Food, Friendship

What’s On Your Plate? The Friendship Edition.

If you have followed my past few posts, you know that for me, the month of August has focussed on friendship.

As friends often go hand-in-hand with sharing meals together, this has led to many food-related photographs (yup, even more than usual). Here’s a small sample of what this past month looked like under that lens.

I began to wonder how ‘friendship’ would translate to recipe format. Google (and pals) have numerous suggestions. Here is my homemade version:

What key ‘friendship ingredients’ would you add or modify?

Think that I’ve cheated on this ‘What’s On Your Plate’ post? Here’s a favourite Chickpea Salad that I served twice to our Californian friends. This healthy, tasty, and shamefully easy recipe is a frequent ‘go-to’ in our home.

Still think that I’ve cheated? (Gosh, you’re hard to please!) Here’s a Mexican Street Corn Salad that I recently made when cooking with my niece on Zoom (family are friends too). At a recent backyard BBQ, I made too much corn (way too much corn). This recipe worked like a charm in using up all leftover cobs as well as leftover limes, cheese and green onions. Win-win!

Since August has been a busy family, friends and food month, here are a few more photos. These pics are from the last week alone!

And here are the granddaughters hamming it up the night before this post went live! 😀

So, what’s been on your plate this past month? We’d love to hear from you! #whatsonyourplateblogchallenge.

Here’s what others have been sharing:
Deb Plate (cohost)
Sue’s Plate
Jo’s Plate
Debbie’s Plate
Anne’s Plate
Antoinette’s Plate
Ju-Lyn’s Plate
Ju-Lyn’s (2nd) Plate
Natalie’s Plate
Thistles and Kiwi’s Plate
Julie’s Plate
Sandy’s Plate
Suzanne’s Plate

88 thoughts on “What’s On Your Plate? The Friendship Edition.”

  1. This “food” post was wonderful Donna – I’d much rather look at family and friends than food any day (although food does tend to bring family and friends together). So lovely to see you surrounded by people again – and to have that boy of yours home visiting – such joy! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Leanne – Nothing does beat the smiling faces of friends and family. I am even more acutely aware of this after our lengthy lockdowns and travel restrictions. Since the end of July we have seen (in person) our four sons, three grandchildren, DILs, and my parents — simply heaven!
      I hope that all is well there for you.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. How clever of you to write about friendship like this Donna, but why am I not surprised! You are so talented and social, looking at your picture makes me feel like I was there with you. Just a wonderful approach to life! #whatsonyourplateblogchallenge

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Donna – this is great … so much fun to see – and to feel I’m back on the Island … you’ve had way better weather than we have down here. I also watched last night the building of a floating home in Maple Bay (not sure which year it was) …but also took me back – nostalgia. Some friends in France brought up a ‘dish’ they’d had at a recent anniversary … that’s my next post … it will relate to your concept. Loved this and seeing you all … and all the kinds of foods I enjoy – thank you for the memories … probably of South Africa – way more entertaining out there. Your dose of friendship is wonderful … cheers – Hilary


    1. Hi, Hilary – When I first read your comment I thought that you were now back on Vancouver Island (and I was super excited about that) I’m delighted that this post brought back fond Island memories for you. I look forward to reading about your friends’ ‘anniversary dish!’


    1. Hi, Anne – Thank you so much for joining in and contributing Ploughman’s Lunch. I have added your link to the main body of this post.
      I agree that missing meals with friends and family (especially during holidays and special occasions) was a very difficult aspect of lockdown. I now savor every moment.


  4. You have been busy this month, Donna. It looks like loads of fun. Your recipe for friendship must be working! And I am definitely going to try that chickpea salad. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Thanks, Christie – I highly recommend that chickpea salad. It is an incredibly flexible recipe. Basically you start with chickpeas and then add whatever salad ingredients and dressing that you like. Traditional add-ins are halved cherry tomatoes, diced green pepper and diced red onion. Enjoy!


  5. Love this post. I like nothing better than having friends on my plate. I thought of you last week. A blogger friend who was passing through my area stopped to meet me and have lunch. It was such a special day.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Donna – it’s so great to see you enjoying time (and meals) with your friends and family. I agree, adding a sprinkle of shenanigans is key! As I sit here eating my breakfast oatmeal, you’re giving me ideas on what to make for dinner tonight! Hope you are doing well 🙂


  7. Food is always better with friends. You take more time and enjoy it more. Eating alone I sometimes (always) eat too fast and sometimes multitask so I don’t really enjoy it. It’s more survival than pleasure.


  8. What a great recipe, my friend! And the actual food ones look tasty too…hehehe! I am definitely making the chickpea salad very soon! It rings all the right bells with me, and would be great to have in the fridge for when my sister arrives. It looks like it would pair wonderfully with a certain loaf of bread…HAH!



  9. I love your Friendship Recipe! I’ve made it many times. Its portions are generous, and the satisfaction stays with you for a long time. Mine too requires a dash of risk-taking, and the shenanigans offer great texture and flavour. I like to stir mine gently, rather than beating – but definitely no frothing. The side of gratitude complements the recipe beautifully, and I wouldn’t even consider leaving it out ❤️

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  10. Thanks for organizing everything. It’s was lovely to see people in person again. Zoom leaves you with many unfinished thoughts.
    I would of course add something spicy to the recipe.


  11. Love this! I’m also going to try both of these recipes. While we can’t get the Mexican cheese here (well, not in regional Queensland at any rate) google informs me that parmesan is an acceptable substitute, so parmesan it is.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I love the recipe for Friendship, Donna. Yes, risk-taking and reaching out. And, yes, never forget the shenanigans.😀 The food looks wonderful. I love all of the smiles. Your granddaughters are adorable! Thank you for sharing a wonderful post, Donna. Good Friendships plus Good Food equals a perfect recipe!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awesome! Thank you for being a regular contributor, Antoinette.
      I tried Tomato Pie for the very first time last year. (It was very good but my recipe needed a bit of tweaking). I look forward to trying it again!
      I have added your link to the main body of this post.


  13. I so love your “recipe” for friendship. It’s exactly what I am going to serve up later this month. In the meantime you’ve shared a couple of great recipes and your fabulous family and friend month long extravaganza!


    1. Thanks, Bernie – Like most recipes, I believe that there are endless recipe versions for friendship. I’m glad that you like this one and will have an opportunity to serve it up later this month. I hope that there will be a post involved so that I can read about it! 😀


      1. Oh it’s a friendship I have written about many times. 7 women 44 years and spread our amongst 3 provinces. Then food is always secondary to the main item which is our connection.


  14. You have me in stitches! I love your recipe for Friendship – dash of caution was an appreciated ingredient, and I second a healthy amount of laughter & shenanigans!

    Thank you also for the chickpea salad recipe – I was going to cook some up to make hummus tomorrow; I’ll just boil up an extra quantity for your delicious recipe!


  15. Donna,
    I agree with several above that it’s obvious that your friendship recipe works. Taking a month to focus on friendship will reward you handsomely with a lifetime of fabulous memories. I wish I had a recipe to contribute, but after four months on the road, Helen and I are having difficulty getting back to preparing meals. Nevertheless, we are taking notes–there are some great ideas here. Looking forward to the next edition. Please stay in touch! Joe


    1. Hi, Joe and Helen – I am envious of your four months on the road. Your posts and photos have been super inspiring (especially for so many of us who have been going into ‘travel-withdrawal’.) Thank you for your kind words. I always look forward to your posts and comments.


  16. I think your recipe for friendship is perfect! Your food recipes are good too. 🙂 This summer we’ve had some fabulous visits from friends. One couple we haven’t seen in 17 years!! Distance and busy-ness are the reasons. They stayed with us for a weekend and it seemed as if we had last seen each other a week ago. So much fun! Then a few weeks ago one of my best friends from CA (now from TX and CO) visited with her fiancé for three days. She’s been a widow for several years and didn’t think she’d love again – and yet…love found her. We four got along so well and enjoyed each other’s company. Then, I was at the shore with family, including my GOOD friends – my brother and his wife. i feel so lucky!! I think the only thing I’d add to your “friendship method” is good memories – making them and then re-iiving them with old friends (and brothers). 🙂


    1. Hi, Pam – ‘Memories’ is the perfect addition to this ‘Friendship Recipe.’ Thank you so much for including it. Your time with your friends and family this past summer sounds wonderful. When reconnecting with friends whom I have not seen for a long while, I am always amazed that there never seems to be a gap or lull in the conversation. Magic!

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Hey Donna! Loved your “take” on the what’s on your plate theme. You are so right. The right people make ANY thing you eat taste better, look better and go down better. So happy to have been a part of it this last month. Loved seeing you and all the others. And loved your Island. Good memories for sure. ~Kathy


    1. Hi, Kathy – It’s cool that we are both sitting in Kelowna, responding to blogs/blog comments at the exact same time! (I was sitting here when your comment pinged).
      Thank you for an incredible month of August, and for your support and friendship. See you in September!!


    1. Hi, Natalie – Margherita Pizza is one of my favourites! Thank you for sharing this with us. I have double checked the pingback and have added your link to the main body of this post. I greatly appreciate you being a contributor.


    1. Thanks, Laurie – Food, family, friends and grandchildren definitely add spice to life.
      I’m 1/3rd of the way through ‘Maya and the Book of Everything’ and am greatly enjoying it. Now if only the busyness would slow down a beat or two so that I can finish it! 😀


  18. Donna, such a wonderful celebration of family and friendship! 😀The smiles say it all – the joy of simply being together which for such a long time was far from simple or even possible. Oh, the last two photos of your granddaughters are precious and have me laughing. I love the recipe for friendship – yep, it can be scary but following these steps, friendships can be quickly formed within a meeting or two! Wishing you a lovely weekend! xx


  19. I would think you would be the very best kind of friend. You are so often surrounded by loved ones wearing ear-to-ear smiles. And a table filled with good eats. Your recipe for friendship illustrates that you know what it takes to be a good friend. I would add – for my own selfish reasons – a dash of patience and grace. My BFF has had to have both with me. She is so good to text me like clockwork but have days where texting is low on my list of things to do. Which might sound dreadful but there are days when I just don’t feel like talking. And my BFF is so patient. I am not worthy.


    1. Hi, Leslie – You are MORE THAN worthy. I’m glad that your BFF knows that. Most of us have days that we don’t feel like communicating. It is a true gift to know your boundaries and to be able to stick to them. Hope all is well for you.


  20. That sounds like such a delicious and fun month! We often spend time with family and friends eating too; doesn’t everyone? We make corn fritters with our leftover corn on the cob but that salad looks yummy too.


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