Food, Link Ups

What’s On Your Plate – October – Mini-Cheesecakes

Deny it as I may, the Northern Hemisphere has firmly slid into autumn. With that, I’ve found myself craving casual, carefree, comfort foods that are quick and painless to prepare. These longings don’t end at the main course but include desserts (especially ones that are company-impressive, without the drama).

Enter 3-Step Mini Cheesecakes. Topped with fresh berries, you can almost convince yourself that they are good for you. (They do contain vitamins A and C, as well as protein, calcium and iron. Yay, I remind myself of this regularly).

Due to their bite-sized deliciousness and simple prep, they are a common go-to dessert in my home. In fact, I featured them last year in my virtual dinner post.

So, what are we waiting for? Let’s begin:

First, grab these simple ingredients.

16 oz cream cheese, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 tsp. vanilla, 2 eggs, 12 Oreo cookies (or alternative), a handful of fresh berries, a dollop or two of jam, and a sprig of fresh basil leaves. In keeping with my health-food facade, I used half light cream cheese and half regular. But you could use either.

In theory, you are to mix the cheesecake batter with a hand mixer…but my mixer was still unopened in its box (I’ve since been bullied by Jo, so this appliance has now lost its virgin status). However, for this recipe, I simply used my all-purpose food processor. (Regardless of Jo’s protests, it worked just fine).

Next, place cupcake liners in a cupcake pan (or two) and pop an Oreo cookie in each. (For a gluten-free option, simply switch up the type of cookie used).

Top with cream mixture. Bake at 350C for twenty minutes, and then cool in the fridge for three hours. See full recipe here.

Best enjoyed with friends!

So, what’s been on your plate recently?  We’d love for you to share. You can leave a message/link/photo in the comments, write and link your own post, or display on your choice of social media. Please include #whatsonyourplateblogchallenge so we donā€™t miss it. I will add all link-ups to this page. If you haven’t yet grabbed a Contributor’s Badge, you can do that here.

Thank You to All Contributors!

To include on your blog or social media, simply take a screenshot. Or, email me for the jpeg version.

Here’s what others have to share this month:
The Widow Badass (co-host)
Women Living Well After 50
And Anyways
Deb’s World
New Classic Recipe
Stories Served Around the Table
Natalie the Explorer
Touring My Backyard
Picture Retirement

95 thoughts on “What’s On Your Plate – October – Mini-Cheesecakes”

      1. I made them a few days later Donna and they were a huge hit with all who tried them. I’ll be making them again and passing on the recipe to those who are keen to make them. Thanks again.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Sue – Absolutely. I find one regular sized cheeseczke to be too rich for me. But someone even two of these seems to be much lighter. šŸ˜€ Thank you for being a regular contributor to What’s On Your Plate.


    1. This sounds like a great idea for some of the oregano I have drying and fresh chicken from my daughter. We eat a lot of chicken and itā€™s nice to try something new. I will likely use a package of thighs for this.


    1. So funny! All of my adult life I have either mixed by hand or used a single appliance for mixing (in Beijijng I owned a super duper Kitchen Aid that did everything so I kinda got lazy about this). Earlier this year, my niece bullied me into buying a simple electric handmixer. Then Jo bullied me to actually take it out of the box. In truth, I find my food processor easier to use and clean. And no one has ever complained about the mixing when eating any of my dishes — especially these little desserts. šŸ˜€


      1. I am surprised that if you had a Kitchen Aid that you went to just a good processor (which is indeed a good tool for cream cheese). And I’m not trying yo bully you just actually surprised. But maybe you don’t bake a lot and then it makes sense. When my machine dies and bread, pizza dough, cookies and cakes only have the hand mixer I am dismayed.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi, Bernie – The skookum Kitchen Aid that I had in Beijing had much more capacity than I ever neeced, but I did love it. Due to the change in electric power voltage from China to here, I didn’t bring any plug in appliances home with me. When I began to repurchase kitchen appliances I went with a simplier food processor (still made by Kitchen Aid) becauseI didn’t immediately find a similar one to what I had and my kitchen cupboard space here is very valuable real estate. Since I mostly bake mufins and these mini cheesecakess, the smaller kitchen aid has been fine. But now with cookig with my niece and baking with Jo, I may need to up my game! :BTW – I also own a bread maker but it may soon be evicted in favour of a dutch oven.


  1. The whole cookie goes on the bottom?! That’s brilliant! I now envision an entire platter of mini-cheesecakes with various cookie bottoms. And do my eyes deceive me? You’ve topped a few of those little cheesecakes with a nanaimo bar?! … or is the nanaimo bar the only thing in the liner? If it’s the former, you’ve just taken cheesecake to the next level!


    1. Yup, the whole cookie on the bottom. How cool is that?! And I absolutely LOVE the way that you think. That is a dessert tray that you spotted there — with various dessert choices including mini-cheesecakes, nanaimo bars, and fruit cups. But, a nanaimo bar on top of a cheesecake? That is a whole new level indeed. I miss you and hope all is well for you.


  2. They look delicious and fit for a display at a bakery! As I read your post, I noticed you put the Oreo cookie in the liner and then in the fridgeā€¦ Did you miss a step when describing the recipe or am I still too tired this morning to understand how to make the batter (add all the ingredients in italics) and when to add it on top of the cookie? Have a lovely hump day, Donna!


    1. That confirms it. WordPress seriously loves to mess with me. I’ve added the link to the full recipe several times, but it keeps disappearing. Thank you for your great eye. I have added the link once again. Hopefully it remains this time.
      Wednesday already? Happy hump day to you too. I look forward to reading more of your travels.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This looks wonderful – a delicious dessert with built-in portion controlā€¦well, if you limit yourself to just one (looks challenging but I assume it can be done! šŸ˜‰). Wasnā€™t it the ā€œFrench Women Donā€™t Get Fatā€ lady that said you really only need 3 bites of dessert to feel satisfied, anyways? Or some such mythā€¦.šŸ˜. Thanks for sharing, Donna šŸ’•



    1. Damn, I thought that quote said we just need one bite of dessert to be satisfied. Good thing I never followed that rule ā€” I would have totally ripped myself off of two delcious bites. šŸ˜€ I find that most people seem content eating just one of these little guys. But eating two together would be about the same calories as a coffee shop chocolate chunk muffin (no brand names of course). Looking forward to seeing you soon!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, you could be right! I might have ā€œeditedā€ that quote subconsciously šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. See you tomorrowā€¦Iā€™ll be wearing my sexy (furthest thing from it, actually) new Muck Boots! šŸ˜

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Love this recipe. Sounds great especially with a whole oreo cookie. Just a suggestion but I would love to see some ideas for meatless meals. I have a new daughter in law who doesn’t eat meat and I am in need of recipes.


    1. Hi, Ellen – It’s awesome to hear from you. As I usually cook meatless at home, I am very happy to assist. I have written some previous meatless posts here ( and here (
      Food blogger Cookie and Kate also shares easy to prepare and delciious meatless recipes. You can check them out here:
      Hope this helps!


    1. Hi, Janis – I think that you could use any cookie that you like. I am not usually a fan of oreos on their own – but they are truly divine in these minicheesecakes. But a round graham cracker, or any other cookie of your choice should work too.
      Hope all is well! šŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Donna – these sound like a great idea and remind me of a recipe I made out in South Africa – sandwiching chocolate coated biscuits with a chocolate ganache filling and covering the whole – like a chocolate caterpillar … it was delicious – I’ve lost the recipe … and as I don’t often cook for others now – the need has disappeared … the cookery brain doesn’t! My latest post covers both book and culinary attributes …
    My internet is giving me grief – it’ll be sorted soon – cheers Hilary


    1. Hi, Hilary – I’m sorry to hear that your internet is giving you grief. Your chocolate covered ‘caterpillars’ sound amazing. Posts that cover books + culinary are always of interest to me. I’m off to check out yours right now. See you there!


  6. Donna,
    You would post a very tempting and beautifully decorated dessert while I am on the first week of Nutrisystem! My recipes for the next month are simple and come microwave-ready. Nevertheless, we will give these a try as soon as I shed the “spare tire” I accumulated on our last RV trip. Thanks so much for sharing! Joe


  7. Woohoo! A whole Oreo for the crust – inspired! I like the mini idea as well – everything mini is just too cute! Your finished cheesecakes are so adorable! and that is an impressive looking dessert selection …. one of everything for me, please! They are minis, after all!


  8. Much easier than I expected! My only worry is that I’d open the Oreo cookies (which I generally don’t allow myself to buy because I’m convinced they are purposely addictive) and I’d go no further…. šŸ™‚


    1. That’s so funny, Pam. But I do love how you think. If it helps at all, I believe that you can use any kind of cookie bottom. Perhaps use one that is less addictive!
      I just finished Flashes of Life. I absolutely LOVED it!


  9. These mini cheese cakes look so pretty and yummy. Thank you, Donna, for the recipe. Easy recipes and impressive results are the best.

    I had a good mango salad and a really good plate of vermicelli, grilled meat, spring roll and veggies for lunch when I was in Niagara Falls with my sister last week. I took one photo of my lunch plate after I finished the salad šŸ™‚

    Here’s the link:


    1. Hi, Natalie – I love Niagara Falls. Thank you for sharing those photos with us. And that vermicelli with spring roll, grilled meat, peanuts and vegetables looks delicious. I have added your post to the main body of this post. I hope that all is well for you.


  10. Hi Donna – these look delicious – I can definitely see eating more than one! I have not made anything exciting lately. Beef stew in the crock pot last night, which was so nice to think about while it was cooking since I work til 6 on Fridays and dinner was ready to eat when I got home.


    1. Hi, Barb – I absolutely love crockpot cooking. I especially love that I can throw all ingredients in the pot in the morning, ignore it for 8 hours and then have a delicious meal. Although our weather now is perfect crockpot weather I use this method of cooking all year round. šŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I love cheesecake, Donna! I just made some last week but with no toppings. I had company last night and bought a collection of four different kinds of cheesecake. Your recipe is easy to follow.

    Thank you for commenting on Barbara’s blog which brought me to your blog. How exciting for your international career. A friend’s son taught college in China for years. He speaks fluent Chinese. He eventually married a Chinese. When we asked if she spoke English to Micah, she said his Chinese is so good that she ended up speaking Chinese to him. They came back to the US 10 years ago partly because he needed extended back surgery. She speaks fluent English now.

    One Canadian blogging friend just reminded me that today is Thanksgiving day in Canada. Happy Thanksgiving.


    1. Hi, Miriam – It was a pleasure to meet you through Barbara. I greatly appreciate you stopping by.
      Four different kinds of cheesecake for company?! You are an amazing host.
      China was an incredible experience with very fond memories. And as your friend’s son demostrates – it can be a life changer!
      Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes!


      1. They’re small size cheesecakes. I love cheesecakes but have to take bite size. One cake would last for a while week for hubby and me.

        What part of Canada do you live? I’ll try to visit your blog to get a sense of what you enjoy for retirement.

        I retired 12 years ago. I’m writing my third book. I replaced many plants for the hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees in my garden this summer, still have some to do before winter comes.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi, Miriam – It looks like we have lots in common. I am also a retired teacher/administrator. Our youngest son is now a profesor in Hong Kong (Lingnan University). I’m sadly not a gardner or a published author. I greatly admire your success with both! I am now following your blog.


  12. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this recipe, Donna. Your Mini cheesecakes turned out amazing. Fruit is healthy in moderate amounts, and delicious too. Very hand of you to use your food processor over the hand mixer. A food processor is so versatile in the kitchen – so long as it’s a good one, it can mix and blend so many different ingredients. Here in the southern hemisphere, we’re heading into Spring. I like quick, easy to prepare meals anytime of the year šŸ˜€ These days I’m making pizza from scratch in the kitchen. Perfect for any day. Hope you are doing well šŸ™‚


      1. Moderation is indeed key. A while back I thought about writing a pizza post for my blog, so maybe I will share a pizza recipe at some point. Pizzas are quite easy to make, but a really good pizza takes some technique to make šŸ˜„ Have a good weekend, Donna.

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Haha, you made me laugh, Donna when pointing out that those cheesecakes had nutritional components. Luckily, most foods do, and everyone needs a mini cheesecake to cheer them up. Your ones look very yummy, and something Les would love as he needs ample protein at the moment!


    1. Hi, Suzanne – I’m so glad to have made you laugh. These mini cheesecakes do have lots of protein (okay, maybe not lots…but at least some). I would love to drop of a dozen to you and Les. The blogosphere should have a portal for this!


  14. I like the mini-sized cheesecakes! A great way to have your “cheesecake” and eat it too. Not too much decadence in a single serving! Actually, anything that has raspberries associated it has to be good!
    Thanks for sharing the recipe!


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