
What Do You Do When Your Blogging Buddies Come to Visit?

You solve the problems of the blogging world. (NB – I was taking notes and not multi-tasking…honest!)


Meanwhile, your partners solve the problems of the political world (for at least two countries)….impressive!

 You eat and drink…and then eat and drink some more!

 And relieve the guilt with a stunning hike!

 You share your passions.

Tour of Jude’s Art Studio (

 Celebrate birthdays.

Happy Birthday, Erica!

 Introduce them to other really cool people.

 You show off what you love most about your local area.

Cathedral Grove

 Most of all, you are reminded that ‘Blogging Buddies” are best called ‘Friends.’

Blogger’s Meet Up – Vancouver Island – July 19 – 22
Behind the Scenery
Dr. Sock Writes Here RetirementallyChallenged
Retirement Reflections
SmartLiving 365
The Unretired Life

A special thank you to our husbands (Chuck, Rob, Paul, Richard and Tom) who so patiently and good-naturedly joined in on the fun!

Feature Photo (from R to L): Donna (Retirement Reflections, Ann (The Unretired), Erica (Behind the Scenery), Jude (Dr. Sock Writes Here), Janis (RetirementallyChallenged), Kathy (Smart Living365).

116 thoughts on “What Do You Do When Your Blogging Buddies Come to Visit?”

  1. Hi Donna! Wow! You really do know how to put out a fun and informative post quickly! I’m still trying to get my head around everything we talked about and did and you captured it so nicely. Thank you so much for the idea of us coming together and then allowing it to unfold so naturally. Thom and I have had a GREAT time and we we so want to thank you and Richard and all the other great women who were here. A time to remember for sure! ~Kathy

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi, Kathy – Thank you for this very kind feedback. Richard and I LOVED having this time together with such an incredible group of people. We look forward to seeing you and Thom again soon. You have already been assigned a new task (see my reply to Anabel’s comment below)!


    2. Looks like fun. If you two find yourselves in Vancouver you have an open invite to come by for drinks and a compare-notes and revisit the road session. I’d love it.


    1. Hi, Perpetua – Erica, Jude, Ann and I live on Vancouver Island (all in different towns/cities). Janis and Kathy live in California (also in different cities). For the past three years, Janis and I have met yearly in California and Kathy joined us there the past two years.

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      1. I have met one from up North, she moved from Australia. I see periodically another one for coffee since we both live in the same city. And anybody who visits Vancouver I invite for coffee time permitting with their short visit here.

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  2. What a fantastic opportunity Donna – you look like you had an absolute blast. I think Blogging Buddies are even better than friends – because we “get” each other and we do love a good chat! Shame I’m so far away but I hear you and Sue will be doing this in the not too distant future xx

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    1. Hi, Leanne – You are absolutely right about blogging friends “getting each other.” They also have an uncanny ability to hold a lengthy conversation together without anyone coming up for air! I am greatly looking forward to my meet-up with Sue and imagine that we will chat nonstop as well!


      1. I was amazed (not sure why I was now I come to think about it!) at how Sue and I just connected immediately and we could have talked for DAYS!
        Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 🙂

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  3. Donna, I would’ve loved to participate in something similar. As I love the combination of walking after having a meal together instead of sitting for too long. Lovely to see you and all together. Must get together again with a few more bloggers!

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  4. I am so honored and thrilled to be included in this great group of women! Not only did I come away with so much great information and inspiration on our all-day blogathon, the rest of the time spent together was so much fun! Blogging buddies, for sure… friends, absolutely!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. What a wonderful post to read this fine day Donna! Very energising so thank you – and to all of your blogging buddies/pals/friends. I’ll check out the links you provided as soon as I can. I look forward to that! 🙂

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    1. Thank you for this feedback, Susan. I have been experimenting with my blog writing lately. I’ve been attempting quick written brush strokes, accompanied by a few key photos, to suggest the much larger story. It’s great to hear that the bigger message is being conveyed…especially in an energizing way! 🙂

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  6. Hi Donna, of these ladies, I have only read Retirementally Challenged, by Janis. Thank you for introducing us to the others. Looks like a fun and informative meet-up. I look forward to reading more about the adventure on their blogs.

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  7. No blogging buddy has ever come to visit so I have no answer to this question. You, however, have done a fabulous job of answering it so should anyone ever come this way I’ll refer to your ideas.

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  8. Hi Donna – I certainly couldn’t entertain as royally as you’ve done for your blogging buddy friends. It sounds just glorious … and yes there’s that camaraderie inbuilt – ready for whatever comes our way … women, wine and wonderful fun – looks amazing – loved reading it – cheers Hilary

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  9. A huge thank you to Donna and Richard for hosting an amazing weekend! I had the privilege of being surrounded by smart, kind, supportive women.

    Thank you for making my husband feel welcome, too. He had a great time!

    I agree with Donna. I love when Blogging Buddies become Friends, a wonderful birthday present!

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    1. Hi, Victoria – Thank you for reading and commenting. I’ve missed you! If you get the opportunity, I highly recommend meeting up with a fellow blogger…or two! For me, it has always been a very positive experience!


    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Ironically, the first blogger whom I ever met IRL is Janis, who was also the first blogger whom I ever followed, and she was part of this Meet-Up. Four years ago, when I was going to be in California, I dropped her a line…and the rest snowballed from there!


  10. OK, Donna, not-fair-not-fair-not-fair, (can you picture me stomping my feet???) Some of my favorite bloggers all in one place…and me in NH? Do you guys ever get to the east coast????

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  11. LOVE THIS!!!

    Erica had hinted at this on her last post and I guessed correctly on a few of the suspects. Like so many others have said before me – jealous! jealous! jealous! 🙂

    What a wonderful way to spend a day than in the company of like-minded friends!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. HI, Joanne – I missed that hint in Erica’s recent post. It would have been WONDERFUL to have you here with us. I do sense a meet-up together in our future — hopefully not too distant. I would LOVE that!


      1. I would too and hopefully we can make it happen!! First of all, I would love to get to Vancouver Island. It’s been years and years since I was there and I’m ready for a do-over. Secondly – there are just so many fellow bloggers who live there!! 🙂

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    1. HI, Pam – I completely agree. It is often impossible to explain my passion for blogging to people who do not blog or follow blogs. That’s strange because I believe I am able to successfully convey my passion for other things (e.g. hiking, yoga, animal rescue). I’m not sure what this is the case.


  12. How lovely. I caught up with some bloggers earlier this year and it was nice as I live in a small regional town and don’t really know anyone who blogs here. Thankfully a few are involved in websites and social media so there’s ‘some’ interaction on that creative front.

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    1. Hi, Deborah – I believe that I read a post about that Meet Up and saw your picture there! I was totally jealous as I follow many of the other bloggers there!
      Thanks so much for stopping by. I am off to visit your site now!


    1. Hi, Denyse – Thank you so much for stopping by. I have thoroughly enjoyed (and been greatly inspired by) each and every blogger get-together that I have ever had. You’re right — bloggers often know so much about each other before actually ‘meeting’!


  13. What a wonderful group to be a part of. I always find one in the town that I live in. I had a blogging buddy in Connecticut and now down in Orlando, I have another one. We see each other at least once a week and text or talk during the week. Since we’ve both moved away from our families, we also spend holidays together. It’s great being able to be friends with someone who “gets” what you do.

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  14. Hi, Donna,
    Your meet-up looked like a delightful experience. I have had one meet-up and it was not only a lot of fun, I learned a lot from my fellow blogger about photography as well as the area I was visiting. We’re coming out your way next year. Would love to say “hi”.

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  15. I’ve always known it, but you’ve proven once again that you are an amazing woman. To come back from a cross-Italy hike and then host such a festive gathering. Where do you get your energy? Wish I could have been there to share in the fun and friendship. I follow Ann, Erica, and Janis and will have to go introduce myself to the others.

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    1. Hi, Lisa – Thank you for this very warm and generous comment. I believe that great friends and relationships continually fill us with positive energy. Thank you for checking out Kathy and Jude’s sites. I know that you will find their posts very inspiring (and vice versa). If our paths are ever anywhere near each other’s, I would be honoured to meet up!

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  16. What a joyful and fun post and get together, Donna. Your blog sums it all up nicely. You had quite a big crowd – how lovely. Wish I could have been there this year. The photos are totally stunning and all-encompassing. Looks like red is the favorite when it comes to wine. Did you finish all the bottles? Good times, for sure!

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  17. I also read about the meet up on Erica’s blog from your other post. It looked like so much fun and seemed like everyone had a good time. That hike looked lovely with great views and some shade in between 🙂 Nothing like meeting people part of a community you are thankful to be a part of and feel welcomed all round 🙂

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  18. Donna, you described it all perfectly. What a fun weekend with everyone, and you did such a terrific job of organizing it all. BTW, you were the first blogger I ever met in person, before I moved to Vancouver Island.


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  19. How wonderful Donna! Well done for organising and the location is of course amazing! Wonderful hosts you were too. Great to have Blogging meets, I learn such a lot. What a fabulous time for you all 🙂


  20. This is very cool!! I love that you have gotten together with your blogging buddies. Its a wonderful community of people.


      1. It is!! I too have met one of my first blogging friends….she came to Colorado the first time, I met her in Tulum the second time and will see her in Paris on her birthday in mid-October. Having dinner with a second in houston on Tuesday. So awesome. Both ladies I felt I’ve known forever on first meeting!!! If I am ever in Canada, I’m coming over. Haha.

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