
Oops, I Did It Again

My excuse this time was…

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Quality family time (with lots of longed for Daughter-Mother and Mother-Son time).
All of the food prep (and eating and drinking) that goes along with Family Get-Togethers.
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Family hiking at one of my all-time favorite spots!
It wouldn’t be the holidays without a board game or two. Featured above is ‘Monopoly…The Cheaters’ Edition!’
It’s a wonderful feeling when your son picks up the tab!
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Snowshoeing at Mt. Washington with our granddog, Nala.
new year's eve at tigh na mara
New Year’s Eve Dinner at Tigh-Na-Mara. Richard and I managed to stay up past midnight and were the last to call it quits!

Our family time together was so rich and full that the following event came and went unnoticed by me.

happy blogiversaryBeing one who is prone to reflect, this oversight was highly unusual. And, I didn’t make any New Years’ Resolutions (also unusual). Perhaps this is all leading to a less driven phase for me. Watch this space to see what evolves.

Just for fun, and with my sincere apologies to Brittany, here is Richard Thompson.

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and healthy 2019. Thank you for reading!

68 thoughts on “Oops, I Did It Again”

  1. Oh my! I absolutely loved this post, Donna. Your photos truly capture the essence of family and the importance of spending time together. And Nala…what a beauty! Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family. xo


    1. Hi, Jill – Although I didn’t make any New Year’s Resolutions for 2019, I do wish to take time regularly to jot a quick note about something or someone for which I am grateful. Let me start with you! Your warmth, positivity, and kindness are contagious. I am very thankful that we have connected and I am incredibly appreciative of our friendship. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2019.

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      1. Your responses always make me smile, Donna. I need to send you a one line a day happy journal. It’s a 5 year journal and I just started my 5th year. It truly puts things into perspective. Wishing you and your family peace and joy in the new year. I’m blessed to have met you. ❤


      2. Hi, Jill – Your journal sounds great. I agree that our gratitude is an important tool for putting things in perspective. Congratulations on keeping your journal going for four years (and counting)!


  2. You’re living life – and that should always be our first priority. Why would you want to be blogging when you could be spending time with family? Enjoy every moment of it and the blog willl still be here when you have spare time again. I tend to schedule a few weeks ahead so it doesn’t get in the way of my life, but if you blog as you go, then sometimes it has to take a back seat. Loved all your family pics and happy blogiversary xx

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    1. Hi, Leanne – Thank you for your very wise words. This is a wonderful blogging community. I greatly appreciate all of the encouragement, generosity and flexibility. Support without expectation is a remarkable thing! Wishing you an awesome 2019 ahead.


  3. Happy New Year, Donna! You are the perfect example of living life and enjoying all that retirement has to offer with the odd blog post thrown in. I have learned so much from you and your ‘downtime’ and am determined to do the same in 2019. Life is there to be lived and even though I love blogging I need to make sure it doesn’t take over. Besides, there are so many more things to write about when we are living our life and experiencing what life has to offer, isn’t there? Looking forward to our IRL meeting in September and until then have a fantastic 2019 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Sue – You have given me a wonderful New Year’s gift by letting me know that you will be in Vancouver/Victoria this autumn. I am super excited to meet you. Somehow I have the feeling that we will not run out of things to say. Cheers to a happy and healthy 2019!


  4. Beautiful times and memories, Donna! Blogging isn’t an obligation, right? I remember quite a few times in the past that I was very happy “just” posting photos. We all like to see these happy moments. Have a fantastic 2019! And, who cares about resolutions? Maybe just a few intentions will do this year. 🙂

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  5. What happy photos you have shared Donna, I feel like I was there with you all! I loved your thoughts and the ‘being less driven phase’ might just suit you 🙂 Enjoy!! Happy New Year and congratulations on 3 years of blogging my bloggy friend 🙂

    PS. I love your yellow coat and I’m not normally a big dog person(apart from my own grandbaby dog Ozzy) by my, that dog is gorgeous!


  6. Happy New Year and thanks for sharing all your lively and loving experiences of late with your readers. I admire your talent for squeezing out so much fun out of each day and documenting the memories. We, your readers, are the beneficiaries. You inspire us to live fully. Now, if I could personally find the time to sit down and spit out my own blog; however, I have had more than a few distractions myself ! 🙂 This last week has been spent entertaining two grandsons (age 14 and 8) in the desert and I even gave up exercise classes to give them my undivided attention. After all, life is far too short and they grow up way too fast. In a local sushi place tonight, where I dined with my grandsons on their last night here, we heard this music over the speakers: “Time keeps on slipping, slipping, into the future.” So, if your blog takes a back seat from time to time, because you are living your life and savoring time with family, then that is a good thing, because as we know, time keeps slipping, slipping into… you know what!

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    1. Hi, Susan – I LOVE that song by the Steve Miller Band. It is so true!
      How fun to have your two grandchildren with you in the desert this holiday.It is very generous of you to give up both blogging and exercise to spend uninterrupted time with them. When all settles down for you again, I greatly look forward to reading your next post. They are always packed full of wisdom which is a great way to start the year!

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      1. Hi there dear Donna. The wait is over. This tortured writer finally sat down and let her muses spill forth. My january edition is published! I have no idea what holds me back and what my fears are vis a vis writing. Because when I do sit down and empty myself out, the inspiration does come. Go figure.:-)


  7. How fun that all looks! You were having a much better time than sitting by a computer blogging for sure. Happy Blogiversary and Happy New Year too! Thanks for sharing your fun with us.


    1. Thanks, Janet – The holidays have been remarkable….and haven’t ended for us yet! Our next stop will be getting together with my niece in Winnipeg and Richard’s sister in Edmonton. I’ll keep you posted on that. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!

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  8. I can relate to your ‘oops’ post, Donna. I got a notice from wordpress wishing me a happy anniversary yesterday and it surprised me! I took a much needed break over the holidays, too, and have no plan for a blog post next week – though I may participate in a flash fiction just for fun. No resolutions, no goals for me. Adjusting to retirement has been my full-time ‘job.’ I do plan to set some goals but not putting any pressure on myself. Glad you enjoyed your holiday with family! Looks like you had a lovely time.


    1. H, Molly – It is amazing how things change. My first and second blogging anniversaries were HUGE deals to me. I planned, I reflected and I reflected some more. This time, I was either too busy or too relaxed to analyze. Could be a sign of welcomed changes to come…or could be a complete fluke! 🙂 Wishing you a wonderful 2019 ahead!

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  9. What a beautiful family you have, Donna, and good reason to skip the resolutions because you were too busy celebrating the joys in your life. Perfect. I’m impressed you snowshoed on Mt. Washington (brrrr) – we usually visit it in the fall, but even then the top of Mt. Washington is daunting. Love your granddog – we just ‘babysat’ ours for the past few days and have a difficult time giving him back to our daughter and her family. 🙂 Happy New Year. Keep on blogging, please!!


    1. Hi, Pam – Thank you for your kind words. I greatly appreciate you dropping by and commenting. We were on the BC side of Mt. Washington and loved it (not too cold)! I look forward to continuing to follow your thoughts and stories in 2019!


  10. It looks like you had the best kind of holiday! It doesn’t get any better than quality time with people we love and cherish 💕
    Happy Blogging Anniversary and Happy New Year!!


  11. Donna,
    Hearty congratulations on passing a three-year milestone! You certainly have made the most of your time and made many online friends along the way. Helen and I send our best wishes for a richly blessed 2019 to you, your family, and that beautiful Nala.


  12. Happy New Year and happy 3rd bloggiversary, Donna! Your holiday time looks wonderful. Thank you for sharing your photos with us. Resolution is unnecessary when you just live and enjoy life the way you’ve been doing.


    1. Hi, Anabel – I just learned another thing from you (as did Richard). Both Richard and I had assumed that the name “Tigh-Na-Mara” came from our local First Nations. We just looked it up and our long-held assumption was wrong. It’s definitely from Scottish-Gaelic. Very cool!


  13. A really lovely post, Donna. The precious gift of time with your family is priceless. It’s great when the family gets outdoors in all weather. Congratulations on your Blogiversary……any excuse to celebrate with more BC wine!


  14. Happy (belated) 2019 Donna! You are totally forgiven… So much more important to be connecting with family! I am a bit jealous of your blogiversary. My blogiversary will be 1/19/2019…but it will only be 2 months. I feel like a newbie on one hand, and life I’ve been doing it forever on the other. You are such a pro and I’m in awe.


  15. Well done on staying up until after midnight on New Year’s Eve, Donna. My eyelids were not wanting me to see and hear the chimes of Big Ben, so I was tucked away by the time 2019 arrived in the UK.

    I’m so pleased you’ve had quality family and friends time over the festive period. I’ve done exactly the same thing over the last two weeks and have had the best Christmas and New Year ever. Not only that, but a few other family members have said the same thing to me – “the best, yet.”

    Happy New Year to you all.

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    1. Hi, Hugh – I am so happy to hear that you and your family members had the best Christmas yet. That is wonderful to hear. I was guilted in to staying up past midnight on New Year’s Eve. It is amazing how effective a strategy guilt can be! 🙂

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  16. Happy New Year. Donna, from warmer Las Vegas! Family time is so important, and blogs can wait their turn! I’m enjoying my break while on the road trip that took a wrong turn and already incubating upcoming blog posts! I’m sure you will have much to write about in 2019, and I’ll be waiting to read!


    1. Hi, Terri – I’m jealous of your warm weather! Right after NY’s, Richard and I spent time with family in Winnipeg and Edmonton. Both places were extremely COLD. We’re talking -17C/2F cold…..with much wind chill! I’ll post about that soon.
      Enjoy the rest of your blogging break!

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    1. Hi, Marty – My money was on you being the one to comment on the music piece of this post. That’s one of the many things that I adore about this blogging community. We’ve all gotten to know each other very well! Wishing you a Gorgeous a wonderful 2019 ahead!

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  17. Tsk tsk tsk (she says grinning). I can’t believe you put all of that family fun first! The family hike, the yummy food…Seriously though, Monopoly Cheaters Edition? Since when? I so need this – to gift to my father, brother & sister, of course. And loved the Britney cover. Finally, happy blog birthday!


  18. Happy belated blogiversary, Donna! I can understand missing the date – so much going on at this time of year. I marked my blogiversary on my calendar so I won’t miss it – it’ll be 10 years for me later on this year, in September.



  19. Donna, it was so to get together yesterday!

    We played a family monopoly game at Christmas this year too. It was NOT the high point of the seasonal festivities.

    And as for blogging lapses, well, as you know, I never hold myself to a regular publishing schedule, which means there are never any lapses. Welcome to a relaxed approach to blogging!



    1. Hi, Judith – I greatly enjoyed yesterday as well.
      Our family Christmas Get-Togethers always seem to include Monopoly. I was the only one of our clan who enjoyed the ‘Cheater’s Version’….and I’m the only one who didn’t cheat while playing (I was too busy trying to watch everyone else’s moves)! 🙂
      Sending you an email soon!


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