to share our findings!


  15. Hi, Donna. I haven’t had any problems with your blog either (I use Safari). The only thing — and this is very minor — is that I don’t receive the same WordPress notification from your blog as I do others. For instance, I have to actually check the “Notify me of new comments…” box on the actual post, which I never do because that option always notifies a reader on ALL comments rather than just the one I left. So if I leave a comment on your blog, I have to make a mental note to come back to your page to see if you’ve responded (which you always do!). Anyway, again, it’s a very minor issue. Your blog itself always displays correctly, and I have no problems leaving a message. Hopefully mine are no longer going into your spam folder anymore. 🙂


  16. Hi, Marty – Thank you for sharing this detail. It’s very helpful. I previously named my Spam Folder “Marty’s Place.” It has now become my “Sue, Dee, Hugh Folder” — which occasionally has other guests temporarily thrown in (like Anabel).
    The one thing about self-hosting, at least for me, there’s always a problem to work on. Last year, my focus was on finding a way to let readers know when I had responded to their comments. I used the ‘Email Reply Notification’ plugin which worked for a while — and then it began to clash with Jetpack and messed up my comments. I have sadly abandoned that and many other plugins. Once I get this comment-thing sorted, I plan to go back and look at how to let readers know of my reply. Learning curve = straight up!!


    1. Hi, Mike – Thank you for joining this conversation. I was hoping that you would! Interesting thing — when I just tried to reply to your comments, I received a 405 error. That hadn’t happened before. This is me trying again!


    1. Hi, Janet – Thank you for commenting — and for sharing this wise advise. When ever anything goes wrong while I am blogging, I always clear my cache. As you can imagine, I clear my cache quite often. 🙂 Sometimes it helps, and other times it sadly doesn’t.


  17. Hey almost neighbor! As you know, I used to have problems commenting on your site but some magic must have happened since it seems to work now. Every time I read about these issues bloggers have with self-hosting, I’m glad I’m still playing in the kid’s end of the pool. Since I have no plans to monetize my blog, I just don’t see the benefit of self-hosting.

    I’m looking forward to seeing you and Kathy (and the guys too, of course).


    1. Hi, Janis – I remember well those difficulties that you were having when commenting. I was going to ask you about them. I believe that they happened when you were away on vacation. Were you using a different system then (iPad instead of a laptop, etc. etc.)? Anything that you remember would be very helpful.
      BTW – When Ingrid suggested (in an above comment) that we discuss hosted vs. self-hosting at our upcoming Meet Up, I believe that I could have correctly quoted what you would say. I don’t disagree with you at all!
      Looking forward to seeing you soon!!


  18. Donna, I’m on a Mac, on Safari and use WordPress…and cannot recall any issues with posting comments lately.

    My biggest issue recently has been not seeing if folks resounded to my comments I left (which you always do). I’m not sure that’s been an issue with your site and me… i know it’s with quite a few other folks I normally comment on.

    I’m just a bit jealous at your IRL-blogger meet up! Have a wonderful time.


    1. Hi, Pat – Thank you for this feedback. I’m glad that you haven’t had any problems commenting on my site. Unfortunately, I don’t currently have a feature on my website that lets readers know when I reply to their comments. Once I get this comment-thing sorted, I hope to reinstall a comment reply plugin.
      BTW – Janis, Kathy and I would LOVE for you to join us in Palm Desert. You have an open invitation!


  19. Enjoy your catch up! One of the best blogging tips I picked up from a conference I went to was ‘batching’ – a way to speed up the blogging process. It’s where you allocate chuncks of time to do a batch of one type of blogging task: e.g. brainstorming blog ideas, writing your blog posts, editing photo’s, posting to social media. Might be an intertesting discussion point. As for commenting on your blog – I don’t seem to have any problems though we will find out after I send this comment if it makes it to the page or ends up in your SPAM folder! lol Have a wonderful time at your meet up! 🙂


    1. Hi, Min – Thank you so much for sharing this. I hadn’t heard about ‘Batching’ before. I just googled it – and there is tons of information pertinent to bloggers.
      I look forward to reading more about this — and sharing it with Janis and Kathy!


  20. Hi Donna! I’m so jealous of you three getting to catch up for a chat. I hope you have a wonderful time – I bet there will be a non-stop conversation for several hours! I’ve been finding my comments have gone into Spam on several WP blogs during my #MLSTL commenting and I just hope people check their spam folders regularly – I think WP has increased it’s spam filters or something? I always comment on my laptop with Chrome and I don’t think I have issues with your blog. There are a few people who say their comments get lost on my Blogger posts occasionally, so maybe it’s just one of the little Matrix glitches of blogging? Say hi to the other girls from me xx #MLSTL and I’ve shared this on my SM 🙂


    1. HI, Leanne – Thank you for your kind words about our upcoming Bloggers’ Meet Up. I am greatly looking forward to it. Comments not coming through is very frustrating. When comments go into Spam that is easy to remedy. But when they are lost completely (as many of Sue’s are on my site), it aborts conversations and wastes much time for everyone. Hopefully, there is a fix.
      Thanks for commenting and thanks for co-hosting #MLSTL.


  21. No problems whatsoever when leaving comments on your blog, Donna. I use chrome on an iMac and iMac laptop air to both read and leave comments. The only problem I have encountered with your blog is the way it sometimes displays. However, I put that down to the device I am using rather than anything to do with your blog. I found this out after a recent post I published asking for help from readers in how my blog was displaying. After a lot of investigation with WordPress (and the blogging community) it transpired that the problem was not with my blog but with the devices readers were using to read it.

    Have a great meet up. I look forward to hearing how it all went.


    1. Hi, Hugh – Thank you so much for commenting. I was hoping to hear from you. You are one of three regular readers whose comments (for the past several months) have always appeared in my Spam folder — including this one today. I was interested to know if you had any indication of this at your end. One of the other regulars (Sue from Sizzling Toward Sixty) is currently away on holidays Once she returns, I plan to take the info that I have discovered through this post and see if the WP Forum (or folks at Bluehost) can help. Like you say, it is hard to know where the difficulty originates from, or it may be a combination of factors.
      I am sorry to hear that my blog posts don’t always display properly for you. I knew that was an issue when I had switched my theme last month. I have now switched back to the WP default theme. Has that changed how my site now displays for you? Thank you for your feedback. It is greatly appreciated.


      1. Hi Donna, how strange that my comments keep ending up in your spam folder. I did have a problem a few years back where all the comments I was leaving on any blog posts were going to spam, but that problem got sorted out by WordPress.

        When I leave a comment on your blog, I do have to subscribe to your blog again. However, it happens on a number of blogs I follow, mostly who are self-hosted. I don’t get any indication of my comment going to spam, other than having to subscribe again.

        Your blog displays great today. The last time it changed was quite a few weeks back. Certainly, the last few weeks, I’ve seen no change, but will let you know if it happens again.


      2. Hi, Hugh – I agree that this is strange that your comments (as well as Sue’s and Dee’s) consistently go to my Spam Folder. My site does recognize you as a regular commenter, but still the problem continues. Do you remember what the WP Happiness Engineers did last time to help correct your Spam issue?


  22. Ditto what Joanne said. I almost always have difficulties commenting here. Don’t know why exactly, but my comments are eaten by the system OR not allowed to be published. I take it personally, you know! 😉


    1. Yikes! I’m sorry to hear this, Ally. From my view, your comments come straight in and never get caught in the Spam or Moderation folder. What browser do you use? Do you comment from a laptop, phone or ipad? I thought that you usually commented from WP Reader, which I believed was working best. Back to the drawing board!


      1. I use Safari on a desktop. I have a WP blog [business account], but never use the WP Reader function. I use Feedly to keep up-to-date on blogs. I had to come back here today to find your reply because it doesn’t automatically come through WP to me.

        [And again the system won’t let me post via WP so I’ll have to re-enter info and comment outside the system. Yours is the only blog on which I have this problem, btw.]


      2. Hi, Ally – Thank you so much for sharing these extra details. These errors are only happening to you on my site? That is not good news at all!! I have written to Askimet and Jetpack about the readers whose comments are continually trapped in my Spam Folder. I will now write to the WP Forum and Bluehost about the remaining commenting issues. Fingers crossed!
        Thank you so much for continuing to comment despite this hassle.


  23. Commenting from wordpress app on my ipad and no issues, Donna. How wonderful you’ll be meeting up with such terrific fellow bloggers! You will have a blast and learn a lot from each other, too. Don’t get me going on technological pitfalls. They are a nightmare when they occur and take all the fun out of blogging. Hope you don’t have any moles popping up! #MLSTL


    1. Oh, Molly – You should definitely write a post about the technological pitfalls of blogging. I would love to read that.
      BTW – I really wanted to go ‘all caps’ on ‘love’, but I restrained myself just for you! 🙂


  24. I have not had any issues commenting on your blog. Enjoy your time with your fellow bloggers. I look forward to hearing the results of your conversation. I’m just a little jealous. 🙂 #MLSTL


  25. No issues commenting on your blog today, from my computer at the library, in Washington, USA. I think the last comments to your blogs were submitted with my iPad and happened trouble-free as well.

    That being said, some blogs don’t load for me from this library with a warning that they are not safe. But, I think the library is blocking those sites. I’m sure you are aware of the difficulties Hugh experienced with his blog a few months ago, as you follow him and leave comments there. Reading through the comments on his blog might help you figure out your “demons” as well.

    Enjoy your visit with Janis and Kathy. Should be fun! I”m sorry I couldn’t make it south quickly enough.


    1. Thanks, Liesbet – I’m glad that you were able to comment trouble-free. I’ve been in touch with Hugh and he has also been very helpful. No full solutions yet, but I’ll keep chipping away at it. I met up with Kathy last night. So sad that you aren’t able to join us this year. You will be VERY missed!


  26. Hi Donna, I don’t comment on your blog very often I’m afraid but so far, I’ve had no problems. I usually use Chrome. I do often have problems of my own, in that most of my comments on other people’s blogs either disappear into the ether or go straight to spam. WordPress deny that there is anything wrong each time it happens but I have now learnt to go straight to Akismet and the staff there are very helpful indeed and usually manage to cure the problem quickly. should get you through to someone who will take your problem seriously. In my case, they often ask me to fill out a form where I am asked to repeat a comment I made, word for word (if possible) and state the URL of the blog I commented on. I hope this helps you. Clare x


    1. Hi, Clare – Thank you for sharing this detail. It is incredibly helpful. Based on Hugh’s advice (Hugh’s Views and News) I did contact Akismet — but only about the three bloggers who regularly get abolished to my Spam Folder. They did reply back very promptly, but said that each of those bloggers needed to contact them directly. Fingers crossed this will all get sorted. So glad that you can get through without difficulty. I hope that all is well for you. Still waiting for your post! 🙂


      1. Hi, Clare – I just read your post about Charlotte, and visited her site. What an inspiring story. Thank you for sharing this. I am so glad to see you posting again. You were greatly missed! PS – I resubscribed and believe that worked. Fingers crossed!


  27. Hi Donna. For several months, I have had no difficulties at all commenting on your site. I comment from my iPad, using Safari. I get to your blog by clicking on the link to your site on my blog’s sidebar. As you know, mine is a Blogger blog.

    Occasionally, I have difficulties leaving comments on blog sites including yours because of something that I do wrong. If I am reading your blog and get interrupted and leave the tab open, later when I come back I have to remember to refresh the site before commenting. If I forget to refresh and then write a comment, the comment will disappear. The fix for this is to use the back arrow at the top left. I will then see the comment I just wrote. I click on it, “select all” and “copy” it, then I refresh the page, and then I paste the comment into the comment window. This works 99% of the time.

    Oh. After writing the above comment, I see that you site doesn’t remember me today, and is requiring me to type in my credentials.



    1. Hi, Jude – Thank you for reading and commenting. Last week I finally made the big move and switched my site over from to That is why the site didn’t recognize you. On your next comment, you should be good to go. I look forward to catching up soon!


  28. Hi Donna, I was scrolling your site, since I wanted to find an example of how you share another blogger’s post on your own site. I am very happy I came upon this post. Great information on trouble shooting the technical aspects of WP. At this moment, you are on your amazing holiday. I wanted to leave a thank you on your post:)


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