Link Ups, Reflection

What’s Been On Your Calendar in February, 2023?

What have you been up to this past month? Here’s what’s been happening in my corner of the world.


LV: Richard and I spent the first week of February in Las Vegas, staying at The Strat (package deal with AirCanada). Despite the hotel’s mixed (but extremely witty) reviews, we found it comfortable and hassle-free.

As we were in Las Vegas more for business than pleasure, most of our time was spent in Home Depot rather than in shows or casinos. However, we did take a leisurely 7-hour Sunday stroll down the strip, ending with one of the most delicious food truck dinners we have ever tasted. My Fitbit was thrilled (about the walk, not the fried chicken with mashed potatoes)! Sadly, the weather was not much warmer than what we left behind on Vancouver Island.

Hong Kong: As soon as we returned from Las Vegas, we immediately booked a trip to Hong Kong to visit our youngest son (and adorable Granddog). Any Hong Kong friends reading this, please message me, and I will send you more details of this trip.

Book Clubs:

Cook Book Confidential: As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, I recently joined a cook book book club. I’ve been having a great time experimenting with new dishes (and trying to follow a recipe EXACTLY as given…repeat after me, Donna, EXACTLY as given). I will share my first official review at What’s On Your Plate next week.

Playing with Technology:

Thank you to Deb from Deb’s World (UK) for introducing me to the One Second Every Day App (1SE). This program allows you to keep a short video journal of 1-second footage from each day. It then mashes this into a quick and easy viewing format.

Here’s what my February looked like in one-second glimpses. Definitely not the best clips (I kept forgetting to take videos when I was out). But I now know how this program works, so my next attempt will (hopefully) be better. 1SE is easy to use and has a decent free version.

Fun with AI:

As my past two posts have revealed, I have spent some time experimenting with ChatGPT and the new WordPress AI Blocks. I’ve let them both dual it out in a Farewell Poem to February.

Feeling creative? Go ahead – beat the bots and leave your own short farewell to February below. It will help me prove another point that I would like to make.

Your Turn:

So, what’s been on your calendar lately? Please join my cohosts and me by sharing in the comments below or via the InLinkz linkup. We’d love to hear from you.

Sue from Women Living Well After 50
Debbie from Deb’s World (Australia)
Jo from And Anyways.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter…

110 thoughts on “What’s Been On Your Calendar in February, 2023?”

  1. Hi Donna, I love how you embrace technology and I actually enjoyed your AI posts. The 1sec a day video is a wonderful idea so that is another thing I will try. Hong Kong isn’t far from Australia my friend, and especially Queensland as we are at the top LOL 🙂 Thanks for being a fabulous co-host for #WBOYC and for inspiring us to embrace a brave new world of technology. xx


    1. Hi, Sue – Great minds think alike! I was just on your site and suggested that Hong Kong in April would be a lovely place to celebrate a 25th Wedding Anniversary! 😀 Thank you for your initiative in starting up our WOTY-now-Calendar LinkUps. They have been a great way to pause and reflect on the past month and plan for the next one. And thank you for your kind words on my AI-related posts. I know that AI is not for everyone, but it is fascinating to be aware of what it can do. Since I have been experimenting with AI for the past couple of weeks, I swear I have already noticed changes in the types of answers it generates.

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      1. Awww – you have me excited there! Hong Kong in April would be lovely.
        Richard would also like to take a sidetrip to Vietnam. So there’s another option! 😀
        I think that currently relies on apps or plugins for AI. If you try one of them, please keep me posted. I would love to hear how it works.


  2. WOW! You really get around! February may be my least favorite month in New England, so my guy and I always book a visit with our son and his family in the SF Bay Area, and then to our timeshare in Kauai. We have no high aspirations when we make ourselves at home in the Garden Island. We soak in the ocean sounds, the tropical breezes, and the warm sun. We walk miles even when it’s showering (warm rain – hundred times better than cold snow). February is our “get out of town” free card. No duties, no “have to dos” just a re-charge time. Reading lots of books, of course, and writing a bit. Technology leaves me cold (as in a cold sweat) so I stick with pen and paper. 🙂


  3. Hi, Pam – Thank you so much for stopping by. I love your phrase “get out of town free card.” The SF Bay Area and Kauai sound like wonderful places to be in February. For a relatively short month, I usually find that February drags on and on. This February has actually sped by for me. It was likely the travel. It seriously can’t be time speeding up as we age. At least I hope that wasn’t the reason! 😀


  4. Hi Donna – well I see that travel is becoming more your “norm” again. And might I add that as far as AI goes, the world’s poets don’t have much to worry about at this stage! Glad you’re enjoying the 30sec app – I tried it a few years ago but I don’t take enough photos to make much of a showing by the end of the month (5 photos in 30 secs is a bit boring!)


    1. Hi, Leanne – Richard and I are delighted to travel again. So far, all of our travel since the pandemic has been family or business related. HK will be our first big trip in over three years — still family related but we are thrilled.
      I am looking forward to any “Farewell February’ submissions that highlight the difference between human creativity and AI-generated poetry. Stay tuned!


  5. Cheers to your travels & thanks for the app suggestion. My February? In no order, it’s snowbird season so this is our second month at the beach – which means a lot of walking and drafting new essays. Music evenings several times a week at a music Mecca. Golf once a week while ignoring the weather at home. A milestone birthday for me!


  6. I’m sorry Las Vegas wasn’t warmer for you, but I’m happy you had a nice time. February has been filled with caregiving responsibilities, but with temperatures in the mid-seventies we’ve enjoyed a lot of time outdoors. I’m happy you’ll be visiting your son!


  7. Hi Donna, I hope you had a little fun in Las Vegas, in spite of the weather and your reasons for being there. It’s a cool city that we haven’t visited in many years and need to get back to. It is always nice to have plans to look forward to and it doesn’t get much better than travel and a visit with your son. I don’t think AI will put any writers, or poets out of business anytime soon, but the applications of the technology are fairly endless when you think about it. Scary, but endless.

    This last week has been glorious in our part of Florida so no complaints from me about February weather. I will share my recap on Sunday. Thanks for hosting.

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    1. Hi, Suzanne – We accomplished what we wanted to in LV, stayed within our budget, did some fabulous people-watching, enjoyed our hotel more than we anticipated and our flights were good. So that all turned out well. Now onto anticipating HK – a trip that we are both eager to take.
      l’m glad that your weather has been good — it would be wonderful if you could bottle some up and send it our way.
      AI is such a fascinating field. Since using it a couple of weeks ago, I am already noticing changes into the responses that I am now receiving. Two weeks ago when I asked ChatGPT to edit for me, it did the full editing job. Now when I ask it the same question, it has been giving me suggestions on how to edit myself. 😀
      I look forward to your Sunday recap.

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  8. I can’t believe February is almost gone! What did we do? Honestly, it’s hard to recall as the days, weeks, and months seem to flow into each other!

    We visited friends in El Retiro, Colombia for almost a week. You might know (of) them, Susan and John of Latitude Adjustments. We worked on our camper for a week. Maya hurt her toe and that has taken some time and adjustment. We cooked amazing meals, visited a couple of towns, and did some driving on crappy roads.

    I’d say a 7-hour stroll down the strip is quite leisurely. And, Maya also often yawns in photos. I wonder if that’s supposed to tell us something?


    1. Hi, Liesbet – I’m glad that your travel adventures are going well. That’s exciting that you were able to catch up with Susan and John. I greatly enjoy their blog. I am sorry to hear about Maya’s hurt toe and hope that it heals soon. Cooking amazing meals is always the icing on the cake.
      I look forward to continue to follow your travel from here.

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  9. Hello my friend! I’m sorry the weather prevented our reunion today but look forward to seeing you next week. As you know I was travelling in Feb (started in Jan, actually) as well. And now I am recovering from all that 🤣, as well as planning some fun things for summer related to an ocean kayaking adventure. Hope to get a post written about my travels soon. The 1SE app looks like a lot of fun, if you remember to use it.😉


    1. Hi, Deb – Thank you for the kind words. As much as I was sad about today, it was a very good call. The roads were miserable out here – with many businesses, shops and restaurants closed. I look forward to catching up next week on both your recent and upcoming travels. Oh, and we have two spa dates and Discovery Room dinner! 😀

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  10. February 2023 and we’re 2 months in.
    Freeze-thaw cycles make me walk like a penguin.
    Neighbors gone away, check their house & cats.
    Yellowstone before sunrise; doesn’t get any better than that.
    Novid for covid but what’s with the cough?
    After 2 weeks, the couch said, “Get off!”
    Love for family & friends never goes away
    Yet this is the month with those special days.
    Mom turned 90, a milestone for sure.
    How is it that those years pass by in a blur?
    Avocado toast, asparagus & pea soup did not make me green
    I won’t tell you what went on with the beans.
    The dark days of winter around here mean slow,
    Spring, summer & fall means go, go, go.
    There’s a garden to plant, property upgrades to make;
    Music festivals, cousin reunion & time at the lake.
    The island is calling; it’s been 5 years.
    Now there’s no Heather; it still brings me to tears.
    Yes, it’s cold; this morning only -28
    One month closer to summer. I can’t wait.


    1. Ahhhh, Mona – You are amazing! Thank you so much. You brilliantly demonstrated what I hoped someone (or more than one person) would do. You wrote an extremely engaging and vivid poem, that was so personal, it could not possibly have been generated by AI. Your rhyming scheme was incredibly clever. Once again I ask, why don’t you have a blog or published work?!! I desperately want to read it!


  11. Hong Kong in April will be wonderful…it’s been too many years since I was there… sigh… I love how you’re such a quick adapter or trier outer of anything new eg AI.


    1. Hi, Jo – Thank you for your kind words. I try to adapt to new technologies. But I must confess that sometimes I am more of a Technology Tourist (come, take a few snaps, and then return to my comfort zone). 😀 I hope that your travels are going well. A Stunners reunion in HK would be fun!

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  12. Enjoyable post Donna. You taught me a few things & pointed me to some rabbit holes to descend into! Cute poems … better than what I could write, sad to say.


    1. Hi, Sandy – I’m glad to have pointed you to some rabbit holes. If you go exploring, I’d love to know what you discover. That’s the beauty of technology/AI. If something’s not our skillset, or we don’t have the time, it’s there for us (even if a tad imperfect/less personal).

      By way of example, I pasted your copy into ChatGP (without further background) and asked it to reply. Here is its response. Definitely less personal, more formulaic and much wordier. But it still did the job!

      (ChatGPT:) “Thank you for your comment! I’m glad to hear that you found my post enjoyable and that you learned something new from it. I appreciate your kind words about the AI-generated poems as well. AI technology has come a long way in recent years, and it’s exciting to see the creative possibilities it can offer. I hope you enjoy exploring the rabbit holes I pointed you towards and continue to learn and discover new things. Thank you for taking the time to read and engage with my post.”

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      1. I think this is good example of how AI can make you better.

        It looks like a first draft of something that’s readable and grammatically correct but pedantic & lifeless. It needs to be edited to cut the word-count in half.

        The next time I write a post/comment, I’ll have to review it and see … is this something that ChatGPT would write? It’ll be a great tool.

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      2. I totally agree that ChatGPT can be helpful for some drafts – but still requires much editing, fact checking and a critical all. For any answer that it provides, you can also press “regenerate”. Or respond by asking it to “make it shorter,” “make it spicier,” etc. etc. 😀


  13. I will be back with a poem. I love the challenge and I too note how you always embrace technology. You’ve had a busy month with one trip and another one planned. Exciting!!


  14. On my one and only trip overseas, I spent two nights and 3 days in Las Vegas and did so much walking. Such an interesting, and very different place for sure. I smiled when I read about ‘following a recipe exactly’ as I rarely do…I used 1 second every day before it became more expensive and varied …but this year I am back to it, and have paid the annual fee. I admit it has lots of my stories of my cancer progress and more so it’s valuable. I hope you enjoy your HK trip…as Sue said, not that far from Australia! Thanks for the link up. Denyse.


    1. Hi, Denyse – Thank you for joining us for What’s Been On Your Calendar. I greatly appreciate your candid posts and thoughtful comments. I used the free version of 1SE. That basic version was fine for my purposes. I plan to try it again in March or April with the intention of taking a meaningful video clip each day (she says with confidence). When I read your opening line, I was sure that you were going to say that Hong Kong was your one and only overseas trip. I agree that Las Vegas is quite a unique place. Fun Tidbit: I was married there! ❤

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  15. February’s love trickles down
    Even as real rain hits the ground
    Connections and birthdays
    All worthy of bouquets
    But it’s about a million below
    So new flowers we will forgo
    Spring is coming but not soon
    Didn’t really have a chance to cocoon
    Outside playing in the snow
    That’s how you enjoy winter you know

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Bernie – This is awesome! Thank you so much. I love how your personality and playfulness shine through. I also ran it through ChatGPT for it’s opinion and this is what it said: ” This poem beautifully conveys the bittersweet nature of February and the anticipation for the arrival of spring.” I couldn’t have said that better myself! ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. LOL — I think you could have said it better! But that’s just my opinion. I am glad you liked the poem. It was a fun little challenge to create it. Bernie

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      2. Deb from Deb’s World just included an AI-generated line in her recent blog post. Try as I may, I honestly couldn’t tell which line it was. I made three guesses — and all three were wrong. 😀


  16. I’m pleased you are enjoying 1 Second Everyday – it’s a fun way of recording your month isn’t it?
    Sounds like you are having fun either going on trips or planning future ones!


  17. You’re the third person recently who’s mentioned AI on their blog, I must flick back and read the posts you’ve referred to. Also have a look at this gizmo that WordPress has. Sounds a bit unbelievable but fun the same.
    Thanks for the new link up, it’ll help me keep tabs on how and where the months go.
    Take care
    Cathy #WBOYC


    1. Hi, Cathy – I greatly appreciate you joining us for WBOYC. I agree that it is a good reminder to reflect on how our past month has gone, and plan forward from there. There are several excellent posts about using ChatGPT and WP AI blocks. Hugh at Hugh’s News and Views has done a thorough step-by=step. I’ve found these AI devices fascinating, fun, and a great prompter when I am feeing stuck. I also wanted to take advantage of them while they are still free to use. Wishing you a wonderful March ahead!

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      1. As if I haven’t enough to do on a Saturday morning I’ve tried out the w/p feature. There’s something weird about typing a headline/title then seeing all these words appear on the subject- had 4 goes with the same title and 4 different ‘posts’ appear. With the function of changing the AI block to an ‘ordinary’ paragraph block that’s able to be altered & saved I see lots of draft posts coming up – but isn’t that cheating??

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi, Cathy – I’m glad that you were able to check out the new AI blocks. Yup, it usually generates something new each time – even with the same heading. I believe that as long as you remain in control — edit, fact check, insert your own voice, and add/delete as appropriate it is not cheating at all (at least not for our blogging purposes). It’s simply using the tools available to you! 😀

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  18. The 1 second video looks very effective, I may try it! I went to Las Vegas a few times on business trips but am proud to say I never spent a dime on gambling, although I did buy quite a lot in the shops! Your Hong Kong trip sounds very exciting. Thanks for the link-up.


    1. Hi, Gail – I agree that LV has so much more to offer than just casinos and shows. My favourite LV restaurants are all far from the strip. ‘Rise and Shine: A Steak & Egg Place’ is a super fun place for breakfast. All staff wear their jammies. How cool is that?!


  19. Oh I am so bad at following a recipe as given! I always end up giving it my own little tweaks here the there to suit my tastes. Hope you have a fabulous time visiting your son.


    1. Hi, Joanne – I have always viewed recipes like some drivers, whom I have witnessed, view traffic lights — merely a suggestion. 😀 For my cookbook book club I really have been trying to take a single recipe and follow it in every detail. ‘Trying’ remains that opposite word. Thanks so much for joining us!


  20. We harbor this illusion here in the north that cold and snowy February means more time to sit by the fire, drink tea, and read book, but nothing could be further from the reality! There is time for that, yes, but usually we are going a bit stir crazy and use any excuse to escape to the market or go out to lunch! Our time has also been filled with vet appointments for our dog who just had knee surgery. Keeps us jumping!


    1. Hi, Dorothy – I love your comment! I harbour many seasonal illusions myself. My current illusion is that it is definitely supposed to be spring here – green grass, dry roads, sunshine (you get the picture). Sadly, our current reality is blankets of snow – below freezing temperatures – and more snow to come. I hope that your dog is recoverying well from his knee-surgery.

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    1. Hi, Kate – I am definitely looking forward to the food in HK (amongst other things).
      Sadly, having more snow is not a contest that I was hoping to win. Even more sadly, unprecidented piles of additional snow are predicted here for this weekend. 😦

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  21. Hi Donna, Las Vegas and Hong Kong are both fun places. How wonderful that you’ll see your son and granddog there. AI is fascinating, isn’t it? The more we play with it, the smarter it seems to become. Thank you for the WBOYC linkup. I added my link. Have a wonderful weekend!


    1. Hi, Natalie – Thank you for joining us for this linkup. I agree that the more that we play with AI, the more that it begins to change. Earlier, I found that ChatGPT was eager to do all the work for me. With similar commands, I am now finding that it is suggesting what I could do myself. If this is an actual change, that would be much welcomed by schools!


  22. I’m glad you had a productive time in Vegas and that you’ve made plans for a future trip. I am reluctant to try the AI stuff and I couldn’t tell you why. Seems like my sort of fun, but still I hesitate. I suppose, knowing me, I’d never want to do anything else but goof around with it. Still…


    1. Hi, Ally – The AI stuff is definitely not for everyone. Still, my guess is it is something that you would find interesting. If you would like to try it, I would suggest doing it early while it is still free. I anticipate that most sites that are currently free will be charging for it soon.

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  23. Now that is what I call a busy month. Holy cats! Must have been great to see your son and granddog. My calendar is pretty empty, but I have begun working in earnest on my next book, which will be 90% realistic fiction and 10% folderol. 😉


    1. Thanks, Laurie. Our February was good. We did go to Las Vegas but our HK trip is booked for later in the spring. We are greatly looking forward to it.
      Good luck with your new book. Folderol is such a cool word. I haven’t heard it in quite a while! D:

      Liked by 1 person

  24. What a great post. Lots of interesting tidbits. Loved the Granddog–darling. Did you take Business Class to HK? Is any other method tolerable? Love the the One Second Every Day App (1SE).


  25. I didn’t hop into the WBOYC challenge this time, but I sure enjoyed reading your post, Donna! February was sure eventful. That 1SE app looks pretty cool, and your upcoming trip to Hong Kong sounds delightful! Your poems turned out pretty well considering they were AI-generated. Have a great week and stay warm–we got 2 more inches of snow … I just came into the house from shoveling :/


    1. Hi, Terri – Thanks so much for stopping by. Our late February snow has been a real drag. We had a huge dump this past Wednesday-Thursday. We were predicted to get more snow yesterday and today but gladly that did not happen. Fingers crossed that it stays away tomorrow as well (for both of us)!

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  26. Donna,
    The moniker of “Technology Tourist” applies here. I was probably one of the last to go to the block editor for Easin’ Along, but I warmed up to it. I’ll let Hugh educate me on the AI features. I’ve fantasized about becoming the next Shelly or Robert Frost, but that will probably remain a fantasy. Our February calendar is filled with a trip across the country, but with Vegas in our future, Rise and Shine will owe you for a referral. Enjoy HK and take a lot of pictures. Joe


    1. Hi, Joe – I love that you read all comments, and include them in your own comment. That is both impressive and appreciated. The WP Guttenberg blog had so much pre-hype, and stated release dates that kept being clawed back, it is no wonder that many WP users ran away screaming, or at least dug in their heals to resist a little longer.
      The WP experimental AI blocks are quite the opposite. No pressure to use them, and no guarantee that they will even remain. If they remain, their are rumours on the WP Forum that they won’t remain free to use. So if you are interested, I recommend giving them a quick look when you get a chance.
      Your current trip across the country sounds fabulous. Enjoy Las Vegas. Rise and Shine is a bit of a jog (definitely a car ride) from the Strip, but if you are out that way, it is tons of fun, with delicious food, large portions, and mostly all locals.

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  27. Hi Donna – it’s always good to get some updates on ‘modern’ ideas! I enjoy the knowing … though will probably stay in my own world … this month rinse and repeat from last month … cheers Hilary


  28. 😂 you did make me laugh with your comments to yourself to follow a recipe exactly. It’s something I don’t often do either. Your trip to LV sounded fun but Hong Kong will be far more exciting as your son is there! I’m hoping to see my boy in Europe in June. I’m loving hearing about your exploration of AI. I will get round to looking at it one day!


    1. Hi, Janine – Thank you for dropping by. I am glad it is not only me who sees recipes merely as a suggestion. This is the exact reason why I am a better cook than a baker. 😀 Our son (the one in HK) was previous is Lincoln, and before that Singapore, and before that Manchester, so we are familiar with visiting him all over the world. Fingers crossed that you get to Europe soon to see your boy.


      1. Sorry only just seen your reply. Fingers crossed looks like I should be off to Europe in June to catch up with my boy. Very excited, as I am sure you are to see yours.


  29. Hi Donna, I’m finally finding some time to catch up with everyone’s WBOYC posts – what gems – especially yours! The AI is such a fun addition and I’ve been playing around with it, as part of my explorations, but unsure how you made it write a poem. I’ve just this minute while reading yours, popped over and started a new post on my blog welcoming autumn, which I’ll share tomorrow or later in the week. Lots of fun to be had that’s for sure. The ISE looks like fun too and I’ve often looked at the (other) Deb’s World in UK and admired the what she creates them for the month, it’s very clever. Your trip to HK sounds great and I bet you’re excited, Thanks for all you do, your posts always bring a smile to my dial and for being a stunning co-host 🙂


    1. Hi, Debbie – Thank you for your kind words (as always). I’m glad that you had such a wonderful time with family. Your photos were both beautiful and heartwarming.
      Creating a poem, or a haiku, or whatever with AI is super easy. Just type in “Write a poem about ….” and ta da you have one. The more specific that you are, the better the results. e.g. Write a short, witty poem about farewelling hot February in Tumbarumba, Australia” gave me this result.

      Farewell hot February, oh how you burned,
      In Tumbarumba the heat was unearned,
      We’ll miss your sweltering days and sleepless nights,
      But now it’s March, with cooler delights. ❤

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  30. What a fun February you’ve had, especially Las Vegas, somewhere I’ve never been. I’m excited to try the AI block, can’t find it on my phone app though! Also the video is a great idea, but as you say you have to remember to take videos every day!


    1. Hi, Alison – Thank you so much for dropping by. I haven’t tried the AI block on my phone. If you have and use Guttenberg my guess is that it should be there. Oh, on the video app you can cheat and use past photos that are similiar (not that I know anyone at all who would ever do that). 😀 😀

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      1. Hi, Alison – If you use AI to augment your writing I don’t believe that that is cheating at all. Still, I am not currently using it in my writing – but I have no problem with people who are using this well.


  31. Hi Donna! I was interested in the Las Vegas part of your post – we are headed there (and then to Utah) in May. I’ve never been to Las Vegas and it will be on my birthday! I’m glad you had fun strolling down the strip! I also enjoyed watching your Second Every Day video – it’s a nice way to sum up the month. 🙂


    1. Happy upcoming birthday, Barb. Las Vegas will be a terrific place to celebrate it. There is so much to do in Las Vegas your options are endless. There is also great hiking. And if you get a chance – hopping over to Route 66 and/or The Grand Canyon are amazing sidetrips!

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  32. I’ve heard of 1SE, but I have absolutely no idea how to capture 1-second videos. It sounds cool though. I’d never heard that WordPress has AI blocks now. As I don’t even use the block editor much yet, I’m not sure I’ll be using the AI version though. Give me authentic content any day!


  33. Hey there,
    I am in my second year of using 1SE it can be quite fun, I have found using the widget helps me see I have missed a day or three!!! and so I can go back and add them.
    We will be glad to get off the island next week and enjoy some sun in Mexico, who knew Westjet flew direct to Puerto Vallarta, well we did not until just before Christmas.
    Happy March and onward to snowdrops and long days.


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