Summer Series: Favorite Retirement Bloggers
Blogging, Guest Posts, Lifestyle, Retirement

Summer Sundays Series is Almost Here

I wrote previously about creating a Summer Series: Favorite Retirement/Lifestyle Bloggers. For quite a while, I’d been trying to find a personal and effective way of highlighting favorite bloggers in my niche. A ‘Summer Series’ seemed to be the perfect solution. It would help share blogs that I love. It would also bring fresh content to my site for some of the time that I am away this summer…without access to the internet.

Thank you to all who have responded so positively to this series. Due to your overwhelming replies, I am delighted to be able to initiate this feature a bit earlier than originally planned.

Starting next week, I’ll begin sharing some amazing bloggers. Hopefully you will find several ‘old favorites’ here…and a few ‘new favorites’ as well!

First up, is Marty from Snakes in the Grass with ‘Torrid Romance and Sensual Escapes: A Retirement Primer.’ Try not laughing at his witty writing. Go ahead; I dare you!

The following week we’ll be visited by Leanne, from Cresting the Hill. Not yet retired, Leanne’s catch phrase is “actively transitioning.” In her post, ‘The Transition to Retirement — Smiling All of the Way’, Leanne offers many insightful thoughts on preparing for this change process. I wish that I had known about her blog before I had retired!

After Leanne is Sue from Sizzling Toward Sixty and Beyond. Through her post, ‘Retire From Work But Not From Life,’ Sue shares her insights on the art of positive aging. Some of you have visited a guest post that I wrote for Sue’s blog. She has made June her ‘Month of Health and Wellness.’ I’m sure that you will find Sue’s tips and reminders to be very valuable.

On Sunday, July 9 we’ll hear from Kate from Views and Mews. Kate shares with us ‘A Backward Glance At Retirement.’ Once again, humor is the secret weapon…and Kate knows just how to use it!

In a post inspired by Sue (above), Pat Doyle from Retirement Transition will share with us “17 New Things in 2017”. I’ve mentioned before that building relationships, sharing ideas, connecting, and motivating each other are just a few of the amazing benefits of blogging. Pat’s post is a perfect example of this!

On the remaining Sundays, I will highlight the following blogs (not necessarily in this order):

Retirementally Challenged
My Life Lived Full
Hugh’s Views and News
The Glasgow Gallivanter
Roaming About
Profound Journey
Grammy’s Grid
Gideon Sock Puppet
Smart Living 365
Easin’ Along
Second Wind Leisure Perspectives

Don’t see the site of a retirement/lifestyle blogger whom you adore? Let me know, and I will gladly stalk them! Don’t see your own site in this niche and would like to join in the fun? Please let me know that too… you cannot hide for long!

As there are so many remarkable retirement/lifestyle bloggers out there, I would love to keep this chain going for as long as possible. When reading many of these bloggers, my recurring question often is “Where were you all when I was contemplating my retirement?” Hopefully, this series will help others to connect with a little inspiration.

If you have agreed to write a guest post and can get it to me by the end of June, that would be most helpful. I will then ensure that I have all articles ready to go before I set off for the Camino Trail.

I’m excited! (Yes, both about this series…and about the trail!) Don’t forget to tune in next Sunday!

Feature Photo

42 thoughts on “Summer Sundays Series is Almost Here”

    1. Thanks, Debbie – I would love to have you join us. You’ve had a fantastic start to your retirement. I believe that your story is very inspiring to others who are anxious about this transition. If interested, please let me know, and I’ll add you on!


    1. Thanks, Sue – I’m looking forward to your post running on July 2. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to do this!


  1. I’m anxious to be introduced to more retired bloggers, like yourself, Donna. One day, I hope to fall into that group, but for now, I need my health insurance, so I’ll keep plugging away at the day job. 🙂


    1. Hi, Jill – Health insurance is very important. You are a great writer and run an inspiring blog, with a fantastic community. I encourage all readers to drop by and visit you at your site!


      1. Hi, Sue – Thank you for connecting with Jill on this site. I cannot recommend either of your blogs enough! You both have incredible inspiration to share!


  2. Donna, I am looking forward to to your summer series. Thanks for including me in the line-up. I’ll be thinking of you as you’re hoofing it along the trail!



    1. Thanks so much, Jude – I am so glad that you are participating. You have such great questions and reflections on the process of retiring. The series would not be the same without you!


  3. Great idea, Donna. And thanks to it, I’ve just discovered a fellow retirement blogger living in Swansea.


    1. Hi, Spencer – I know exactly who you are talking about. Hugh, from Hugh’s Views and News!! I am so excited that readers are checking out each other’s blogs and ‘About Pages’ before this series even begins. Mission Accomplished!
      I would love for you to join us, Spencer. If you’re interested in including a guest post from your blog (it can be a repost, no problem), just let me know and I will email you the details.


  4. I have known Jill for a few years, she’s a genuinely warm and intelligent woman and friend. So proud of her writing a couple stories and one book published!
    I know Joanne Sisco, too. A wonderful adventure seeker, hiker and bicyclist. Smiles, Robin


    1. Hi, Robin – I’ve only known Jill (via her blog) for a short time. Still, I believe that you have summed her up perfectly. I’ve known Joanne’s blog slightly longer and agree that she is also a wonderful writer…and adventure seeker! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. I greatly appreciate it.


    1. Thanks, Joanne – I am very excited to begin this series. I am thankful for the very generous and positive response from fellow bloggers that has allowed me to start this Sunday feature a month early! Thank you so much for participating. I look forward to your post.


  5. The Summer Series are such a great idea, Donna. I”m looking forward to reading the entries and to participating! Of course, you will have to pause the series to tell us all about the trail at some point as well!!


    1. Thanks, Liesbet – I will not have a computer or iPad with me on the Camino trail (just my iPhone). So my Camino posts may need to wait until I return…unless I can come up with a creative solution that is doable with my phone. I will keep thinking about this.


      1. It’s probably easier (and a nice way to look back to the trip) when you get back home. Better to enjoy what’s around you than needing to work on blogs behind the computer. 🙂


      2. Sounds like great advice!
        I do always have a small fantasy of doing a vlog … but that is well beyond my skill set and personality!


      3. I think the filming will be fun, but the editing is very difficult and time consuming! (Which is the reason we are not attempting it. :-))


      4. I fully agree. The editing is the deal breaker for me…that and me not liking to speak directly into a camera/microphone!


  6. Wonderful to be included in your Summer Sundays series Donna – and looking forward to seeing what your other guest posters have in store for my weekends over the next couple of months! Enjoy your time away – I bet there’ll be a blog post or two about it on your return 🙂


    1. Hi, Leanne – Thank you for the Facebook shout out this morning. I am always impressed by the generosity of our blogging community. I’m super excited about this series — so far it is surpassing my original hopes. I do plan to post about my experiences on the Camino. Last year, I scribbled down some notes with pen and paper. When I returned home, I posted once each day for each of the ten days that I had been on the trail. Now with being away 30+ days, I may need a new plan. I’m currently percolating on that one. Stay posted!
      BTW – I love the new look on your blog. It is very inspiring.


  7. Great teasers for the first batch of guest posts, Donna. You have a future in marketing if you’re interested in another career. 🙂
    Looking forward to the series.


    1. Thanks, Karen. I greatly appreciate your kind words…and am truly hoping to stick with this retirement gig for quite some time!


    1. Hi, Clare – I am super excited about this series. I have received some amazing posts so far. I am so happy to hear that you will be following along!


  8. What fun! You do a wonderful job of introducing us to New bloggers and new ways to approach life. Thank you! I look forward to reading every week here. 💙


    1. Hi, Pam – To know that you will be following this series has made my day! You are an incredible writer. I have learned a great deal from you!


  9. I don’t know where you find time to keep up with so many (great) bloggers!! I am sure I’ll find a few new ones to add to my regular read list. Thanks for including me in your series. 🙂

    I too will be off-grid this summer – for 18 days. I’ll have to think about how to capture my trip in a “retirement transition” kinda-way and blog about it on return. This is the “once in a lifetime” trip I’ve been dreaming about for years… the one you’re “supposed to take” right as you retire. Of course, life happens but we’re doing it now.


    1. Hi, Pat – Congratulations on your upcoming ‘once in a lifetime’ trip. I am very intrigued to read more about it. I will definitely stay tuned!


    1. Thanks, Stephanie. Four days until countdown! Hopefully other great bloggers will join in along the way. (Yup, that’s a hint!)


  10. Great list! I enjoy blogrolls so I’ll look forward to reading about these bloggers. Some are new to me, others have been around for as long as I have! You got a fun idea going on here. *Yay*


    1. Thanks, Ally – I was slow to enter the blogging world (even as a reader). Now that I’ve fully jumped in, I am continually surprised by the amazing ideas, writing and generosity out there. I am so pleased to be able to share my little corner of this community!


  11. I’m really looking forward to contributing to your series and getting the chance to meet some new retirement bloggers. We all have a different story to tell and a unique way to tell it. What a creative way to keep your blog going while you are on the trail. Of course, we all hope that you’ll have a post or two (or more) about your adventure when you get back!


    1. Thanks, Janis. I am greatly looking forward to your post. I will definitely write about Richard’s and my upcoming adventures on the Camino Trail. I’m not sure yet how best to approach it. I think it will be one of those ‘insert miracle here’ plans!


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