#peace, Link Ups

And That’s A Wrap!

Thank you to Sue of Women Living Well After 50 for initiating a monthly linkup to regularly update progress on our Words of the Year (WOTYs) and for asking Jo, Debbie and me to cohost. Without this commitment, I would not have had as rich of an experience with my intentions for 2022.

Word Cloud

In order to provide a quick visual summary, I copied my 2022 WOTY posts and pasted them into Word Cloud (eliminating conjunctions and some prepositions). Word Cloud then put the words I had used for my WOTY posts into a visual design. The larger the word, the more it appeared in my posts. Although there were surprises (why so much ‘science’?) and some words were diluted by their various forms (e.g. mom/mother, walk/walking/hike/hiking), I felt the final representation was accurate and prompted much reflection.

Do Words of The Year Really Help?

Mine did. Identifying a Word of the Year can be an excellent way to determine how you want your year to flow, increase self-awareness, and help guide decision-making. Much less rigid than a static New Year’s Resolution, a WOTY is dynamic, flexible and more easily adapted to new situations. WOTYs can also have a mind of their own. I chose my WOTY with world peace in mind (dream big, I say). But my readings, conversations and experiences kept leading me to contemplate inner peace. This reflection proved invaluable, especially when faced with challenging times.

Peace in Action

My original list of actions to help me focus on peace included: reading, journaling, blogging, reflecting, mindfulness and taking one small step at a time. I didn’t keep up with the journaling, but everything else continued, and peace remained my touchstone. I also engaged in two specific projects, which I greatly enjoyed. One was ‘Cultivating Peace in August,” a calendar of simple activities focussed on peace and kindness. Most of the activities were ones that I often did before the project. The difference was setting the intention and making the commitment. The other one is discussed below.

The Traveling Books of Inner Peace

Last February, I sent three copies of The Little Book of Inner Peace to friends in three different countries, requesting them to pass the book on when finished. All together, those three books travelled to 19 different places, including Nanaimo (British Columbia), Scarborough (Ontario), Florida (USA), Barry (Ontario), Port Hope (Ontario), Toronto (Ontario), San Diego (California), La Quinta (California). Palm Springs (California), Brentwood (California), Baltimore (Maryland), India, Surfers Paradise (Australia), Tumbarumba (Australia), Buderim (Australia), Wellington (New Zealand) and Tahiti (French Polynesia). I last heard from book recipients this past September then all was silent. I didn’t follow up further. I wish the books well where they are and hope that they continue to make a positive difference.

My Intentions for 2023

For the new year, I have decided to go with a ‘Pocket WOTY’ – a personal intention that I reflect upon privately. I look forward to noticing any differences in a goal that is shared publically versus one that remains private. I have been fortunate with intentions (at least some of the time). This blog was my New Year’s Resolution for 2017. Little did I know where that aspiration would lead!

How About You?

Did you set an intention or WOTY for this past year? Will you set one for 2023? I’d love for you to share your thoughts/experiences.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

What’s Been On Your Calendar?

To keep it accessible for all readers, this monthly linkup will now be expanded and renamed ‘What’s Been On Your Calendar?’ Here you can share recent highs, lows, activities, hobbies, travel, resolutions, and challenges. You may still use this space to let us know how your WOTY or intentions have been going. Any monthly wrap-up items you’d like to include will be welcome. We hope that you will continue to join us!

#WBOYC will officially begin in January 2023. It will take place on the last Thursday of each month at 2 pm PST (3 pm during daylight savings time) or the last Friday of each month at 8 am AEST. The first linkup will take place January 26/27. We look forward to seeing you there!


79 thoughts on “And That’s A Wrap!”

    1. Hi, Jo – You are fast!!
      I was happy with my choice of ‘peace’ for my WOTY this past year. It was much more helpful than I ever realized a WOTY could be. I began transitioning to my pocket WOTY this past week and believe it will be a good fit. Fingers crossed.
      And for your final sentence – right back at you! I am off to read your post now.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I have really enjoyed reading about your WOTY Donna. Your reflective posts have made me stop and think many times. I love your Wordcloud. Good luck with your pocket WOTY next year. I haven’t come across my word yet so it’s possible I may be wordless next year. My best wishes to you and your family for a happy and safe new year. See you in 2023.

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      1. Hi, Jennifer – Thank you for sharing your WOTY (happiness) with us this year. Your posts have been both uploading and thought-provoking. Please continue to join us again for #WBOYC and #WOYBS in 2023. I look forward to seeing you there!


  1. Peace was such a welcomed WOTY, Donna as the world desperately needs this. I enjoyed each of your posts and as someone who hadn’t really had a WOTY before, I’m glad that you found it useful and a way to live your life with a more peaceful focus. You are so clever with Word Cloud – I’ve not heard of it. It is surprising though how the words reflected your WOTY. Your idea of the Travelling Books of Inner Peace was wonderful and like you I hope they have found a good home and perhaps then move on to continue bringing peace to others. Happy New Year, my friend and I’m looking forward to co-hosting What’s Been On Your Calendar? in 2023 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Sue – I have greatly appreciated your support and encouragement all of the way through.
      Word Cloud is great fun and has a ton of uses. It is easy to use and quickly makes visual the key themes of longer prose.
      Thank you again for initiating this linkup. It was a wonderful way to stay on track!

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    1. Thanks so much, Janis. As I had never used a WOTY before, I was originally a bit skeptical. Quickly, I discovered how powerful a simple word can be. It truly is incredible.
      I can speak for Jo, Sue and Debbie and say that all four of us look forward to you joining in on What’s Been On Your Calendar. Inquiring minds want to know! This could also be a great prompt for a short story. ‘Just saying! 😀

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  2. Donna, I like that you explain that a WOTY is more flexible and adaptable than a resolution. I didn’t know the steps to the dance, but I stayed focused on the music and wonderful things happened. Cheers to living with intention. Love your peace design. It says it all.


  3. Hi Donna, your Word Cloud says it all! I have used these in the past but want to do it again now having seen yours – so clever and creative! You are very clever and insightful and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your WOTY posts. I’ve also learnt a lot from you! Peace is such a gift as are you! Thanks for your generosity of spirit and for being a wonderful co-hots. I’m looking forward to seeing where 2023 takes you and hearing about your Pocket WOTY in whatever way you decide to share. Happy New Year to you and Richard! xx


    1. Hi, Debbie – According to WordPress, I was commenting on your post at the exact same time that you were commenting on mine. I love the synchronicity!
      Thank you for your unending kindness and encouragement. I remain incredibly grateful for the GIFT of your friendship.
      Wishing you, Grant and your family a wonderful 2023 filled with health and happiness!

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  4. I love your word cloud, Donna! I’ve never been one for resolutions. Instead, I’ve enjoyed tracking my WOTY for over ten years. A few times I’ve recycled a word from a previous year. One word that comes around in the rotation is FOCUS since maintaining mine is always a challenge when I have a lot going on. This year, my word is CONFIDENCE. Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family! xo


    1. Hi, Jill – I’m impressed that you have chosen a WOTY for the past ten years. I only heard about them a couple of years ago and thought that they were a recent thing. Focus is an excellent word as is Confidence. ‘Wishing you and your family a wonderful year ahead. I look forward to reading your next book soon!

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  5. Donna,
    I want to do a Word Cloud. I love yours. My WOTY was health, and I did ok. My mental health is good. I continued an exercise regimen, but my weight entered the forbidden zone, so I’m dieting. Wish me well. I look forward to Retirement Reflections in 2023 and seeing where your creative mind takes us. Best wishes to you and Richard. Joe


    1. Hi, Joe – Thank you for your kind words. Health is an important WOTY. Focussing on our mental health and ensuring that we have regular physical excercise is more than half the battle. You don’t need luck for your diet challenge – you will crush it! 😀
      Wishing you and Helen a wonderful year ahead!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Donna – it’s interesting how the intention behind your WOTY changed gradually from world peace to inner peace. When I had “Enough” as my WOTY a while back I noticed it changed from having enough to being enough…..so maybe they steer us in the direction we need to go. I have a new WOTY for 2023 – it actually completely changed a few weeks ago and I find that interesting too….


      1. Yes, Blogger truly does not like me. But I persevered and won…. at least that round. Fingers crossed that it lets me in next time I go to comment! 😀 Wishing you and your family a wonderful new year ahead!


  7. Thank you for reminding me of WordCloud! And thank you for sharing your year of peace, Donna. I have used this time of year for reflection as usual, and reflecting on my 2022 word: Limber. I have definitely had to be mentally limber this year, to keep up with all the changes but physically limber? An injury with a long slow recovery including physiotherapy made this one harder to achieve. I have come up with a word for 2023: Explore. There is still lots to do at my new home, but I also want to get out there and EXPLORE. Especially this island. I think it is a bit of a shame that I haven’t seen more of it as yet. I hope you will join me on some of these explorations, at least!



  8. Love a good word cloud and yours is sensational. Here’s to PEACE and all the best for 2023…I like your idea of keeping your words ‘close to you’ and I will be sharing mine but as always it will encompass more!! Denyse PS thank you for being a co-host and good blogging friend!!


  9. Love your wrap up. Interesting about a pocket WOTY, although I’ve known about a WOTY for a long time I’ve never heard the pocket version. Love your word cloud. I did one a long time ago but recall it didn’t seem that easy! Your peace sign is very retro. So glad your WOTY helped your inner focus and how you paid it forward. Happy New Year. I will work in my year in review in the next 2 days and link up. Thanks to you all for being great co hosts. Bernie


    1. Thanks, Bernie – Early on, I decided to continue with a WOTY for 2023 but to keep it private. I was chatting with Sue at Women Living Well Over 50 and she called this a ‘Pocket WOTY.’ She is a very wise woman! 😀
      The Word Cloud was quite fun to do and remarkably revealing. The process may have become easier with current technology. I simply copied and pasted the prose from my blog into Word Cloud (while my mind was multitasking with other things) and prestochango there was the word cloud – with tons of options for shapes and colour combinations to choose from. I look forward to reading your review. See you there!


  10. Thanks, Bernie – Early on, I decided to continue with a WOTY for 2023 but to keep it private. I was chatting with Sue at Women Living Well Over 50 and she called this a ‘Pocket WOTY.’ She is a very wise woman! 😀
    The Word Cloud was quite fun to do and remarkably revealing. The process may have become easier with current technology. I simply copied and pasted the prose from my blog into Word Cloud (while my mind was multitasking with other things) and prestochango there was the word cloud – with tons of options for shapes and colour combinations to choose from. I look forward to reading your review. See you there!


    1. Hi, Ann – Your comment made me smile. I recently read David Sedaris’ ‘Happy Go Lucky.’ In it, he mentioned planning how he would ‘autobiographicalize’ even the most somber event…during the event. That was a great reminder that a ‘pocket WOTY’ was a good choice for me for 2023. The cons may be that I have less structure and motivation. Hopefully the pros will be that with my WOTY in the backrow I can be more present in the moment. I’m definitely willing to give this a try. My pw is not ‘vacation’ – but that’s a good one!

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  11. I have really enjoyed reading about your WOTY Donna. Your reflective posts have made me stop and think many times. I love your Wordcloud. Good luck with your pocket WOTY next year. I haven’t come across my word yet so it’s possible I may be wordless next year. My best wishes to you and your family for a happy and safe new year. See you in 2023.


  12. I love how your choice of word of the year led you to experience more inner peace and I totally agree that having a word of the year to focus on, helps to guide you in your attitudes, choices, and bring self-awareness. My word, calm, certainly did that, and throughout the year it was like calm manifested in so many different ways and made me aware of so many different aspects of what calm can mean.
    For 2023 I have a focus but not necessarily a word, although I might use a word as a tool to keep focus. I wish you a pleasant New Year’s weekend and I’ll see you in 2023!


  13. Hi Donna, your word cloud is inspiring and so good to have a focus for the year. Peace is so apt. I had a few WOTYs but stopped and now I simply use my Gratitude Journal to record my daily intentions and observations, this is my tenth year. Warmest wishes and lots of love heading into 2023. 💗


  14. Your “peace” symbol of 2022 words is SO COOL!! I love it, I love the words in it, and I love your post about what it meant to you being part of WOTY. I didn’t commit to this, knowing I’d get frustrated with myself for not following through. But like Miriam says, above, I have a Gratitude file and write stories in it every day. I also have a journal in which I write daily “10 things I’m grateful for” and 10 “I am” phrases. I find this a wonderful way to start my day with good “intention” and full of love and gratitude. Happy New Year to you, my blogging friend. Here’s to more blog-shares in 2023. ❤


    1. Hi, Pam – Thank you for this very kind and uplifting comment. I’m glad that you liked the Peace Word Cloud. It was fun to do and definitely had a mind of its own. I am inspired how you, Miriam and others write down your gratitude daily. I regularly reflect on gratitude but never manage to write it down.

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  15. Donna, I am so pleased to read your post. Keeping the word is a huge commitment and it is so very uplifting to read that you felt changed by the experience. I look forward to your new endeavor in 2023.


  16. I loved your WOTY for 2022, Donna. Inner peace is something we can all use in our lives. I really got a kick out of seeing your books make the rounds! I plan to reflect on a private word for 2023 also. I’m crafting my 2022 wrap-up for this Sunday and plan to join the link party with the post. Wishing you a Happy New Year to you and your family!


  17. Years ago I used to read about projects that the PhD brainiacs of our company would research. One of them was a program to generate word-clouds. My reaction then was “what the heck for?” Now I see how interesting it can be. I tried your Word Cloud link and see your point about eliminating conjunctions etc. I quickly determined that my vocabulary is very simple!

    Congratulations on your WOTY wrap-up. It’s neat to see how your challenge has built up over the year. I still remember when you kicked it all off. Well done!


    1. Hi, Sandy – Although I haven’t previously used Word Clouds in my retirement, I did frequent use/encounter them when I worked. When used thoughtfully, they can be an effective visual representation of information or data. They are powerful at quickly highlighting key themes or directions. Many Word Cloud programs automatically eliminate conjuntions etc. which is a wonderful feature. Generating this Peace Word Cloud was super easy and very revealing. I forgot how much fun they can be!
      Wishing you a happy and healthy 2023!

      Liked by 1 person

  18. I didn’t have a word of the year and tend not to – though much prefer the idea to resolutions as I always failed at them. I like the idea of having guidepost however and I love that yours worked for you.


    1. Hi, Deb – Thank you for dropping by. This was my first year with a WOTY and I was pleased with how it went. Now for my pocket WOTY – I am interested in noticing any differences between the two.
      Wishing you a wonderful new year ahead!


  19. I do like the WOTY concept and found it very helpful some years – I think my fav ever was JOY. Other years, not as much. I have not chosen one is a couple of years, and am not doing one again this year. My focus will remain on my vision statement, positive psychology practices, and seasonal “planning”. I’m not one for planning out blog post timing that well (topic on time), but I’m hoping to link into the WBOYC link this year a few times. Happy New Year to you!


    1. Hi, Pat – Thank you so much for dropping by. Focusing on your vision statement and positive practices sounds like an excellent plan. Sue, Debbie, Jo and I would love for you to join us at #WBOYC whenever it works best for you. We look forward to seeing you there. Wishing you a very happy year ahead!

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  20. Hi Donna – fascinating result from your Word Cloud (Peace) and from your WOTY … my blog is Positive – so that sticks. I think I mentioned soothing … I will have to see … I’ve got your badge brightening my desk-top – a-waiting its use! Excellent to see and read the comments … cheers to one and all – and Happy New Year to you both this coming year – HIlary


  21. 2022 WOTY was “sustain” in an attempt to strengthen and support my own physical and mental response to what presents itself. I want to live life proactively. I did some coasting during the pandemic and it’s time to move forward. 2023 WOTY – forward. I do want to live in the present, not the past yet some preparation for the future has always served me. Your word morphed from an external application to an internal one of inner peace yet you continued to send it out into the world with your travelling books. I worked on sustaining myself in the face of the changes happening in my world. Now I need to move forward. I will keep on keeping on. Happy New Year, Donna.


    1. Hi, Mona – Thank you for these wise words. I believe that we all did some coasting during Covid and its various lockdowns – I know that I did. I’ve only recently felt like I was back in sync with myself and moving forward (although the direction is slightly different from what it was prior to the pandemic). Once again, I wish that you wrote publicly so that I could follow some of your journey this year. (I am a broken record, I know!)


  22. It is great to hear how your WOTY made a difference and impacted your life throughout the year. I have always enjoyed hearing about other people’s WOTY, particularly what motivated them to choose that word, among all of the wonderful words that could guide their year ahead. I finally decided to choose a of word of the year for 2023 and wrote a post on it. I hope I can keep it in front of me throughout the year as well, so that I can look back and see if it made a difference. Thank you for sharing.


    1. Hi, Marian – Thank you so much for stopping by. I also like hearing about the intentions/wotys/resolutions that others choose and what inspired them to make their choice(s). One of the things I love most about New Years is the collective hope and optimism. I am off to your website now to discover what WOTY you chose for 2023. See you there!


  23. I love this wrap up. Word Cloud create a great visual. Looking forward to reading your journey of reflection and joy.


  24. Lovely to read Donna! It’s so great to set an intention as you have – and others too. I know that Peace will always be uppermost in my heart, soul and mind and I know that it starts with me being at peace within. From the micro to the macro. On the eve of the New Year I was wondering what it was that I wanted to set for myself, and all I could think was, ‘to be better’, ‘do better’, be as conscious as possible.
    And now, having said that, I’m off for a walk.
    Here’s to a great 2023 to you and family xx


  25. Donna, it’s wonderful that WOTY has been such a positive and enhancing experience for you. I can see how WOTY, such as ‘Peace’ can become part of every day life, enriching it for yourself and others. I gave up on New Year’s resolutions in 2020 and been a bit lost without them. The concept of WOTY though has me intrigued – if I was to join ‘wonder’ might be my word. The world is in so much darkness, negativity galore that the wonder of earth, of our lives seems increasingly lost and the focus for myself (and others too, I imagine) needs to be re-adjusted.

    Wow! Your three books have enjoyed their outing around the globe and yes, may they settle happily in their new homes!😀


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