Guest Posts, Lifestyle

Creating a Lifestyle Catered to You

Thank you, Donna, for inviting me over to participate in your Sunday Series. It is a pleasure, and an honor, to be called one of your favorites. My ego is bursting!

A retirement lifestyle?

At 42-years-old, I am not retired, although many people might think differently based on the lifestyle I have been living since 2003. It’s either that, or they think I am on a perpetual vacation, or that I am rich, or all of the above! Living an alternative lifestyle throughout adulthood causes these assumptions. Unfortunately, the reality is “none of the above.” Although I have the flexibility to sleep in and form my own schedule, that’s where the comparisons stop. I still need to make money and sacrifices to survive, and I own nothing, not even a retirement account. My husband, Mark, and I like the minimalistic approach and don’t require much to be happy and free. All our belongings fit in our red Toyota Prius and, other than our business, The Wirie, we have no burdens or responsibilities. We don’t have a home, children or pets (yet) and go wherever we find an attractive long-term house and pet sit. To us, creating memories and going on adventures is more important than collecting material goods or financial wealth.

Blogs to inspire and share?

In 2007, Mark and I embarked on an impromptu cruising adventure with our two big rescue dogs, Kali and Darwin. After a failed attempt two years prior in Northern California, because the dogs hated sailing on a monohull (which lays on its side when moving in certain directions), we searched and found a 35-foot catamaran (more stability and less seasickness for me) in Annapolis, Maryland, and named her Irie, which is a reggae term meaning “It’s all good!” I started my first blog, It’s Irie, to document all our adventures and share tips while cruising the Caribbean and the South Pacific. We ran a business from the middle of nowhere (tricky!), I wrote blog posts and magazine articles, and we indulged in many foods, cultures, sights and wildlife encounters while living on a tight budget. The longer the money lasted, the longer we could sail and explore the islands.

Eight years later, in August 2015, the challenging yet rewarding lifestyle proved to have been enough. We sold our sailboat in Tahiti, French Polynesia and ‘moved’ to land in the United States, to focus on the long-range WiFi business we started in St. Martin in 2009 and to concentrate on my writing. I started a new blog, settling on the name “Roaming About – A Life Less Ordinary.” I moved from the Blogger platform to WordPress and have been a happy camper since. Picking a name was difficult. On the one hand, I did not want to let go of the term “irie” (which, as our floating home, had been good to us and which is part of the name of our product), on the other hand, I wanted something that reflected our ever-changing lifestyle. Now, I am happy with the name, since “roaming about” is exactly what we keep doing. It is a versatile topic, and even when I report on my writing progress (or digress) it is still related to travel and adventure, since those are the topics of my stories and non-fiction book.

Where does this wanderlust come from?

Good question! Since I am working on a memoir right now, I have been wondering about my wandering needs. On a recent visit to my parents in Belgium, I asked them once again: “Is there anything that I was doing as a child that gave any indication that I loved adventures, explorations, to be out and about?” Once again, the disappointing answer was “No!”. I was as normal a child as could be. (That changed during my teenage years.) My dad was in the Belgian Navy for two years back in the late sixties, after which he said: “That’s it. I have seen enough. I have been to all the places I wanted to see.” Since then, he is happiest at home. My mom enjoys short weekend trips and getaways, but needs comfort and luxury when doing so. I do not see any similarities with the way I live and travel. As kids, my brother and I went on family vacations to France, Spain, Italy, and Norway. Lots of Belgian kids do. By the time I was seventeen, I had developed an unexplainable love of traveling, by necessity, on a budget. This attraction to adventure and aversion to spendthrift never changed.

While apprehensive at first (which mother would be comfortable when her 17-year-old daughter hitchhikes to and in Italy for three weeks with a boyfriend?), my parents quickly got used to and even supported my traveling lifestyle. I worked… to save… to travel: a 5-week summer expedition in India, a year to Southeast Asia with a backpack and friends after college, another year of backpacking to Southeast Asia, New Zealand and Australia by myself at age 25, after working as a teacher for two years. I went back to my elementary school job in Belgium for two more years and then, I left. Indefinitely. It wasn’t planned in that summer of 2003, but I never returned to live in my home country. Instead, I explored the US, Canada, and Alaska with a camper, a boyfriend and a dog for a year and a half. And, I met Mark in December 2004. We unsuccessfully attempted that sailing trip to Mexico with his two dogs. Then, we changed gears and mode of transportation and drove a truck camper throughout Mexico and Central America for a year. This was followed by life in a tent and car for two months, until we found Irie.

Traveling full-time is exhausting! After this last sailing journey, Mark and I have found the perfect lifestyle in house and pet sitting. We adore dogs and enjoy the creature comforts of electricity, water, and internet, while moving about, resting up, exploring new areas and living rent-free. As to the origins of my wanderlust, the answer had been found! Apparently, there is a gene called DRD4-7R, which causes people to take risks and explore new places. That has got to be it – this gene is part of my whole being. It is possessed by around 20 per cent of the population, so I can’t help but wonder: are those people stuck in a boring 9-5 work situation, living the so-called American (Or Canadian, or European, or Down Under) Dream, feeling trapped and craving freedom? Or have they found other creative outlets to let their spirits soar?

What do you want to achieve in life?

This guest post is getting long enough. I hope I have not bored you to sleep! The words organically appeared as I was trying to shed some light on our lives in an attempt to show you that it is possible to live the life you desire without financial or other restraints, but with a dose of curiosity, flexibility and determination. When people say “You are so lucky to be living like this!” I can’t help but correct them: “Luck has nothing to do with it. Life is all about the choices you make.” Granted, bad health and certain responsibilities can be debilitating, but hopefully only for a period of time. It is a cliché, but we only have one life on this beautiful and fascinating planet, so we better make it count and try to own our happiness. My best friend recently asked: “What would you like to accomplish by the time you die?” My answer: “I don’t want to have any regrets.” The other idiom “It’s better to regret the things you did than the things you didn’t do” is closely related to how I feel as well.

Roaming About


How about you? What do you want to achieve in life? What would you like to change? What would make you happy/happier? Any chance of achieving this state of mind or lifestyle change (soon)?


From Retirement Reflections: Thank you to Liesbet for sharing her facinating story of living life freely and fully — at any age. Her minimalist lifestyle, and focus on creating memories and adventure is incredibly inspiring and thought-provoking. Please join us again next week when we welcome Gideon Sock-Puppet from Dr. Sock Writes Here. See you then!

85 thoughts on “Creating a Lifestyle Catered to You”

    1. Hi, Kate – Thanks for stopping by. I love the uniqueness of Liesbet’s stories as well. Her lifestyle and extreme sense of adventure are both fascinating to me!


  1. Hi Liesbet – although I’d been introduced to your blog earlier, this is the first time I’m reading your bigger story.

    I agree completely that life is all about the choices we make and there is no one-size-fits-all. You clearly have an adventurous spirit “on steroids” 🙂

    Best wishes with your continued wanderlust!


    1. Hi, Joanne – Thank you so much for stopping by. Getting the ‘backstories’ of all of my favourite bloggers has been one of the most rewarding parts of running this series. I agree that Liesbet has any incredibly adventurous spirit. I love reading her posts!


    2. Thanks, Joanne. Making choices is a tough thing, I find, because there are so many roads to take. Lucky us, right? Being on the go all the time is quite exhausted, though, so I feel that this adventurous spirit “on steroids” is on a well-deserved break while house sitting right now (as opposed to full-time travel). During the week, anyway. 🙂


  2. Hi Liesbet, good to get your full back story, which prompted me to think about your lifestyle anew. You could be said to have few responsibilities (not many possessions, no dependents) but actually I think you have huge responsibilities, because wherever you live you are looking after someone else’s property and pets. I think that would terrify me! I’ll keep looking after my own little patch and continue to enjoy the life less ordinary through your adventures.


    1. I fully agree that Liesbet’s and Mark’s ‘responsibilities’ are much larger than they first appear. From all that I have read in Liesbet’s posts, I do believe that they are amazing pet sitters. I would definitely choose them (in a heartbeat) if I was looking for a house/plant/pet sitter!!


    2. Hello Anabel!

      You are right, the responsibilities have increased a bit – and the adventure level decreased – taking up this lifestyle of house and pet sitting, but we are so much enjoying all the comfort and amenities (and doggie love) that come with it. 🙂 Right now, it provides the perfect mix. While we believe that the less responsibilities, the easier life becomes, when we are in charge of something (whether it is our business or other people’s properties and pets), we take the job extremely serious and our meticulousness is front and center. It is a great solution, but a temporary one…


  3. It’s so great to see you here, Liesbet! Oh my, all of my books wouldn’t fit into a Toyota Prius. 🙂 I’m really looking forward to your memoir. Since I’m more of a homebody now, I can live vicariously through you and Mark. Thanks for hosting Liesbet today, Donna!


    1. Hi, Jill – I agree that it would be difficult to know what to fit into a Toyota Prius…and what do do with all of my other stuff…including books. I too enjoy much vicarious adventure through Liesbet’s posts. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.


    2. Hello again, Jill! We loved our Toyota Prius, with plenty of room to spare. Since I wrote this post for Donna, we have sold our car with pain in our hearts. It wasn’t that we were sick of it, but that we found the perfect little camper van we had been keeping an eye out for. So far, all our stuff fits in the little cabinets and cubby holes. But, once you have a bigger vehicle (just like a bigger house), you will always find things that you need for it, right? 🙂


    1. Hi, Thrifty Campers – Thanks for stopping by and checking out Liesbet’s post. The two of you also lead a very inspirational lifestyle.
      BTW – I tried to follow your blog by email, but could only follow by ‘Reader’. Is an email sign-up available?


    2. Thanks! But, as far as I remember, you guys sure are traveling around a lot this summer as well! And, roughing it much more than we are. 🙂 I”m looking forward to seeing what you have in store next!


  4. My favorite part of this post is your response to “You are so lucky to be living like this!” You and Mark have created the life you now enjoy. Most people – even those who love to travel – wouldn’t be willing to make the sacrifices that you’ve made to enjoy your roaming about lifestyle. I have loved reading about your various house sits and the adventures you have while exploring different parts of the country.

    Donna: thanks once again for introducing another interesting blogger to your other readers. I’m sure more than a few will click on the “Follow” button on Liesbet’s blog.


    1. Hi, Janis – I love Liesbet’s response to the “You’re so lucky…” statement as well. I find her posts to be very eye-opening to the wide-range of choices that lie right in front of us. Liesbet is another blogger that I would love to meet in person. I know that the two of you have met already (insert jealous face here)! 🙂


    2. I’m glad you liked the answer to that question, Janis. Most adults that think through how we live our lives, realize that there are challenges involved, challenges they do not want to undergo, but there are still many people out there who still only see the beauty of it all.

      I know how much you love to travel and explore, but I also know how much (maybe even more) you enjoy returning to your familiar and comfortable home. It is nice when people like you enjoy our stories and adventures, but also realize that it isn’t all unicorns and rainbows, or whatever the expression is. 🙂


  5. I’m fascinated by your lifestyle, Liesbet. At first I thought, “How wonderful that would be!” That thought was immediately followed by, “What if I got seriously ill? What about when I get old?” For my personality I need some security. Of course, nothing is truly certain for any of us except this moment. Thanks for sharing your story. Happy travels! Who knows, I may need your services one day while I go on an adventure! 😀


    1. Hi, Christie – My responses to Liesbet’s post was very similar to yours. Dibs on having her and Mark as pet sitters if I ever need one! 🙂


    2. Nice to meet you, Christie! Those are some very valid considerations. And, we actually have had to deal with them directly as well. The answer is, you always find a solution, and you (in our case anyway) can always fly back to your home country/home state, where caring family members and friends are there for you. Yes, we are all very fortunate. 🙂

      You are so right about the “living in the moment” remark. I realize every day (even this morning) that this is exactly what Mark and I are doing. We have no clue about what will happen and where we will be after mid-October for example. Sometimes, this gets a bit nerve-wrecking, which brings me back to the previous paragraph: we will always find a solution. 🙂

      Please, keep us in mind if you need a house and dog sitter. We are open to anywhere in North America, as long as the timing fits and the weather is nice. 🙂


  6. Sorry for being late to the party, everyone. We just returned from another weekend of New Mexico explorations. Thanks again for featuring me on your inspiring, interesting and engaging blog, Donna! I am so happy to be here. 🙂


    1. Hi, Liesbet – Thank you for your kind words. Since it is still the weekend, I knew that you and Mark would be out exploring New Mexico. Hope that you had a great adventure and took lots of photos to share with us all!


      1. Our last weekend here, Donna, so we had to take advantage of that. Yep! More blogs and photos to follow in the coming weeks. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend back home. xx


      2. Hi, Liesbet – I’m glad to hear that there will be more blogs and posts from your current visit. I look forward to them!


  7. I’m catching up on my favorite bloggers’ posts, and what do I see? Liesbet on your blog–I just read her stories of their weekend excursions to New Mexico! Liesbet, you are living the life! Beautiful post and so happy Donna included you in the mix.


    1. Hi, Terri – Thanks so much for stopping by . It is because of bloggers like you and Liesbet, that I included ‘lifestyle’ bloggers in this series. I am so glad that I did!


  8. Nice to see you here, Terri! Happy with the life right now, but the weeks are a bit too overwhelming with work lately. 🙂 Adding adventurous weekends to the mix does not lead to much rest…. Hope you had a wonderful weekend (at the delta) as well!!


  9. Hello from Australia! What a wonderful and adventurous life you and your husband have had. I was not bored reading your post that is for sure. Such a brave thing to actually do what you want to do rather than waiting until this or that. Looking forward to reading more of your new blog and thank you Donna for introducing Liesbet to us. Have a great week! xx


    1. Hi, Sue – I also love how Liesbet lives so presently in each moment. I see that same philosophy modeled so clearly in your writing. Thanks for stopping by and visiting here. I greatly appreciate your ongoing support.


    2. Hello Sue! I have heard a lot about you through some of my blogging friends. It is nice to meet you directly. Thank you for the kind words. Waiting has never been my strong point, I just wished I could inspire more people to follow their dreams “now” instead of waiting until it might be too late. When you are creative and flexible, you can make it happen. 🙂 There are lots of excuses to remain in the rut of life. While a lot of people complain about their lives, they refuse to change it. Comfort and familiarity has a lot to do with that.


  10. Hi Liesbet,
    I enjoyed your post, as I enjoy all of your posts. It was great in this one to get your backstory in a nice, neat little package. I’d figured out a lot of it through reading some of your earlier posts, but you filled in a couple of missing pieces for me in this one. Thanks.

    I wanted to say that I always appreciate your honesty and forthrightness, Liesbet. It’s easy to read of your adventures with stars in one’s eyes. I like that you are real about the challenges as well as the benefits of roaming about.


    1. Hi, Karen – I completely agree with your thoughts here. Beyond the amazing adventure of Liesbet’s ‘life less ordinary’, is her incredibly honesty and forthrightness. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.


    2. Karen, I always enjoy reading your comments. They are so positive and always bring a smile to my face. You have such a way of making people feel better!

      I’m especially happy about your last statement. As an article writer (and traveler), it always annoyed me that travel stories are one-sided and only the glossy part is presented. I understand that magazines wouldn’t sell if negative experiences are reported upon, but I am a big fan of the “reality check” – seeing and reporting on things in perspective – even in my writing for said magazines. Everyone’s impressions about places are different and greatly depend on the mood, the weather, the time of year…. There is nothing as disappointing as visiting a place after an arduous journey (or sail) to find nothing like the article or guide book raved about!


  11. So wonderful to see Liesbet’s amazing story here. I met Liesbet in The Gambier Islands in French Polynesia in 2013. We became fast friends and remain so today. But your questions brought out a side of Liesbet’s story that I did not know and made me even that much more excited to read the book she is writing now. Love your Sunday Series!


    1. Hi, Lisa –
      Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting Liesbet’s post. I am not surprised that the two of you are already friends. I also greatly look forward to reading Liesbet’s upcoming memoir.
      I have gone back and read several of your previous posts — very inspirational!


    2. Hello my friend! You should do a guest post for Donna! Her readers – who don’t know yet what kind of a fabulous, adventurous, high-spirited, smart, strong and independent person you are – will love getting to know you (better) and reading about your quest and achievements to sail around the world. 🙂


      1. Great minds think alike, Liesbet! Lisa and I were in touch yesterday. Watch out for her Guest Post here at the end of October. 🙂


  12. Lovely to read more about you Liesbet, as you know I have enjoyed reading your blog posts for a while now. As housesitters ourselves and ex-motorhomers with no children and also avid world travellers, we have much in common. See you next time penpal 🙂


    1. Hi, Suz – Thank you for stopping by. I get inspired by reading blog posts of people living their lives fully — and less ordinary! I am off to check out your site now.


    2. Hi Suzanne! Thanks for hopping over here. Let’s hope the “see you next time” can be in person one of these days. Although, we do have a pretty big distance in between us right now, so , until more “sufficient conditions” occur, we will have to stay in touch throughout our blogs and adventures. 🙂


  13. Every time I read about your life, I learn something new! This time, I think it was the childhood through 20s years – I didn’t know (or forgot) how much you wandered on your own early on. I admire your lifelong focus on simple pleasures. And I know all about that gene … if it really exists, I have it, too!


    1. Hi, Lexklein – Thanks for visiting Liesbet’s post here. I too admire her focus on simple pleasures. Scientists do say that the gene DRD4-7R does exist… and is carried by roughly 20 percent of all humans. Sounds like you and Liesbet are in very good company!!


      1. Sorry, Donna – I realized after I submitted my comment that I was addressing Liesbet on your blog! I actually did a post on the wanderlust gene a little bit ago; I’m just a tad skeptical or at least unsure about its actual role. I’d like to believe it because we wanderers definitely feel we are wired a bit differently!


      2. Hi, Lexklein – Addressing Liesbet was perfect. That’s what I hoped readers would do. I look forward to checking out your post on the wanderlust gene…and your other posts as well!


    2. Hi again Lexie! Isn’t it nice to share that gene? Communicating with other wanderers brings me much pleasure. Now if only we could cut the virtual part of it… You know, I sometimes (dare I say often?) miss being on my own, and independently and self-sufficiently traveling the world. It is very different to what we are doing now. Don’t get me wrong… I love this lifestyle and – especially since I am getting older – truly enjoy the comforts of it, and the variation. But, just having your backpack and make all the decisions by yourself can be very liberating. 🙂


    1. Hi, Ellen – Thank you for dropping by to visit Liesbet’s post. What part our genetics play in such personality traits as risk-taking, etc. is very interesting. I definitely need to read more about this.


  14. Hi Liesbet, a wonderful guest post and it is lovely to learn more about your childhood memories. I do believe we can inherit a sense of wanderlust from our ancestors and growing up in The Netherlands we were always encouraged to learn other languages and explore the wider world. Our teachers were very inspirational and the school trips a real adventure.


    1. Hi, Xenia – Thank you for stopping by. I too loved reading about Liesbet’s childhood memories, and significant pieces that contributed to her sense of adventure. Thank you for adding to this!


    2. Xenia, I think that people in the Netherlands are actually more open and adventurous than in Belgium, even though the two are neighbors. Their English is excellent (but I do always pick up their accent, and when I ask, are you from Holland, they look at me like I am a fortune teller. :-)) and they have a seagoing history! And, they love whippets… 🙂


  15. Liesbet each time I hear a bit more of your story my admiration grows further for you and Mark and the dream life you have achieved. I don’t know that it would be my dream but I am with you on not living with any regrets. Perhaps in time I could learn to live without a permanent base but as much as I love to wander I do like having that security of a spot to come home to.
    Looking forward to your stories to come of new spots discovered and ways to live minimally.


    1. Hi, Sue – Thanks so much for stopping by. I agree that Liesbet’s story is incredibly inspiring. I love to travel…but like you, I also like the security of having a home base.


    2. Good to see you here, Sue. It has been so long since I had a (unmoving) home base, that I don’t remember how that feels like. And, maybe that’s a good thing, or I”m sure I would miss the feeling. I sometimes “dream” about coming home to a comfy couch and a happy dog and just sit down, relax and have a doggy head on my lap. This scenario has happened before, but in someone else’s home. It’s not quite the same…


  16. Liesbet, thanks for answering a question I had wondered about but never asked: where did you get your wanderlust from? I was very interested to read about the risk-taking gene. If twenty percent of people have it, it leads me to wonder if people satisfy their needs for novelty and adventure by risk-taking in different sorts of ways. Perhaps some take up extreme sports or high stakes investing, or push themselves out of their comfort zone to excel in their field. And others, like you, live an alternative lifestyle and travel the world. Food for thought. Thanks for a writing such an interesting account of your life.



    1. Hi Jude! I guess you are right about those other risk-taking personalities. That gene has to be reflected in those different situations as well, since I don’t think 20% of the population has extreme wanderlust. Food for thought, indeed! 🙂 Looking forward to reading your guest post on Sunday!


  17. During our first 8 months of cruising aboard our sailboat “Sionna”, we lost track of the number of times we heard “I want your life” or You are so lucky”, and we evolved the same answer you did. Luck has nothing to do with it. You choose the life you live, and by your choices you are known.”
    Well written, as always! And I’m getting more and more curious about this house/pet sitting gig you’ve developed… Hmm…


    1. You know, Keith, I have come to detest the word “luck”, because of all these assumptions. Yes, we are fortunate (I like this word better :-)) to have been born in a western society, where choices abound, but luck – in my opinion – has to do with… luck, like winning the lottery, When skills, priorities or lots of thinking are involved, how can one call that luck? Maybe wyou and I can both change the world about these assumptions? 🙂

      After cruising for a few more years, you will be VERY interested in house and pet sitting. 🙂 Nothing to fix anymore and all the comforts one can want, without paying rent. And, without watching, and worrying about, the weather every hour. There are responsibilities and duties involved, of course, but the exchange is pretty perfect.


  18. I admire your sense of adventure, Liesbet. To me, it sounds as if much of what you do is ‘spur of the moment,’ and how you have reaped the benefits of the lifestyle you live. I’ve always been a ‘home bird’ enjoying my comforts (a little like your mum), and I do suffer terribly from homesickness. However, like you, I enjoy what I do and am thankful that I am in a position to live my life how I feel most comfortable with.
    Keep on doing what your path of life brings you and maybe, one day, you’ll put it all into a book?


    1. As I am getting older, I seem to desire more comforts as well. And, after all these years on the water and on the road, I had become so tired. Exhausted, really. Discovering this house sitting lifestyle has helped tremendously to get some kind of schedule going and have amenities all around us. It is a less challenging lifestyle than we had for a decade, and it is less adventurous as well, but we are happy to take it right now, for a couple of years. 🙂

      You appear to be very happy with the life you have chosen, Hugh! I wish that upon everyone, but most of it is in everyone’s own hands – the choice is yours, indeed.

      Working on that book, but it is a slow progress. Other parts of life seem to dominate the days these months.


  19. In context of Liesbet’s story, I think having a home as a base to live is an important thing even if the lifestyle is mostly about cruising around the globe and exploring new places.


    1. Hi, Paul – Thank you so much for dropping by and commenting. I have always had a home base (at least so far), so I cannot speak from personal experience. Liesbet and Mark, and others whom I know like them, have inspired me that ‘home’ can be made wherever you. I wonder what others think?


      1. I think that statement is party correct, Donna. It is, for people with the right mindset. Yes, our sailboat was our home and our camper will be our home at some point, but having a non-moving home that will always be there (barred natural disasters) and has all of the things you love and got used to, the home decor you desired, the garden you planted and attend to, and the conveniences and furniture you picked, is still a bit different. Oh, and many home owners have friends and family in the area as well. If you live like a true nomad, you have to be able to give all that up.


    2. Unless that home base would cost us all our savings and adds a mortgage to our debt-free life, restricting us to do the things we’d like to do freely, without any restrictions. 🙂 It would mean finding a “real” job and settling down somewhere.

      Parts of that sound nice, and I always thought that by the time I was 40 I’d be settled somewhere, but, the funny thing is, the older we get, the less we’d like to remain in one place. If finances would allow us to have a small home somewhere warm and exciting, we’d probably be happy with that, though. Maybe I get LUCKY and win the lottery. Of course, I’d have to buy lottery tickets first and that money is better spend towards our camper van. 🙂


      1. Even more impressive to me than your adventurous lifestyle, is your open, thoughtful and very honest and attitude. You are very inspirational in so many different ways!


  20. Well said Lisbet, with were settled in a new home, though at the present moment are enjoying our nomadic lifestyle housesitting 🙂 Interesting post, Donna.


    1. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts Suz. Thanks so much commenting here. And no worries about the multiple comments — they are always welcome! 🙂


  21. Fantastic post! Liesbet is one of my favourite bloggers, and a caring and compassionate friend as well. Thanks for sharing her story.

    It never fails to inspire me. I’ve currently put traveling on hiatus in order to pursue my dream of writing novels full time, but hopefully it will be a temporary break.


    1. Hi, J.H. Thank you so much for stopping by. Good luck as you pursue your dream of writing your novels full time. I am off to visit your site now.


    2. Such a sweet thing to say, JH! I’m sure you will get back to traveling pretty soon, based on how productive you are being again! And, hopefully, not only for research. Congrats on making this new lifestyle happen and good luck with the trilogy! I”m so proud of you! 🙂


  22. Hi Liesbet! I’m just catching up on some of your posts and with all my travels missed this one! So glad I found it and caught up with some of your backstory. I agree with so many other comments that you are living an amazing life–but also agree it comes with challenges. I too have that wanderlust gene but I’ve figured out a way to satisify it by “rightsizing” my home base and then fitting travel in as much as I can. But again, like you said, it is by design–not luck. Looking forward to meeting you in person as well as following you on your travels. ~Kathy


    1. Hi, Kathy – THank you for stopping by to catch Liesbet’s post. Janis’s Guest Post will be published this Sunday, and Terri’s will be published the Sunday after that. The four of us will have much to share this October/November. I can’t wait!


  23. Rightsizing is the right way to go, Kathy. I just love that term that you invented! 🙂 I think it is beneficial to everyone to do and live life in a way that feels right to them, whether it is by traveling a lot, creating an attractive, functional home, or both! Happiness means different things to different people. We will have so much to talk about in October!


  24. Hi Liesbet – Your life and blog both sound interesting. Going to check it out. I have a friend who lives on a boat with her husband, so she has learned to be a minimalist. My hubby is too much of a hoarder for us to ever do such! Nice to “meet” you!


    1. Hi, Dee – My husband likes to hold on to stuff (that we no longer need) as well. Whenever I attempt a big decluttering, I make sure that I do it when he is either out-of-town or gone for at least a full day! 🙂


    2. Nice meeting you too, Grammy Dee. Yeah… being a hoarder would never work when living on a sailboat (or in a camper). Although, I have noticed friends getting a bigger boat over time and filling that up as well. When you live fulltime like that, it becomes a home. Add to that all the spare parts and tools you need to fix stuff and spaces fill up quickly. 🙂

      My husband and I are both minimalists and frugal people, so it works. 🙂 Thank you for reading and commenting here, and, welcome to my blog as well.


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