
Blogging, Friendship and Community

This morning, I woke up to Jude’s post on Blogging, Friendship and Community. At first glance, you may think that you have read this post before. Jude is one of the six bloggers who attended the Bloggers’ Meet-Up on Vancouver Island this past July. While she does discuss the get-together (with some never seen before photos), she also goes on to ponder why people blog, what keeps them blogging, and ultimately how friendships and communities develop in our current world. It’s a very articulate and thought-provoking piece.  I encourage you to read it here:

Dr. Sock Writes Here



39 thoughts on “Blogging, Friendship and Community”

  1. Thank you for sharing this post, Donna. I agree on how blogging develops connections and friendships. You made me smile on the “never before seen photos”. I added more thoughts to Jude’s site:)


  2. It’s terrific to read six posts on the blogger meetup with unique views from each of the attendees. For me it’s like reading good short stories on a theme that I enjoy (blogging, friendship, and community). I left a comment on Jude’s site. Thanks, Donna, for sharing this post.


  3. I wrote a long thoughtful comment on Jude’s blog … only to lose it. I didn’t have the heart to try and reconstruct it 😕 Am I the only one who chronically has challenges with BlogSpot?!!

    The gist of my comment was that regardless of how clunky our initial foray into blogging might have been, ultimately those who stick with it understand that the point is simply to be ourselves and not worry about the approach used by others.

    I think that’s why these meet-ups, like yours last month, work so well.
    Meeting in person is simply a formality. The friendship was foraged long before the face-to-face.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Joanne – These are very wise words. The friendships were forged long ago. The meet-up was simply another expression of that friendship.
      I am sorry to hear that you had difficulties commenting on Jude’s original post. Thank you for taking the time to share the gist of that comment here. It is a comment that is very worth reading!


      1. Thanks, Sam – I like Janis’ idea as well. When I was self-hosted, technology errors and comment mishaps were a constant struggle for me. Knock on computer, since I switched from self-hosted, blogging has been so much easier for me (and, I believe, for my readers as well). 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Oh no Joanne, I’m sorry that you lost your comment. WordPress and Blogger do not play well together. Currently my pet peeve is that on many WordPress blogs I have to type in my full credentials for every single comment that I leave, which is very time-consuming.

      What I have found works to not lose comments on Blogger is to 1) refresh the page before you comment 2) never use Preview to review your comment before posting it (it’s glitchy), and 3) if the comment disappears, hit the back arrow in the top left, and when your comment reappears select and copy it, then refresh and post the comment again. (Steps 1 and 3 also usually work for lost comments on WordPress blogs too unless they went to the spam folder.)



      1. Thanks Jude! It would never have occurred to me to simply hit the backspace to see if the comment would reappear!
        I don’t think I’ve successfully left a comment on your space in a long time. Hopefully your suggestions will correct that 🙂


  4. I know you all had a good time and I commend you on getting the get together organized. I’ve always wanted to do such and although others have been interested we’ve just never seemed to come together. Ok, off to read Jude’s post now.


  5. Have so enjoyed reading all the posts on this topic. Wonderful get together and so much fun reading all the recounts of it. Thanks for the intro to Dr. Sock!

    So far have met TWO amazing women who follow our blog and vice versa. It was an absolute pleasure and very memorable.



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