What's Been On Your Calendar?

What’s Been On Your Calendar in April? Mom!

At the end of March, Richard and I left for Kelowna (500 km away) to help my mother and stepfather move from their home into a Senior Living Community. Our three weeks there involved physically helping with the move, setting up their new place, selling items for them, deep cleaning, disposing of waste materials, taking… Continue reading What’s Been On Your Calendar in April? Mom!


National Dog Day – August 26

Happy National Dog Day! According to the 'Canadian National Day Calendar,’ the ultimate goal of National Dog Day is for “all dogs to live a happy, safe and abuse-free life." But, what do dogs do for us? According to research – plenty! Scientists have repeatedly concluded that owning a dog can reduce blood pressure in… Continue reading National Dog Day – August 26


On Leaving Fido

  So, you know the carefree, happy-go-lucky, come-and-go-as-you-please image that the word 'retirement' often conjures up? Enter Fido (or Spot, or Fluffy…or in this case, Cody) and that rose-coloured vision is instantly smashed to bits! Living in the land of retirees, we are completely surrounded by snowbirds, and other vacationers, heading off to California, Arizona,… Continue reading On Leaving Fido