#peace, Hiking, Link Ups

Where Do You Find Your Inner Peace?

Three years after our last Camino adventure, my husband and I are now booked to hike a section of the Camino de la Isla (Island Walk) on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Although the entire trail is 700 km, we plan to do a smaller (140+ km) segment as follows:

Charlottetown to Mount Stewart, 32 km
Mount Stewart to Saint Peters, 22 km
St. Peters to New Zealand, 23 km
New Zealand to Elmira, 21 km
Elmira to Bothwell, 22 km
Bothwell to Souris, 21 km

This section of the trail has been described as comprising:

Picturesque forests, vast fields, quiet red dirt roads, old bridges, white clapboard churches, floating boardwalks, pristine bays/lakes, singing sands and the meeting of the ocean tides.


After a week-long hike, we will join close friends to tour Cape Breton. Friendship and hiking definitely fuel our inner peace.

I will send updates from this adventure. In the meantime, you can find out more about The Island Walk here.

What fuels your peace? How can you include more of this in your life?

Where in the World are The Travelling Litte Book(s) of Inner Peace?

This past February, I packaged up three copies of The Little Book of Inner Peace (by Ashley Davies Bush) and mailed them to three friends living in three different countries. I requested that they each pass the book along when finished reading. My intention was to begin a ‘Travelling Ripple of Peace.’  Here is where the books have currently surfaced:

Book A has now landed in a gorgeous sunroom in Tumbarumba, Australia. Do you recognize this blogger?

Book B left Scarborough, Ontario and went on vacation in Florida to visit Joanne’s sister, Tina. Tina will shortly return home to Barrie, Ontario. Will her Little Book of Peace remain in Florida or return to Ontario? Stay tuned!

Book C hung out with Sandy and Margaret in Palm Springs and is now with their friend Barbie in Brentwood, California.

I also wrote to the book’s Author (Ashley Davis Bush) to let her know about the travels of her book. Here is what she had to say in reply: “It warms my heart to imagine my book getting passed around the world. 🙂 I wish you a wonderful year of living your WOTY.”


Shout out to Julian Lennon, who recently performed ‘Imagine’ for the first time, even though he had previously vowed that he would never do this. His performance was in support of Ukraine. Below are Julian’s rendering as well as the ‘official video” for his dad’s version. I find both to be very inspirational. I hope that you enjoy them!

Your Thoughts?

How are your intentions for 2022 going? Please join Sue, Debbie, Jo and me and share your thoughts in the comments below or through InLinkz. We’d love to hear from you.

Feature Photo Credit

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100 thoughts on “Where Do You Find Your Inner Peace?”

  1. I’m so excited for your walk this summer, Donna! I know you miss your Camino trips from the past! What a great idea to send inner peace to friends all over! We could all use some. Love the Muir quote and I will be linking a fun fitness (and WOTY) post tomorrow morning 7 am.

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    1. Hi, Terri – I love that John Muir quote as well. A friend of mine recently asked me how I respond when life gets tough. My response: I walk. I often find that a good walk cures so much that ails. Although I also walk when things are good. So in short, walking is my answer to everything! 😀 I greatly look forward to your WOTY post. But I am sad that I need to wait another 14 horus for it!

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      1. Walking is indeed medicine for the soul, Donna! I may not be able to link it into the inlinkz without my computer–I’m subbing art classes at the middle school tomorrow 🙂 The post should come up in your email–I hope you enjoy it!


  2. Sounds like a great plan to walk on PEI. We will be there for a week shortly and while we will do lots of walking we have no plans to follow a specific path. We are birders and aim for suitable habitat for the species we are seeking. After a week on PEI we will be going to Grand Manan Island, NB to spend a week there. Later in the year we may go to Vancouver Island to do some birding, and visit my wife’s sister who lives in Victoria. We’re just not comfortable flying yet, and there seems to be ongoing chaos at many airports.


    1. Hi, David – Thank you so much for dropping by. That is so exciting that you will be in PEI shortly, We will be there soon as well and truly Can. Not. Wait! I greatly look forward to your posts from PEI and from Grand Manan Island. Enjoy!


  3. Yay for sending Peace around the world Donna, isn’t that a lovely response from the author of the book too? Your WOTY is just what we need in today’s world. So happy you will be doing another Camino walk too and look forward to reading all about it. Love your Little Book of Inner Peace project and mentioned it in my post too, under G for Gratitude 🙂 Both versions of Imagine are haunting and I turned them up loud as I sat on the verandah in the morning sunshine having a post-workout cup of tea, so probably destroyed the peaceful morning a tad, thankfully I have no close neighbours to worry about.


    1. Ah, I so would have loved to join you in the morning sunshine on your veranda, having a post-workout cuppa and listening to John and Julian Lennon. Sounds so very peaceful to me!
      I just came back from reading your post. So lovely! Thank you for the shout-out.

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  4. I hope you and Richard have a wonderful time (and walk) on the east coast! Glad to see the Little Book of Inner Peace is reaching more readers. I ended up buying my own copy thanks to you! It’s such a handy little resource. Now I’m off to finish my WOTY post and join the Link party. Thanks, Donna!



    1. Thanks, Deb! I’m delighted that you are going to join the WOTY LinkUp. I greatly look forward to reading your post. I’m sure that you have both fun and wisdom in store for us!
      I’m grateful that the Little Books of Inner Peace have been making their way around the world. I’m off to do a check in to see where they are each headed now. See you at your post soon! 😀

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  5. I think we are all going to join you and Richard on your walk (in spirit at least) and I know I’m looking forward to reading all about your trip. The Little Book of Inner Peace has certainly become a wonderful project, with all three books still travelling the world and bringing a sense of peace and calm to all recipients. Great idea, Donna! xx

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  6. I’ll be looking forward to “walking” with you and Richard, Donna. I know you’ll have a great time. I can’t wait for the photos! I love that TLBOIP has been in so many beautiful hands…nicely done!


    1. Hi, Kate – I’m delighted that all recipients of the Travelling Little Books of Inner Peace have been such great sports and participants– at least so far! 😀 Their positive responses have been incredibly encouraging. It was Janis’s (RetirementallyChallenged) original idea for the followup photo. That was truly brilliant!

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  7. I love that The Little Book(s) of Inner Peace are continuing on their journeys, spreading their inspiring words.

    Your upcoming Camino sounds lovely and I’m looking forward to joining you (virtually that is). A dear friend just saw her daughter off on a solo five- or six-month trek on the Pacific Crest Trail (Mexico/US border to US/Canadian border). That’s a lot of walking 🙂


    1. Hi, Janis – When I first read ‘Wild,’ I desperately wanted to hike The Pacific Crest trail. After I closed the book, and its romantic hold on me began to fade, I realized that I was more of a lodge-to-lodge hiker than a sleep in the middle of the forest kinda gal. Still, I’m very jealous of your friend’s daughter’s upcoming adventure. Please keep me posted!


  8. It’s lovely to see the little book on its travels. One lives, along with others, on my bookshelf, and each has helped me find inner peaces from the years where I was transitioning to my new life (retirement, leaving where we lived & more) and then getting nasty rare cancer. Before Covid, my day’s routine involved getting dressed with purpose, having a coffee somewhere and reflecting via one of those little books using a diary/sketch book. I love that you and your husband can make plans for what fuels you both! Thank you for the link up. Take care, Denyse


    1. Hi, Denyse – I’m delighted that you read The Little Book Series and found them useful. I love pre-Covid you ‘dressed with purpose’ and treated yourself to coffee somewhere with one of those books. That is very inspiring!


  9. Your PEI walk sounds just great Donna! Wishing you & Richard happy trails and an enjoyable visit with friends in Atlantic Canada. That part of our country is breathtaking in many ways, and we thoroughly enjoyed our visit out that way a number of years back. I’m sure you will too. 🙂


    1. Hi, Pat – Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. And thank you so much for sending Richard and I the article about The Island Walk. We discovered this trail through you and are very grateful for that!


  10. I can’t wait to hear about your Camino. Thanks so much for linking Julian Lennon’s Imagine. This is one of my all-time favourite songs – every word, every line, every single part of this is completely perfect.


    1. Hi, Jo – It is such a perfect song, isn’t it? I love every line as well. I was also impressed that Jullian Lennon, who had sworn that he would never sing ‘Imagine’ unless it was ‘the end of the world’, took back those words for a very important reason. (You can read more on that here: https://www.today.com/popculture/music/see-john-lennons-son-julian-lennon-perform-imagine-1st-time-rcna23771). Enjoy your upcoming adventure!

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      1. Yes, both are powerful. I remember the first time I heard John singing the song, I found the lyrics so shocking. Then, slowly I began to understand the truth of his statements.


  11. Looking forward to hearing about your Maritime adventure! My place for inner peace is on my patio, which means I don’t have to travel too far. 😉 Speaking of peace… sure enjoy reading about the travels of that book.


    1. Hi, Laurie – I love that your patio is your go-to place for peace. That means that peace is always within your grasp — at least in Spring and Summer (and Early Autumn). Wishing you much patio time this coming season and much peace!


  12. I love the sound of your walk. My dream is to get back on the water. We bought a trailer yacht last year and have had it in a few times but the weather has been wet, wet, wet. I am a dry weather sailor. I love it when the motor is turned off and all I can hear is the wind in the sails. I also love dropping anchor for the evening and watching the sun set. Also early morning when the world is waking up.


  13. Hi Donna – your hike sounds amazing. I shall definitely be looking out for your travel posts in due course. I also love your idea of spreading ripples of peace around the world via a book. I’m sure the author must be very touched that her book is spreading its message to so many corners of the world. Keep up your good work!


    1. Thanks, Janine – In my last three Caminos I posted daily on my blog from the trail. In most cases, that small piece was much more difficult than the hike itself (wireless is often rare on and around the trails). For this Camino, my current plan is to take a blogging break and post at the end or when I am back. But I will add some pics to FB and IG along the way. Thank you for following!


  14. I can’t believe it is 3 years since your last Camino, but I suppose it has to be! 2020/21 has just turned into this big lump of amorphous time for me. I look forward to reading about PEI – I think I mentioned that we had visited, but only for a short time to satisfy my Green Gables obsession. I could tell it was very much worth revisiting though, and I hope to one day. We also loved Cape Breton.

    Thanks for the Julian Lennon video – I had not heard of this and thought it was beautiful in its simplicity.


    1. Hi, Anabel – I can’t believe that it’s been three years either. Especially, since Richard and I left the Francigena ready and raring for our next Camino to soon follow. Sadly, will will not be in Cavendish on this hike — but I have been there before and loved it.
      I’m delighted that you liked the Julain Lennon video. I agree about the beauty in its simplicity.

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  15. Hi Donna – I have this picture in my head of you and Richard Anne-of-Green-Gable-ing along the paths – sort of a gentle frolicking 😀 Looking forward to seeing it all on the blog as you go (or when you finish). Glad the books are also continuing their peaceful world tours.


  16. Hi Donna, The Island Walk in PEI and Cape Breton in NS are wonderful places. I look forward to following your camino virtually. I find my inner peace when I walk. It’s great to see your little book continues to travel. Thank you for hosting WOTY linkup. I added my link.


    1. HI, Bernadette – That is such a good question about Julian’s vow. I wondered the same thing. I tried to research the answer but mostly found reasons why he decided to now perform this song, as opposed to why he originallly vowed that he would not sing it unless it was “the end of the world”. Here is some background that I found: https://www.today.com/popculture/music/see-john-lennons-son-julian-lennon-perform-imagine-1st-time-rcna23771 .


  17. I look forward to reading about your upcoming hikes this summer. I find my inner peace while gazing on nature– and inside my home when it is all put together just right. Not now, in other words. 🙄

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    1. Hi, Ally – I completely agree about peace found in gazing at nature. I’m sad that your home renovations are taking so much longer than expected. We had begun renovating just before the pandemic hit….you can imagine how that played out! Sending warm wishes for your renovations to go smoothly from here!

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  18. I do love a good walk in the woods! Your trip sounds intriguing. I will watch for your pics. I’ve hiked in Maine but never crossed the border and would love to do that someday. I have a girlfriend trip planned in October to the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. We are planning various day hikes. Looking forward to seeing an Appalachian autumn.


  19. I am so inspired by your walk. I’ve always wanted to do a long walk and still hope to! I’m interested in how you train. Also, if not too personal, how you deal with bathroom issues on the trail. For some reason, I always worry about that.


    1. Hi, Donna – I’m glad that you are inspired to do a long walk. I highly recommend it (there are so many wonderful options). To me, there’s nothing else quite like it. As for bathroom issues, I haven’t found that to be a problem. At least not yet. We have walked The Camino Frances, The Portuguese Way, Via Francigena and Muxia/Finnesterre and usually have found some form of toilets along our way. When no toilet was available when needed, I had no problem using a nearby hidden bush. Richard and I are both very conscious not to leave toilet paper behind so a small plastic bag is handy to have for that purpose. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.


  20. I kept forgetting to wish you and Richard a wonderful, inspiring, and fun hike in PEI in my last emails, Donna. Enjoy being in nature and – afterwards – with friends next month. I just love that traveling book idea. What a perfect way to spread inner peace and good literature! And so awesome that the author replied to your message.


  21. My husband and I traveled to Charlottetown during our 2014 Canadian adventure. We loved it. I am sure walking would be an amazing experience and you will find many hidden treasures.


    1. Thank you so much for stopping by. I am delighted that you were able to have a Canadian adventure. I’ve been to Charlottetown once before and greatly enjoyed it. Cheers to hidden treasures — they make travel so interesting!


    1. Thank you, Kathy. I will definitely post photos along they way. I probably won’t blog until I am back home (although I have said that before and then blogged daily from the trail. I blame Janis for that btw). 😀 You must be leaving soon for your BIG trip. I am super excited for you and can’t wait to hear more as your travels unfold. Wishing you a safe, smooth and spectacular journey!


  22. That sounds wonderful about your hike and tour at Cape Breton! I hope you’ll take lots of photos and I’m looking forward to reading more about it later.
    April has been good here, in terms of my word of the year I’m learning a lot about creating calm and how it connects to creating joy!


  23. Donna, you never cease to inspire me with your posts and adventures. I still recall your posts about hiking local trails, proof that you don’t always have to get on a plane to a destination to partake. The Maritimes are so picturesque you may run out of descriptors! NOT!
    Nature is my happy/peaceful place. Remember the old Nike ads? “Walking isn’t just good for the heart. It’s good for the soul.” And “I believe you can walk away from your problems. I believe the only person worth comparing myself to is me. I believe any dog under 10 lbs isn’t a dog.” I have these posted in my house for inspiration and motivation.
    Speaking of Nature, a bird just fell down the chimney into the wood stove. Yesterday when I went out for the second cup, I looked out the window to see the sun shining off the orange breasts of 6 robins.
    The WOTY is sustain and there are projects to upgrade and maintain the physical property awa my physical and mental health and well-being, always a work in progress.
    By the way, I picked up 2 of Bill Bryson’s books – The Road to Little Dribbling and In a Sunburned Country. I laughed aloud twice and only 24 pages in.

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    1. Hi, Mona – Thank you for this very thoughtful comment. Your comments always make me feel like we are sitting and chatting together in person. “Any dog under 10 lbs isn’t a dog” made me smile. All of the dogs that have ever adopted Richard and I have always been significantly over 10 lbs 😀 I’m delighted that you have recently picked up two of Bill Bryson’s books. I’d love to hear what you thought of them when finished.


  24. I just recently heard about the PEI Camino. That should be fun. I can’t wait to read about it. I may visit PEI in September as well. I have been to many places but have never visited Canada’s east coast. Thanks for Imagine, Julian does a great job of it. And I’ve always loved the video with John and Yoko. xo


  25. Donna,
    I am very envious of your Camino adventure, and can’t wait for you to share it. I have written previously about my place of inner peace–an area in our mountains where I have visited nearly every year for forty years. Sitting beside a roaring mountain stream is so calming. Have a great week! Joe

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  26. I love that you reached out to the author of the book. Looking at it from her perspective, that had to have been a huge thrill. If I had received a message like that, I would have floated for days 🙂 Kudos to you!!

    I too am more than a little envious of your trek to PEI. I’ve only been there once … as a teenager on a high school trip. Walking / hiking / cycling offer a very intimate connection with area – and one’s self – that rushing from place to place by car can never provide. What a wonderful adventure – from an island on the west coast, to an island on the east coast!


    1. Thanks so much, Joanne – Fortunately (or not depending on one’s perspective) social media makes contacting authors, celebrities and others much easier. I believe that Ashley wrote me back (on FB Messenger) only a couple hours after I initially wrote to her. I was very impressed.
      Thank you also for your kind words about our upcoming PEI trip. Three weeks away and I simply can’t wait. I promise to update you with photos (in other words — it will be quite difficult to stop me from doing otherwise). 😀 I hope that all is well for you and that your weather is now cooperating.

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  27. Hi Donna – I always enjoy reading your posts and the comments you receive … they always inspire. The ‘walk’ looks to be great choice – enjoy and then the time with your friends. I’d love to see that part of Canada – unlikely, but who knows.

    Your books around the world … are fun to see where they’ve got to … and then to hear Imagine – always one of my favourites. Just desperate to think of the reason for Julian’s take …

    My inner peace – is I believe now ‘education’ in various forms … I’d have never thought of it in past decades … cheers and enjoy your time together – Hilary


    1. Hi, Hilary – I also wanted to know why Julian made that vow as well. My best guess is it had something to do to John leaving Julian completely out of his will. According to a blog by lawyers Antonelli and Antonelli “Lennon’s will cut out his eldest son Julian, a child from his first marriage. Julian contested the will on the grounds that Yoko Ono had unduly influenced his father into drafting the will. This lead to the classic set-up of child v. seemingly ill-willed step-mother, fighting for a share of the estate.
      It took a while for everything to come together, and after a grueling 16 years of litigation in Surrogate’s Court, Yoko finally settled with Julian for an undisclosed amount. However, rumor has it that the settlement was approximately $25 million—nowhere close to what Julian would have received if John had no will.
      If Julian was able to prove that Yoko unduly influenced John into making the will, then Julian’s share would have increased dramatically. Under New York State intestacy law, Julian would be entitled to about 25% of his father’s estate—about $200 million instead of $25 million. (Yoko would have received only about half the $800 million. And Sean would have received the other 25%.)
      To make matters worse, after the settlement, Yoko began auctioning John’s possessions. This included letters that Julian had written to his father. Julian used his settlement proceeds to purchase these letters back. (https://www.antonelli-legal.com/blog/litigating-john-lennon-estate-antonelli-and-antonelli.cfm)
      Okay, so that was a bit long, but you did just say that “education in various forms” brings you inner peace. Hopefully this counts! 😀


    1. Hi, Marty – Although I am usually a huge believer in keeping promises — I’m also glad that Julian broke this one. Thanks for your kind words about our hike. We are really looking forward to it (still, I currently find myself lazing around eating chocolate — what have I been thinking?) 😀

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  28. Hi Donna, I am thrilled that one of your books made its way to our state. Hopefully, it will make it to the other 49! You must have been elated with that beautiful response from the author. I am happy for you and Richard to resume your walks. I will look forward to your updates.

    The beach near our house is where I find inner peace. Even the worst day can be wiped away after just a few minutes there. Ah….sea air!


    1. Hi, Suzanne – I agree that the beach is a wonderful place to find inner peace. We live walkiing distance to an ocean beach and find ourselves there most days. One of the Little Books of Inner Peace did go to Florida for vacation but then returned to Barrie, Ontario with the current recipient. One of the other copies is currently in California. You never know where they are going to land. I just saw your recent post in my inbox and am off to read it now. See you there!


  29. That is amazing you are hiking a section of the Camino de la Isla. Sounds like you and your husband have got it all planned out. It sounds exciting and hope you enjoy all the scenic sights. Enjoy every moment. That is lovely to see The Little Book of Inner Peace travelling around the world, spreading the word about inner peace. Who knows where the books will be headed next. Hope you are doing well, Donna 🙂


    1. Hi, Mabel – Thank you so much for stopping by. I’ve been delighted by the travels of The Little Books of Inner Peace. And as for our own upcoming travels — I couldn’t be more thrilled. As with most people – it’s been a long time (28 months, not that I’ve been counting)! 😀 I hope that all is well for you!


      1. It sounds like your upcoming hike will make up for all those months not traveling. Looking forward to hearing about it, and many more travels and trips for you soon 😀

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  30. Woohoo Donna! I am so looking forward to vicariously travelling with you on your Camina de la Isla – it looks so very exciting!!!

    I am so taken by your Little Books of Inner Peace project – what a wonderful idea … and they are all on their way to touching hearts and bringing comfort to many who need it!

    Watched/listened to Julian Lennon’s offering – it was very moving. Thank you for sharing it.


  31. Hello Donna! I’m excited for you to walk another Camino. That is one of my bucket list items. I can’t wait to hear all about your experience. Thank you for sharing the update on the traveling books. I love seeing where they’ve been on their journeys around the world.


    1. Thanks, Christie – I’ll keep you posted on our walk. If a Camino is on your Bucket List, I highly, highly recommend it. So many options and tons of ways to individualize to what is best for you!


  32. Hi Donna – your booked hike sounds wonderful. I’m looking forward to seeing pictures! I’m glad, too to get an update on your book-mailing. How fun that The Little Book of Inner Peace is making its rounds! I do recognize your Australian blogger friend (Deb, right?) as I am now following her too 🙂


    1. Thanks, Barb – Yes, that’s Deb from Deb’s World. I greatly appreciate you following and commenting. I know that i will eventually lose track of the little books of peace but it has been wonderful to follow them for as long as I can!

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  33. This was such an uplifting post – seeing the book continue travel and to also see that the Author (Ashley) replied – I bet she never expected something like that to happen to her book – how very cool.
    The Imagine songs were nice and too bad the Ukraine war is still going on…. prayers for their peace during this storm and for it to end and then recovery begin.

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    1. Thanks, Yvette – I greatly appreciate your thoughtful replies. I’m hoping to follow the travels of the Little Books of Peace for as long as possible. If I do lose track of them early, I will move on to Plan B for this project. Stay tuned! 😀

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