Link Ups, Reflection

The Travelling Book of Inner Peace

Early last week, I packaged up three copies of The Little Book of Inner Peace (by Ashley Davies Bush) and mailed them to three different countries (including Canada). My intention was to begin a ‘Travelling Ripple of Peace.’ Inside each book, I affixed the following note:

“This is the Travelling Book of Inner Peace. Three copies were initially sent from Vancouver Island, Canada, in February 2022. The hope is that you will read it, gain inspiration, and share it. When finished reading, please sign your name and city to the adjacent list and then pass it on. Kindly drop me a line, so I know where the book has been. On the last Friday of each month, I will post updates on my blog to indicate the books’ travels. If for any reason you wish not to join in, please pass the book on to someone else so that it can continue on its journey. Thank you for contributing to this Travelling Wave of Peace.

I blatantly stole 😀 this idea from Bernie at Equipoise Life, who discussed it in her post, Travelling Library Loan (May 30, 2017). Here, Bernie mailed a single (Patient and Family Library!) copy of Annie Freeman’s Fabulous Traveling Funeral (Kris Radish) around to friends/family to read and then send forward.

I have now reserved my own copy of this from our local library.

Sadly, in her December 16, 2021 post (Addictive With No Label), Bernie mentioned that she never heard a word from any of her ‘twisted sisters’ regarding this ‘travelling library loan.’

The three people with whom I began this Travelling Peace Book Project regularly read this blog (at least, I believe they do)! My sincere hope is that this Peace Chain will have much longevity and will make its way to you.

A friend mentioned that the Travelling Book of Peace reminded her of BookCrossing. BookCrossing is a free organization that helps readers give an ID number to their books before passing them on so that books can be tracked from reader to reader. You can click on the BookCrossing link to learn more and perhaps give it a try yourself.

Courtesy of BookCrossing, Inc.

Regardless of whether you participate or not, I invite you to join me in thinking about how your small actions can ignite their own wave of peace. Here’s Cat Stevens and the Playing for Change Musicians doing just that!

Peace Train – Cat Stevens and Playing for Change

I encourage you to join Debbie, Jo, Sue and me to share your current reflections on your WOTY or intention(s) for 2022.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter…

This Just In: Two of the ‘eagles’ have landed and have confirmed their safe arrival. Thank you, WBA and RC!

103 thoughts on “The Travelling Book of Inner Peace”

  1. Thank you, my friend…for sending me the means to get some inner peace! I will happily send it on to someone else when I am done. The whole world needs more inner and outer peace…especially with today’s news from the Ukraine.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi, Deb – I’m so glad that The Travelling Book of Inner Peace reached you and is in safe, wise hands! As we have all been shockingly reminded, peace is something that we can never take for granted. Today has given us a great opportuity to reflect on how we can each actively contribute to world peace. Even the smallest step can make a huge difference to someone in need of our support.

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      1. Hi, Bernie – I’m a third of the way through. I have found the writing style to be overwrought but I love the storyline which keeps me going. Right now, Annie’s five friends are all at the first airport. I can’t wait to go on this adventure with them.


    1. Hi, Jill – Although this post was prescheduled, I did wonder this morning if the timing was right for it to publish today Hopefully, it will be one more reminder that we can never take peace for granted and we must all do what we can to ensure peace for each other. I love that you leave copies of your books with handwritten notes. I would love to find one of those! 😀

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  2. Hi Donna, what a wonderful way to spread peace throughout the world. I think there is absolutely not problem using ideas of others especially when they bring people together. My first Album was Cat Stevens (as he was called then) Tea for the Tillerman and Peace Train was one of my favourites. Thanks for being such a special person in so many people’s lives Donna and you are a pretty great co-host for the 2022 WOTY link party too! xx


    1. Thanks so much, Sue. I am grateful for your idea of starting this linkup. It has made a huge difference to me personally. I am confident that others feel the same.
      That is so cool that your first album was by Cat Stevens. I love Peace Train. The Playing for Change version (above) always fills me with joy and possibility.


  3. It sounds like a fun idea Donna – and the book would be inspiring for the recipients. I think any act of kindness and intention brings its own rewards – we may not see it at the time (or it might be different to what we expected) but there is always a positive outcome.x


    1. Hi, Leanne – I love that thought “Each act of kindness and intention brings its own rewards”. I hope that the Travelling Book of Peace brings inspiration and joy in its travels…and doesn’t get lost in the mail! 😀


  4. We’ve got to believe that small actions can have a cumulative effect. There have been so many examples of this throughout history. Great idea, Donna!


  5. Oh my gosh I can’t believe you used my idea as the base of your plan. I love how your word of the year helped you chose the book. I have my fingers crossed that perhaps one might make it’s way to my place. It definitely going to be interesting to see where the book travels too. This post is probably the highlight of the day given the news of the day. Hope and peace — our words for the year. Seemingly in short supply around the world. Take care. Bernie


    1. Hi, Bernie – Your idea was such a great one that I couldn’t resist borrowing it.
      I’m really looking forward to seeing where these three little books end up. If one makes its way to you, that would be awesome. Right now three people (all bloggers) have the power to shape the books’ destiny!


  6. I so loved the series of these books that I have them all. Before Covid and when I needed time out between cancer treatments, these little books accompanied me to coffee shops and I would take time to peruse them. I still have them all. They are great ones to dip in and out of. Thanks for the link up. Denyse


    1. Hi, Denyse – I never realized that this book was part of a series. I was attracted to it by its title and reviews. I apparently missed the reviews that mentioned the other books in this collection. 😀 I’m glad that you enjoyed them and that you still have them all.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Kathy – I wrote the majority of this post two weeks ago. I had no idea then that its publication on my blog would be on the same day that the world would receive devastating news.
      Thank you for sharing this link on your SM. I greatly appreciate it. And thank you for your wish that these three little books will uplift all who receive them. That is my sincere wish too!


  7. What an inspired idea! Sadly, what I’ve learned about loaning books is to loan a spare copy of a book only. This way, when I don’t get them back/forget who I loaned them to, I don’t feel a sense of loss 🙂 I think that’s different in the breakage of your chain, and it’s great that you’re publishing the results!


    1. Thank you for your kind words in support of this idea. I mailed out three copies of this book — one of which was the original copy that I had read myself. Although I love this book, I was very happy to pass it on (plus two more identical copies). My sincere hope is these books will inspire all who recieve them. I look forward to keeping everyone posted as to what happens from here! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  8. What a lovely idea and a great to spread a little peace around the world. And don’t we need it at the moment! It’s been a dreadful week of news. My fingers are crossed for you that the idea keeps travelling. Well done.


  9. I love this idea, Donna – and even more that it was borrowed from Bernie and given a new chance at life! I hope each of these books goes on a wonderful adventure!

    It reminds me of hiking with Misha earlier this year in an area we hadn’t been to before. A few kilometres into the trail, we found a Chicken Soup for the Soul book in a plastic bag, taped conspicuously to a tree, with a note asking for the book to be enjoyed and then returned back to the wild. It made me ridiculously happy … right up there with finding a random tree decorated with ornaments deep in the forest.

    What a wonderfully creative way to bring life to your WOTY!! ❤️

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  10. I’ve never heard of this book, but anything that focuses on inner peace and goes around the world can’t be bad. I’ll look for it. I may not get the book in the way you propose, but I’ll look for peace any way I can. Especially after this week.


  11. What a great idea that puts your WOTY into action, Donna. I hope the three books travel far and wide and bring peace around the world. I added my link to the #2022woty link party. Thank you for hosting with Sue, Jo and Debbie. Have a wonderful weekend!


  12. What a great idea! And so neat that two of the recipients sent you pictures of themselves reading the Travelling Book of Inner Peace. How exciting it will be to see where those books go next. “Peace Train” is such an appropriate song for this post. In my younger days, I was a huge Cat Stevens fan.


    1. Oh, I hope that I do! I mailed all three copies (even the one that was only a 30-minute drive away). I did hear back from two of them immediately (the third is likely still in the mail). I hope that this spirit of generosity and participation continues. Fingers crossed!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Donna,
    I’m always impressed by your creativity and the many ideas you have used to stay in touch with (and have fun with) the friends you’ve made around the world. The Book Crossing is a great idea and I look forward to following the progress of each mailing. I’m certain the books will cross the country (yours, mine, and a few others) several times. Peace…Joe


    1. Hi, Joe – Thank you for your kind words (as usual). It will be interesting to discover if the books will stay in the three countries that I sent them to, or if they will crisscross, or ….. So many possibiiities!
      I hope that your travels are going well. I look forward to your next post.


  14. I have been Book Crossing for around 10 years, although Covid kind of halted that. This is a beautiful way of spreading peaceful ideas around. Well done, Donna. It will be a special surprise for that mystery third recipient. Can’t wait to find out where it ends up.
    Thank you so much for that Cat Stevens clip. You have now given me a great ‘earworm,’ for this morning – peace train. So appropriate and so needed. A great song of hope.


    1. Hi, Amanda – I’m so glad that you liked the Cat Stevens/Playing for Change clip. I’ve been singing the song all day as well.
      I haven’t heard from the third book recipient yet. Then again, my husband did mail that copy and went for different mailing options than I would have chosen. So that copy truly could be anywhere right now. 😀 Fingers crossed that it lands safely (and soon).

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  15. Considering what’s going on in the world now, your choice for Word of the Year seems particularly apt.
    The travelling book is a nice idea, be even nicer if it got to the Kremlin 🙂


  16. What a wonderful idea, Donna. I hope your traveling books make their ways around the world. Maybe one of them will find its way to me. 😊 When I find just the right book, I may try this myself. Thank you for the inspiration!


    1. Hi, Christie – I’m glad that you found this post inspiring. I would love for one of these copies to make its way to you! I tried BookCrossings today with my favourite book of all time. I look forward to following that progress as well.


  17. Hi Donna – this is a terrific idea and one to keep going! I’d also forgotten all about bookcrossing until yesterday, when I was messaging with Jill Weatherholt (I think you two follow each other) and she mentioned it. Thanks for sharing the travels of your inner peace book! Happy reading!


    1. Thanks, Barb – I had briefly heard of the concept of BookCrossing years ago but did not know the name or details so did not follow up. I officially bookcrossed my favourite book yesterday. It will be fun discovering what happens to that book, and the three books of peace!


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by. I did officially ‘bookcross’ my first book last week. Sadly, it has been slow to take off and is still where I left it. I may have to try a different spot…or a different book (although I left my personal all time favourite)!


  18. Donna, I LOVE this idea and it will be exciting to see where the book goes, who is reading it and I imagine they will even send their thoughts about it to you. I will keep a look out for updates. Also, what a great idea about BookCrossing and tracking who has read a book!


    1. Thanks, Annika – One of the Peace Books has travelled from here to San Diego and is now in La Quinta, California. To my knowledge, the second copy is currently in Nanaimo, BC. And the third copy?! I haven’t heard back from that one yet. Fingers crossed it simply had a slow flight and is safe and sound! 😀

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  19. I really hope this project works out and what a fun idea.
    Always nice to hear Cat Stevens and it fit so well at the end. Also, YUSUF’s voice was incredible


    1. Thanks, Yvette – I hope the project works out as well. One of the books is already in its third home – so that’s pretty cool. I’m sending warm wishes to the other two books as well.
      I love that Cat Stevens/Playing for Change Video. It is one of my recent favourites.

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      1. when we moved away from Denver in 2000 – a friend of mine and I tried the “notebook in the mail” idea and it lasted for one round – you know where she writes an entry and sends it to me – then I sent it back – not sure who left it hanging but it was a good idea (just not for us)
        and third home already – that is awesome

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      2. I love the idea of Notebook in the Mail – but I get it’s not for everyone.
        Since no one has to actually mail the Peace Book — Janis (RetirementallyChallenged) passed it to Kathy (SmartLiving) during a visit. Fingers crossed that all three books have safe travels.


  20. Donna, this is an amazing post with such a glorious idea. I loved that video. I like the song, and lots of times I listen to the music while I read the post or the comments, but something stopped me with this video, and I went back up and watched it. What an amazing feat of coordination to get everyone in the same key singing with the same timing. Then to put the video altogether, it’s astounding, really. Thanks for sharing.


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